Western Kentucky University / B / Lindsey Bale

Lindsey Bale

Lindsey Bale


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Essays: 1

Mandatory Final: 1

Extra Credit: 2

Attendance Required: 2

3 Total Evaluations

ENG-100 : Freshman English - Posted 12/12/2004

Overall Rating:




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Ms.Bale is great. You will write three papers for her class... descriptive, arguementative, and research. Their are four inclass writings. You will have a library research project that will stress you out, but shouldn't. She tells you to find different sources on a particular subject, usually a person from history, you will go to the library very confused. I advise you to look for about 30 minutes on your own to find the different sources, but then go to a library worker and let them help you complete the project. It was stressful for me and my classmates but i feel that i learned a great deal from it. I made an eighty-five on this project and was able as were my classmates to correct the errors for more credit.
My advise...
WRITE! Write you're heart out and pick subjects you'll enjoy writing about. Ms. Bale is very flexable with paper topics.
GO TO CLASS! Ms. Bale does not look kindly upon absences, nor should she. She is a student just like us, she's taking time out of her busy schedule to help us learn, we should do the same for her. Also if at the end of the term you are on the borderline of a grade she will be more kind with your grade if you have shown initiative in class.
HAVE YOUR OWN OPINION! I felt that the number one goal that Ms. Bale had for her students was that they develop their own opinions, not their parents' opinions or their friends'. If you believe in something have the proof to back you up.
Bottom line... if you try and you want to do well you will, whether with a B or an A. I highly recommend Ms. Bale.

ENG-100 : - Posted 11/4/2004

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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I feel this class was one of the easiest I took freshman year. Ms. Bale requires a lot of writing in her class, BUT you don't have any tests (only if a cellphone doesn't go off during class) and all you have to do is write. Although I felt I was still in high school, having to turn in "current event" type papers every week, write papers, and do a few research projects, I still enjoyed this class due to the fact there were NO tests...so if you are one for no test taking...take this class...P.S. You need to be able to argue about EVERYTHING...it can change your grade, make your grades, and really get you ahead. You also will learn about MLA style...be aware!

ENG-100 : English 100 - Posted 5/14/2004

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




Ms. Bale will no doubt be one of the easiest instructors you have. Her assignments are not hard, nor time consuming. The problem with this lass, however, is her lack of fairness, or understanding. I will give some examples:
*Ms. Bale once praised a student heavily for how much his paper had improved. I have read the paper, though, and it was a poor compilation of copy/paste from the internet, with no transition. The student told me himself that he did not write any of it.
*Please note that your final grade will not directly effect the grades you earned in the class. I passed my portfolio, only had two absences, and made only one B in the entire class. I had strong setting for an A. I didn't get it, though. If you are one of her pets, however, you might.
*Do not argue with this woman about MLA. She does not know it herself, but will try to teach it to you. At one point, she illustrated some sort of a design, much like a ClipArt border, that I was supposed to use when citing a poem. For research papers I advise you photocopy the source you used as a guideline so that she cannot dock points for your MLA.
*I would also like to point out that in emails she uses words and grammer incorrectly, leading me to speculate at her qualification. I, too, make mistakes. However, I do not teach them to students.