Western Kentucky University / P / Lindsey W. Powell

Lindsey W. Powell

Lindsey W. Powell


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Grade Received


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Quantity of Notes


Tag Summary:

True/False: 1

Multiple Choice: 3

Matching: 1

Fill in the Blank: 7

Essays: 6

Mandatory Final: 7

Cumulative Final: 6

Textbook Required: 5

Attendance Required: 5

7 Total Evaluations

ANTH-120 : Cultural Anthropology - Posted 2/3/2013

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




This class wasn't difficult, but unless you are very interested in anthropology I wouldn't take it. I took it just as an elective, and I did not enjoy it at all. Dr. Powell is a very nice guy, very understanding, and always willing to help you. There are quizzes every Friday and readings to do throughout the week. You have a couple papers to do throughout the semester and a big midterm and final. The class isn't bad, just very boring.

ANTH-120 : Cultural Anthropology - Posted 8/2/2012

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




Powell is a nice man, but I found much of the class material to be uninteresting. He gave a 5-question quiz each week, so you need to study up on the key terms from both books given to you.

ANTH-120 : - Posted 10/25/2011

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

Quantity of Notes:




Do NOT take him!!!! I don't know why these other people gave Dr. Powell a happy face. He is the most boring person I have ever had and he grades really harsh. I am an A student with the occasional B, but in this class I feel like I am working my butt off to just reach a B! He might sound easy at first because you get a midterm and final that are on Blackboard and it's not timed. But you basically have to be an anthropologist to figure out what he is even asking you. During class I would ask him to explain things and all he would do is use even more of an advanced vocabulary than before. He is not a teacher, he is an anthropologist who isn't making enough money so he is "trying" to teach.

ANTH-120 : Introduction To Cultural Anthropology - Posted 5/20/2010

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




Dr. Powell really seems to understand and enjoy what he teaches. He is experienced in his field, but I felt he seemed to still be getting used to the environment at Western Kentucky University since he hasn't been there for very long. However, I feel like I really learned a great deal in the class. It can sometimes be a little tedious if you're not really into it, but there can be some great moments. Overall, as long as you pay attention for the most part and take decent notes you'll be ok. His tests were all online through blackboard. One of the best points of how he taught the class was that he actually taught and graded it as a 100 level class instead of trying to teach and grade it like a 300 or 400 level like some teachers will because he understands that not everyone taking the class is an anthropology major.

ANTH-120 : Intro. To Cultural Anthropology - Posted 5/18/2010

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




Dr. Powell is awesome and he designs this course for his students to succeed. He takes attendance every day, allowing you 1 absence during the semester. If you come to class, pay attention, and take good notes, there really is no way to make anything below an A. He posts the exams on Blackboard which are NOT timed. He gave us a week to complete both of them which was nice because you can open them and work on it for a while, then come back to it later. There is also a 6 page paper due at the end of the semester over any topic in Anthropology of your choice. Take Dr. Powell for this class! You can get an easy A if you make a good effort by attending everyday and paying attention to the material.

ANTH- : Intro To Cultural Anthropology - Posted 4/12/2010

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

Quantity of Notes:




Dr. Powell is an extremely nice man, but there are no powerpoints or outlines of the notes that he gives. He occasionally writes things on the board but gets very confused during his lectures, leaving his students equally confused on what to write down in their notes. Nothing covered in the course is in the book, and what is on the cumulative tests come from the notes. Do not mistake the fact that the tests are online for the fact that they are easy - this is NOT true. Notes are overkill because in order to do well, one must race against time to record almost everything Dr. Powell says, even when its confusing 90% of the time. He is a passionate, kind professor, and the course is somewhat interesting, but it was a struggle to stay awake and on top of it. Overall a difficult experience.

ANTH-120 : Intro To Cultural Anthropology - Posted 9/27/2009

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

Quantity of Notes:




Lindsey Powell , first off, is a man. Just so you aren't surprised. He's a nice guy but does seem to have a bit of trouble finding the word hes looking for. He's new to WKU but has been around the world doing anthropological research. All his tests, including the final are on Blackboard and are open book open note, so if you can take good notes theres no reason you shouldn't get an A in this class. He also has several assignments he posts on Blackboard, and a 6 page paper due at the end of the sememster. I would def recommend Dr. Powell if your intent on taking this class. However I strongly suggest that if your either very religous, or strongly scientific that you not take this class with any teacher. It is a psuedoscience that makes up it own termonology to try and sound scientific, but its all just made up crap, and when you point out a flaw in the "science" it's "debunked" with more made up crap that is believed not by just this teacher but by anthropolpgists everywhere. And as for the religous people, I recommend you not take this class because according to anthropologists all creationist beliefs of the world are myths and the only real one is the anthropological belief. They equate all religions to sorcery, and one of the assignments was to write about sorcerous magic, i.e religous practices, you use in everyday life. Basically you have to belittle your own beliefs. So I would recommend a different World Culture elective if thats the only reason your taking this class.