Western Kentucky University / P / Carrie Pritchard

Carrie Pritchard

Carrie Pritchard


Add your Evaluation

Overall Rating


Grade Received


Course Difficulty


Quantity of Notes


Tag Summary:

True/False: 13

Multiple Choice: 28

Matching: 5

Fill in the Blank: 7

Essays: 16

Problem Solving: 6

Mandatory Final: 17

Cumulative Final: 7

Textbook Required: 24

Extra Credit: 12

Attendance Required: 12

30 Total Evaluations

PSY- : Early Adolescence - Posted 1/9/2012

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This is a beyond difficult course. Lots of writing (much of which is not graded), and very tough criteria. Do not take!

PSY-310 : Educational Psychology - Posted 12/11/2009

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I was scared to take her after looking at the reviews, but looking back, I made a great decision. She gives case writings over chapters and grades them generously. She let our class make up two of the tests. The final two tests, including the final were online. And actually, I learned a lot about how to better myself as a teacher and how to respond better to students. Great class. Great professor. Easy A or B.

PSY-421 : Adolescent Psychology - Posted 7/12/2009

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As an upper level course that was also online, expect to work to earn a grade. This is not too difficult if you stay up to date. Each week, read a chapter in the book, three posts on DB with your group and study for the exams. There is a paper done in stages, which if followed, shouldn't be very hard. I got along well with her and spoke with her from time to time. She has had a difficult couple of years with surgery and did have an assistant helping. Like any upper level course, you must approach the work with maturity and be diligent. Overall, the course provided great insight into the middle school psyche.

PSY-421 : Early Adolescent Psychology - Posted 5/12/2009

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This class was much more difficult than it needed to be. I was taking it as an online course, but withdrew. She asked for way too much. We had to do discussion boards 3 times a week that took about 45 minutes at the very leas to complete. I withdrew from the class because while I was taking an exam the computer would not let me complete the exam and she said that I would not be able to retake it until the end of the semester and if the same thing happened again, I would receive a zero on it. I decided that the best thing to do would be drop so I didn't get an "F" in a class. She is crazy and I do not think anyone should take her!!

PSY-421 : Early Adolescence - Posted 11/11/2008

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She is insane. I had a rash on my hand and also I had a phone number written on my hand and she accused me of cheating on a test. She said that the phone number on my hand was some kind of hidden code. She starting packing up my stuff for me and ripped my test up and threw it at me. As well after that I asked if I could speak with her outside as to not disturb the others taking the test and she said no. I got angry and said that this was rediculous and she reached in to her pocket grabbed her cell phone and said she was going to call the cops and if I ever came back she would call the cops. She is psycho and should be fired from WKU. However I took the same class with William Roth and he is great.

PSY-310 : Educational Psychology - Posted 5/8/2008

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The work is very hard, demanding, and time consuming. The tests are very difficult and require a lot of studying. She is very nice and tries to help you out if possible, but still expects you to do a whole bunch of work. If you have to take this class make sure you have a LOT of time to work on it!

PSYCH-310 : Educational Online - Posted 5/4/2008

Overall Rating:



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Do not take this woman, she is unstable and needs counseling. Her class is so hard and so much busy work it is insane. She thinks this class is your ONLY priority, and says she gives "3 hours worth of homework a week"...and she does! DONT TAKE HER, YOU WILL REGRET IT. It got to be so bad this semester, that the head of the department got so many complaints he allowed students tro drop 2 months past drop deadline and recieve all money back for signing up fo this class--that should tell you how bad this teacher really is! Beware! SHE IS ON MEDICATION AND ACTS RANDOMLY, ASKING OG PEOPLE CARE ABOUT HER @ ALL, AND SAYS THINGS THAT MAKE NO SENSE! I CAN NOT STRESS ENOUGH DO NOT TAKE THIS INSANE SLAVE DRIVER!

PSY-310 : - Posted 4/28/2008

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Dr. Pritchard is a great teacher. I really enjoyed her class. She was very helpful and she kept things interesting. I am glad I took her for this class. She really was great. She is NOT as bad as everyone says. I would take her again and recommend her to anyone.

PSYC-310 : Educational - Posted 3/30/2008

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She is a nut, literally. I think she has some problems and needs her own psycoligist. She is a nice lady, but a terrible unreasonable unorganized teacher and a little insane all at once. Somebody told me shes really sick and on a lot of medication, this may be true and it would explain A LOT! Western needs to fire her, I mean i feel sorry for her but when Im paying 500.00 a class I want to get my $$'s work and she is insane and her class is IMPOSSIBLE!

PSY-310 : Educational Psy - Posted 1/15/2008

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After looking at her evalutations I was very nervous to take Dr. Pritchard. Upon entering her class I was very surprised to see a very sweet woman. She does have a different teaching style, but it is easy to adapt too. She will do anything and everything she can to help you. I feel I walked away from her class with a much better understanding of both teaching and education. I would highly recommend her to any student, and I would consider her to be one the better teachers i've had throughout my college career this far.

PSYCH-310 : Educational Psychology - Posted 12/1/2007

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I will try to be as honest as I can. She has the ability to become a good teacher, but she is not. She tells us not to let our students become obsessed with their grades because it will for them to not learn, but yet my entire class is constantly scared about their grades and she does nothing about it. Our papers bleed red with hostile remarks and instructions on how to write the papers are poor. Tests are extremely hard because the information that she gives you does not match up with the tests that she gives. She is constantly going off subject to talk about her children or her pets. She is also very rude with students but thinks she is the best teacher in the psychology department (heard her say that myself). She says that she will help you, but when you go to her she says that "the only person that can help you is yourself". Anyways, if you have the opportunity to take someone else for this class you better do so, if you take her you will honestly regret it.

PSY-310 : Educational Psychology - Posted 5/13/2007

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I thought Dr. Pritchard was a wonderful professor. I liked that she really went in depth and helped us understand the things we studied really well rather than just breezing over a lot of things. I would take her again. Some people thought her exams were hard but my grades were a 94, 94, 93 and 96 so I did okay. She works hard at helping you improve the writing assignments she assigns and if you have her review them then you can boost your grade quite a bit by using her input.

PSY-310 : Educational Psychology - Posted 5/12/2007

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I'll try and keep my cool as I write this...
This was the WORST course I've ever taken in my life, no joke. This woman does not give you a chance on anything. Her comments on assignments are just plain rude and offensive. After a while, I found it hard to be able to sit in her class and listen to her; I despised her that much. Her tests are unreasonable and definate overkill. I went to class everyday except ONE and still managed to make ONLY a D. Her grading is crazy and her attitude is the worst. Dealing with her personally concerning grades and explanation of assignments/comments is like dealing with a brick wall. Do not, under any circumstances, take her class. The whole thing is a joke.

PSY-310 : Educational Psych - Posted 3/29/2007

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Though I had my own problems in dealing with the class, Professor Pritchard did not make things any better. At the beginning of the semester she told us that we could have one of two editions of the required book. Well, turns out that you really need the 10th edition, but she won't tell you. She's very scatter brained, and straight to the point. She becomes distracted easily, especially when talking about her kids. This class made me rethink if I wanted to teach or not, because I hated it so much.

PSYCH-321 : Child Developmental Psych - Posted 1/10/2007

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Would not comply with disability accomodations after she signed the accomodation packet form. Very intimidating when confronted.
Course requirements inconsistent with syllabus. Definitely do not recommend her.

PSYC-321 : Child Psychology - Posted 12/11/2006

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This prof hasn’t been teaching long, but she’s already gotten a whole lot of evaluations, all of them negative. The fact is, Pritchard is the perfect storm of bad professor-ing; she’s inept, mentally unstable, & unfair (or highly biased in the way she views students) all at once. WKU should be congratulated for picking this winner! Thanks so much! I’m glad to know where my tuition money is going.
In many ways, she’s pitiable: a truly tragic case. She complains, WHINES actually, about her child, about being single, about her health (she has some weird ailment that has to be at least partially psychological!); she almost sobs about using morphine (which can only lead one to believe that she’s high in the classroom … maybe that explains her many problems).
She discloses way too much to the class as if she’s throwing a pity party; but she’s so spiteful & resentful it’s hard to have any real sympathy for her. What’s perhaps worst is that she thinks she’s some freewheeling liberal, when in point of fact she’s a bitter, hostile old hag obsessed with a narrow worldview that doesn’t have anything remotely to do with liberalism, but everything to do with trying to cover up her insecurities and her lack of knowledge. Avoid this woman like the plague. She doesn’t deserve to take up space in your life.

PSY-321 : Child Development - Posted 12/6/2006

Overall Rating:



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Dr. Pritchard is a professor that create everything very difficult. Her quiz is way out of question. She created quiz more like a chapter test and on the chapter test there are so many depth questions that take up the whole time. Dr. Pritchard made us to write Toy analysis which that worth equal to the test grade and it took me a LOT of time to write because she require too much information to be included. She has a very strong tongue, she would give a alot of lecture and not allow MUCH involve in hand on experience in class. I benefit a little from her. DO NOT TAKE HER CLASS. She is just a wacko woman who think she's professional and she make everything more complication. Psychology class should be a fun to learn and more pleasure to learn. Psychology is NOT a complication course. I do not think she really KNOW how to teach. If you take her class, BE sure to immerse yourself in the book, notes, and use the webpage on textbook, it is a little help. Her test is awlful! TOO MUCH difficult essay questions came out one question with 3 or 6 questions in it.

PSY-310 : Educational Psychology - Posted 11/6/2006

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If I've learned anything at all from this class it is how NOT to be a teacher. The class is fairly easy and you can come out with a good grade but Dr. Pritchard pretty much believes it's her way or the highway. If you don't believe in something she believes in, or you have a different opinion than her she just thinks you are wrong and lets you know you are wrong. I did not enjoy her class and it got to the point where I just turned in what I needed to turn in and left.

PSYC-310 : Educational Psych - Posted 10/26/2006

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Dr. Pritchard is a crazy lady. She talked about her son a lot, and constantly gets off task. She once spent a lot of our class time talking about how her Daddy would whip her until she cried, and that she had trained her cats to open up the cupboard to get a treat. VERY WEIRD AND MOODY!! If I had to wait an extra semester to take someone else for this class, I would! WKU must of been really desperate when they hired her.

PSY- : Early Adolescent Psych - Posted 5/20/2006

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Well the general trend has been that Dr. Pritchard is absolutely psycho and I cannot explain to you how true that is. I hate to write this about anyone but dear Lord above, I have to save someone from the misery I just went through. She will call you out if you are more than 3 minutes late to her class or lock you out, if you drink water in her class, if you open a cough drop in her class (she will say "oh somebody is eating a little snack"). WOW the list could go on. Any noise bothers her. If you want to go back to kindergarten this might be okay for you. Yes, her son is autistic, which I am not going to knock her down for that uncontrollable fact. Maybe that contributes to her madness, which is sad. As a future teacher, I am absolutely shocked that she is still a professor at Western. No one likes her. Her tests are ridiculous, I cried after the first one because I couldn't finish it. She lied about the class averages to make herself look better. She tried to compliment us but she was condescending at the same time. I spent more time in her class than anyother and I got an 86 in her class while I had 21 hours and it ended up being my only B for the semester, the rest were A's. I try to be a really good student and she knew from day one she was going to knock me down. She said that I didn't follow her directions on the stupid revisions of our tedious final observation paper. But when I asked her to go over my paper she said "Um, yeah I don't think I can do that. If you would've gotten it to me yesterday maybe I could've but now, no. You need to go the writing center if you want help." when she gave no deadline for one last revision on the day before and praised herself the whole semester for saying how wonderful she is about helping us on our papers and she would be there for us until the last minute. I went to her almost a week before the thing was due!). But, she is the kind of vindictive person that remembers shit like that and throws it in your face later. Okay, so I feel better because she was so horrible and I had to get that stuff out. I am almost tempted to leave my e-mail just to tell you all of the tales from her class. Everyday was a new incidence. She has a lot of problems and I can't express to you how important it is to not take her classes. I hate her class and I am a Christian so I don't hate any individuals. But, if I allowed myself to do that I would hate her. I pray she gets some real help. Take heade from my warning please.

PSY-310 : Educational Psychology - Posted 4/19/2006

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SHE IS INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT take this course with her!!! The class started out interesting, but became weirder and weirder as the class became more and more about her son. She constantly contradicts herself about assignments, definitions, requirements, etc. She is extremely condescending. I can think of NO justification for taking this class with her--even if it means an extra semester before graduation, it is worth the wait. Her graduate assistant, Allayna, is also very cocky. DO NOT TAKE ANY CLASS WITH EITHER OF THEM!!!!

PSY-310 : Educational Psychology - Posted 3/30/2006

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At first I could stand her but now as we are getting to the end of the semester, I cant stand this woman! She constantly condtradicts herself and is never wrong! If you ask her a question she will tell you that you need to find the answer on your own or looks at you like you are a complete fool. She always talks about her son which I guess I understand because it has to do with the material but she overdoes it! Her tests are soooo hard and you never feel prepared no matter what. I would not suggest taking this class but if you get stuck with her: Good luck my friend.

PSY-100 : Intro To Psychology - Posted 1/20/2006

Overall Rating:



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Wow! This was the worst professor I have had here at Western. She is rude and doesn't answer questions. The tests are very hard even if you have studied and read over the material and even if you have went to class every day! I would never take her again.

PSY-100 : Intro To Psy - Posted 12/11/2005

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I took this course thinking easy A...I was WRONG. This has to be the worst class I've ever taken in my life. Dr. P talks to you like your 5, refuses to answer your questions, instead she says things like, "I don't have time for that right now" or "That's in your book, sorry." We are in college and she treats everyone like they're in kindergarten. She continually contradicts herself in class and when you ask her to clarify her point then she says "that's not what I said and I don't have time to repeat myself." My favorite thing in class had to be our first test in which she interrupted us every five seconds to correct her mistakes (i.e., there were questions without answer or answers without questions or the same questions asked 6 times.) On the first test 76 people out of 100 made F's. The class average by the end was maybe a D. I managed a B in the class and I have no idea how I got it. This is the worst class ever! I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy! DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS!!!!

PSYCH-100 : Intro Psychology - Posted 12/9/2005

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She is a very hard teacher. She doesn't answer questions students have, she just says that you should look it up on your own time. The tests are killer. They involve so much more than what she gives in the notes. I definately would not recommend her!

PSY-421 : Early Adolescence - Posted 11/17/2005

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pritchard is a PSYCHO! she misses class all the time, and it's pathetic that she gets unqualified substitutes to fill in. pritchard is a worthless teacher who should be fired on the spot so no one else ever has to see her again. WORST PROFESSOR EVER!!!!

PSY-421 : Early Adolescence - Posted 11/17/2005

Overall Rating:



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Thank god that by the time most of us get to upper division courses we have enough background to be able to teach ourselves. Pritchard is the absolute worst professor on this campus. I don't have to know anything about the rest of the professors and I know this is true. All we learned about was her autistic son and that she spent 5 years in bed with some horrible disease. Oh and she's totally desperate to find a man, which she never will because the woman is PSYCHO!!! The book in the class is totally useless, I've never opened mine. She treats everyone like shit, calls you out for everything, and acts like we're all 3. She puts a "course improvement suggestions" board on blackboard, but she can't take any kind of criticism without threatening to take you to the dean. Horrible woman, horrible class. I hope to GOD she gets fired and no one ever has to see her again. But on the off chance that she doesn't get fired, DO NOT TAKE A CLASS WITH HER!!!

PSYCH-100 : Intro To Psychology - Posted 11/10/2005

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Well, I'll put it here simply. She's a bitch that has an autistic son and for about the first 3 weeks of class that's all we learned about. She takes morphine for some disease she has so she shouldn't be teaching, she has subsitutes when she's going to be gone, she takes cell phones, and yells at you like you're a child. If you come in late she calls you out on it, and if you ask a question.. well just don't even ask a question because she'll tell you to look it up. DO NOT take this woman. She's terrible.

PSY-100 : Intro Psy - Posted 11/7/2005

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Pritchard is not the best experience in a class i have ever had....she's pretty rude at most times and rarely will answer your questions telling you to look them up yourself.....she would fit in better as a third grade teacher, since she scorns people that whisper in class, takes away cell phones, and if you get up and leave, she will call you out in front of the entire class....no matter the circumstance....she even has assigned seating...IN COLLEGE!

PSY- : Intro To Psy - Posted 11/1/2005

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She is a "smart" teacher. She tries to explain things, but it doesnt come out very well. you dont read from the book in class. she gives her own notes, and you dont need to know everything that is in the chapter