Western Kentucky University / M / Leila Matthews

Leila Matthews

Leila Matthews


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Tag Summary:

True/False: 3

Multiple Choice: 8

Matching: 1

Fill in the Blank: 1

Mandatory Final: 6

Cumulative Final: 3

Textbook Required: 7

Extra Credit: 2

Attendance Required: 6

8 Total Evaluations

MKT-220 : Basic Marketing - Posted 11/30/2010

Overall Rating:




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I was dreading this course and Ms. Matthews made it pretty bearable. She isn't a full-time professor at WKU and so her "real-world" take on things was much appreciated. Some may not care for her sense of humor and straight-forwardness, but I personally liked that she didn't take crap from anybody! The exams were just like the study guide, which we completed together in class. No group projects or presentations! Nice lady! Take her if you can.

MKT-220 : Basics Of Marketing - Posted 5/5/2009

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good teacher. funny and cute. really likes teaching and you can tell she is passionate about marketing. i have already signed up for her other class in the fall.

MKT-220 : Basic Marketing Concept - Posted 4/27/2008

Overall Rating:




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This is definitely an easy class. So easy to get an A that you then will end up learning nothing about marketing at all. Leila is an ok teacher, i think. She just seems way too busy to have time for class. We actually have a lot of days off, take home exams, leaving early and never get our grades back on time. I do hate the group work, it's just a waste of time and not actually help you in anything. The exams are easy, just exactly wording from the textbook, and in my class, 3/4 exams are take home exams, which makes it even easier! The in-class assignments are what she calls an A for effort, so basically, you just turn it in and get perfect score. She is strict about attendance, but like i said, we have a lot of days off, and the class does not last very long, so it's ok. If you want an easy A, take her and show up in every class, if you want something more challenging so i do not recommend her!

MKT-220 : - Posted 1/19/2008

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I liked talking to her as a person, but she is not a good teacher. She just reads the vocab words in the text outloud. When i asked her if she made a powerpoint she kind of laughed in my face. She is not understanding when it comes to family emergencies or other reasons for missing class. She docks a letter grade if u miss more than 2 classes. CRAZY!

MKT- : - Posted 12/2/2007

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I had Leila for MKT 220 and 321. Bad idea. She really doesn't have much business teaching. Her classes are completly random and you never know what to expect from one week to the next. She basically does what she feels like doing and never sticks to the syllabus. She likes to go over 5 or 6 chapters in one night and then test you over all of them the very next week. You also have to do this pain in the butt group project in both classes and it is worth about 300 points and is a HUGE part of your grade, so if you get in a bad group or do something she doesn't like...good luck. Leila also really likes to talk about herself and is very intimidatig. She also has a very strong better-than-you-attitude and no matter how much you suck up, she wont like you. I didn't really learn anything from these classes except how to memorize chapters for the exams, which really isn't going to help me when I go into markteting. Just don't take her.

MKT-321 : Consumer Behavior - Posted 6/27/2007

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

Quantity of Notes:

Not Specified



I disagree with the student that gave a poor evaluation of this professor and class. It sounds as if they are complaining versus giving a real review. I found Matthews to be very responsive and timely with regards to class material and student questions. While she did use her text for lecture I found it very useful because she would point out along the way the pages and subjects that would be considered for course material.
Also, I have been in classes where there is not attendence policy and students would only show up for tests which I think is horrible. Clearly, Matthews has this attendence policy in place because of that.
I would recommend this professor for several reasons: she is open to discussion and likes to know students opinion about marketing issues and you know what material is going to be covered in class and on the test. Very few teachers are willing to be that open and direct with students.
Take her classes. She is a good, fair teacher.

MKT-321 : Consumer Behavior - Posted 5/15/2007

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

Quantity of Notes:

Not Specified


Not Specified

Matthews is perhaps the worst teacher I have even taken. The class is an absolute joke. If you are the type of student that can committ to showing up every class to listen to a teacher read directly from the book then this is the class for you. I happen to like actually learning.
This can be a very easy class. I think she is probably concerned with her reflection seen through the grades of her students so she gives you the actual page numbers in the book that all of the questions are coming from on the test. This doesnt make up for the fact that she seems to have no clue as to what is going on in the class.
Her organization is very lacking. I took a test the week after spring break (a make up test). I didnt recieve the test back until the week before the final. She would post study guides for the test the night before the test. She would give us assignments that we wouldnt even talk about in class.
Her attendence policy is brutal. If you miss three times you lose 10% points. Also, the make up tests will cover material that isnt covered in the study sessions or posted on the website. She favors some students while showing little respect to others.
Overall, the only thing I learned from this class is that diet coke is good, and hard work doesnt always pay off.
I repeat.... if you are able to sit through horrific lectures that are straight out of the book then go for it. If you are looking to actually learn something, take someone else.

MKT-320 : Basic Marketing Concepts - Posted 3/5/2007

Overall Rating:




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First off, be prepared to earn your grade in this class. This is not a class for immature students who want the professor to do everything for them.
Mrs. Matthews was upfront at the beginning of the first day of class when she told everyone to read the book. This is not a new concept. You should read.
I highly enjoyed the class and learned quite a bit. She has a quality about her that makes the class more interesting.
There were two videos that we watched in class and they were very pertient to what we were talking about in class.
The only flaw I had wasn't with her but with the students in the class. There is a mandatory group project and as usual there are those that contribute and those that just show up for the grade. She made everyone stay with their groups just as you would have to stay with a group in a real life situation and make the best of it.
There was a ridiculous amount of extra credit offered with it being worth 2 points on your final grade. Not two points on a test, but on your actual grade.
I heard so many people whine and give her heck because she wouldn't give a study guide. She did give a study guide for the last two tests. On the first it was with the answers to the test, and the second was strictly the questions. This was above what had to be done.
I had to meet with her twice throughout the semester and she was more than accomodating to meet with me and help me with some difficult concepts.
I have found use for quite a few things I learned in her class. I encourage anyone wanting to learn from someone with real life experience to take her but be prepared to earn your grade as you will also have to do from other great professors.