Western Kentucky University / S / Liz Sturgeon

Liz Sturgeon

Liz Sturgeon


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Multiple Choice: 6

Problem Solving: 1

Mandatory Final: 5

Cumulative Final: 4

Textbook Required: 6

Extra Credit: 1

Attendance Required: 6

6 Total Evaluations

NURS- : Med Surg - Posted 3/3/2011

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:

Not Specified


Not Specified

Western should be ashamed putting this teacher in their to try & teach this course. SHE IS HORRIBLE. Warning to all students, transfer to another school that does a better job and is interested in teaching nursing to students.

NURS-328 : Med. Surg. I - Posted 4/8/2009

Overall Rating:




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She is not as bad as everyone makes her out to be. She basically reads you a chapter from the textbook in class and point out important topics that you should focus your studies on. You have a test every week but they are very straight forward and do-able. All of the clinical instructors for this class seem to be good so you don't have to worry about that. Don't freak out about this class. Study for about 2 hours every week before the test and you will be fine. She is also pretty nice and has a funny sense of humor.

NURS- : Med Surg & Pharm - Posted 4/29/2008

Overall Rating:




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Oh what to say about Mrs. Sturgeon....she is absolutely AWFUL!!! At the beginning of the year it may seem as if she knows what she is talking about but VERY shortly after that you will realize that she has no flippin clue! Ask her a question and you'll see...she'll probably say she doesn't know or tell you an answer that she "thinks" should be right. Which I'm not saying I know everything but when you are teaching a nursing class of all classes you should be able to answer questions your students have...I mean what are you going to do when the Doctor or patient asks you something...."um i dont know, my teacher said this sounded like a pretty good answer"....i dont think so! She is the world's most awful teacher and i would really like to know why in the hell she was even hired...she has no teaching skills and her nursing skills are very questionable...be ready to teach yourself in this class! Not only is she the worst teacher, she also does not believe in being fair and she gets really moody...can we say Retirement!!! I'm not quite sure how i got through either of her classes...sorry kids but she also teaches half the semester in pharm (yet another dumb thing she takes part in)...all i can say is steer clear or suck up to her...it seems she likes everyone in my class that kisses her you know what and then you can get away with whatever you want. she is the devil and i feel sorry for anyone that has to take her in the future...good luck everyone!

NURS-328 : Med. Surg 1 - Posted 7/18/2007

Overall Rating:




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I found this course to be really easy. Mrs. Sturgeon is not the best teacher I have ever had, but she is not nearly as bad as I had heard others say. She teaches from powerpoints and she pretty much tells you everything that is on the tests. For example, I never made below a 94 on a test in her class and I only studied my notes. The most difficult test you will take in her class is on fluid and electrolytes, that is the one thing that Mrs. Sturgeon taught that I had the most trouble with. So, for it, study your notes AND your book, you'll need to!!!
The review questions she will show you are nothing like her tests, so don't freak out! The review questions just get you to think. The tests are straight-forward and what you NEED to know to be a nurse, they are not just useless trivia. Also, don't go into the course thinking it is going to be bad, it's really not!! Make sure you go to clincial every day and pay attention to what you do there, it may show up on a test.

NURS-325 : Health Alterations I - Posted 5/18/2007

Overall Rating:




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Ms. Sturgeon is not at all what an instructor is supposed to be. She does not know how to teach. In nursing, you have to take who ever is teaching the course you need to take -- you have no choice. If you are determined and a hard worker, you will do fine in any course. Self-determination is the key thing if she is your teacher. You might as well not bother listening to her in class. She is unorganized and she can really make you wonder, why is she teaching? What's in it for her?
Overall, I am so sorry if you ever have to have her as an instructor.

NURS-326 : Health Alternations - Med/surg I - Posted 12/22/2006

Overall Rating:




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Med-Surg was not a tough subject but it seemed like so because Ms. Sturgeon does NOT know how to teach. She may have been an alright nurse, not a great one, but she definitely is not a teacher. Her teaching methods aren't effective and she basically likes to hear her self talk. Don't ever think that you can go to her for some kind of help, she will make you feel belittled and half stupid for asking a question, well because duh you should know it already(is how she acts like). she says she has rules, but only follows what she feels like following. she'll say don't be late and the doors will be locked, never happened. the class was still disturbed and she never did anything about it. The woman is unorganized, you'll see if you ever go into her office, the place is a mess -- and she's supposed to have been a nurse. it seemed like to many of my classmates that she is in teaching to get the scholarship money to get her doctorates. She is very unorganized and she doesn't give credit to anybody's hard work. if you ever need help because you don't understand something, just try reading it twice and hope that you get it the second time around because asking her will only confuse you even more and she is vague as can be. It's as if she goes to bed at night happy when no one succeeds. She is not a good teacher at all, I wouldn't even call her that. She's the epitome of desperation for teachers. She pretends to know things but really she's an idiot with a degree.
It's too bad that you don't really have any other options as far as this class because there is only one class per semester and she is the only idiot teaching it. also, don't bother going to the department head to complain, like i said they are so desperate for instructors it doesn't matter if you aren't learning. just remember she doesn't care if you are learning or not, to her so long as she is teaching you should be learning, she doesn't try other ways for her students to learn, she is a selfish fat a#* bi*c# -- just to say the least.