Western Kentucky University / S / Rebecca Stobaugh

Rebecca Stobaugh

Rebecca Stobaugh


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Tag Summary:

True/False: 1

Multiple Choice: 4

Matching: 1

Fill in the Blank: 1

Essays: 4

Problem Solving: 4

Mandatory Final: 4

Cumulative Final: 2

Textbook Required: 8

Extra Credit: 7

Attendance Required: 8

9 Total Evaluations

SEC-351 : Secondary Education Teaching Strategies - Posted 12/12/2011

Overall Rating:




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When i say this class is difficult, I don't mean Calculus or Economics difficult, i mean you have to do a whole bunch of work (lesson plan, assignments, etc) and you are expected to be good at it right of the bat. A little bit of extra credit is offered but not much, she literally makes you jump through 1000 hoops if you miss one class, so try not to miss much if any. But she is a really nice person and a great teacher, she will help you develop as a teacher. You will have to work for your grade, but its not impossible.

SEC-351 : Teaching Strategies - Posted 5/13/2011

Overall Rating:




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I learned so much from this class. Dr. Stobaugh is one of the best teachers I ever had at WKU.
Good luck!

SEC-351 : Teaching Strategies - Posted 4/21/2011

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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Okay so you know in high school when you sat in class and thought to yourself (or out loud) "when am I going to need this?" Be prepared to start doing that again. This class is way to overwhelming for what? Teaching you how to teach. Basically the teaching program could be summed up in on 3 credit hour class. But how else would a University drain as much money as possible out of someone. With this said, Dr. Stobaugh is pretty good herself but the work load is overkill and needless. 15 hours of observation and you MUST teach a class.

SEC-351 : Teaching Strategies For Secondary Schools - Posted 5/4/2010

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Stobaugh is the best professor I've had! She is an educator in every sense of the word and will do anything she can to help you become a great teacher. With that in mind, this class is by no means a cake walk, in fact, this is one of the most demanding and time consuming classes i've taken at Western. You have to complete 15 hours of Field Work where you develop a Unit Plan proposal with the teacher you observe in the field. The Unit Plan includes 4 different lessons, and you are required to teach 1 of those lessons to the classroom which you observe. You also have to do two 15-20 minute Peer Teachers where you teach segments of 2 different lessons from your unit plan to the class. For the second peer teach, you have to model a specific teaching strategy of your choice from the book, so your lesson has to be developed accordingly to match that strategy. Developing each lesson plan is a very tedious process because it involves so much more than simply writing out the lesson. You have to make Power Points, Rubrics, Performance Measures, and other little things that go along with each lesson. There are several other assignments in this class, including the Critical Performances to upload to your electronic file, and also, you have to complete a journal for each hour you complete in your field work. Again, this is a very tough class due to the amount of work, but you will really start to develop as a teacher by the end of the semester. I really dreaded this class at the start of the semester because I felt like I knew nothing about how to be a good teacher, but Dr. Stobaugh helps you however she can to identify your strengths and weaknesses and to build and improve upon them. She is very overwhelming and intimidating at first because she's so wild and energetic, but once you get used to her and the pace of the class you can settle down and focus on the work. I dreaded this class at first, but at the end of the semester I loved it and now feel really confident about teaching and progressing through the program. TAKE DR. STOBAUGH! BEST PROFESSOR IN THE DEPARTMENT!

ELED-465 : Elem Ed Senior Project - Posted 12/14/2009

Overall Rating:




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This was Dr. Stobaugh's first year for teaching Block 2. The TWS is pretty much the only thing you do in this class, and she is very helpful. Make sure that you make her aware of you in class because she is more likely to help you with things. She is very kind and means well, but she is tough and her class is pretty difficult. The TWS sucks, but you have to do it and she definitely prepares you well for student teaching.

EDU-250 : Intro To Teaching - Posted 7/6/2008

Overall Rating:




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Ms. Stobaugh was an excellent teacher. She knows how it is in the real world of teaching and that's how she treated us in the class, as if we were getting ready for our first interview with a principal. The class was fairly easy but a lot of work to do. We had three critical performances that were a piece of cake to do because she gave us straightforward instructions on how to do them. Attendance is mandatory because she does take off points from your professionalism grade if you have excessive absences and tardies but coming to her class is worth it because she makes the class fun and interesting. Contributing to discussions is a good idea to do in her class because that also counts toward professionalism points, which she is always encouraging everyone in the class to do. There are 4 tests, 3 of them are multiple choice, one of them is a mock interview that we answer at home and bring the questions in on finals day to discuss. The study guides to these tests, she puts in your syllabus and the test answers comes directly from the study guides. There is also an observation journal due at the end of semester worth 100 points you get the things you need from your off campus class observations at other schools. Make it as organized as you can because she gives a lot of bonus points for how well the journal is organized. and there is a group teaching project she assigns to groups she picks at random where each group is given a section of a chapter and they have to teach the section to the class. This is a lot of work but believe me...all that work is worth it because you will learn a whole lot about teaching if you take Ms. Stobaugh

SEC-351 : Teaching Strategies - Posted 4/24/2008

Overall Rating:




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Okay, at the beginning of the semester I really thought "what have I got myself into" and I began to doubt myself because she was so intimidating and overwhelming. BUT it is all worth it in the end. She is a character but in a good way. Take her, you will learn SO MUCH and she really likes her students.
Things you need to know: BUY the textbooks, be prepared to buy at least 3 binders for this class, be prepared for ALOT of paperwork, she offers plenty of extra credit, turn everything in on time, never miss a class especially if it only meets one day a week, and do all of your observation hours (she will contact them to make sure).
Good Luck!!!

EDU-250 : Intro To Edu - Posted 4/1/2008

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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I learned a lot in this class however it's a ton of work. My roomate had this clas the same time I did and she didn't have near as much work to do as I did. Be prepared to have homework due every class. If time is a factor I recommed you not taking this class.

EDU-250 : Introduction To Education - Posted 1/17/2008

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Stobaugh was a good teacher, but sometimes she can treat you like your in 6th grade. She was very nice and easy to get along with. The class itself was not that hard. Each class period we would look through the book and she would discuss this and that about it. I took it as a night class which was long. The class makes you have 10 hours of observation in a classroom. You also have to complete three critical performances and upload them onto the electronic portfolio, there pretty easy though. There were 4 tests which were also multiple choice worth 50 points a piece, there were easy. The class was easy and Dr. Stobaugh made it interesting, if you want a teacher that is an easy grader and easy to get along with, take Stobaugh.