Western Kentucky University / H / Andrew J. Head

Andrew J. Head

Andrew J. Head


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Tag Summary:

True/False: 2

Multiple Choice: 7

Fill in the Blank: 1

Essays: 2

Problem Solving: 6

Mandatory Final: 7

Textbook Required: 4

Extra Credit: 5

Attendance Required: 2

9 Total Evaluations

FIN-161 : Personal Finance - Posted 12/6/2015

Overall Rating:



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Not Specified

I chose to take personal finance this semester; it's a practical course that SHOULD teach you basic finance. Unfortunately, the professor's head (no pun intended) was off in the clouds somewhere this whole semester. He has decent reviews which is why I went on and signed up for the class, but something was very wrong with him this semester. He cancelled class at least 9 times, no joke. That may sound great to some of you, but it's not in the long-run when you realize you've only had two measly grades on Blackboard for the whole semester and have no clue what to expect.
I think he tries to come off as a cool guy and he's clearly concerned about his reputation. Of the few times we actually did see him, he had the nerve to mention that he hoped we wouldn't go write things like I am now. But I feel like we were all screwed over. I can say that I have learned nothing. I don't know what was going on in his life, but all he ever gave was half-assed apologies, at least in my opinion. He never really told us what the deal was. Sorry for this rant - I could go on forever. I'm just simply disappointed and I've never had such a bizarre experience at WKU.

FIN-445 : Estate Planning - Posted 5/10/2013

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Head does a very good job of making a very dry course (about death) really fun and enjoyable. The class is mostly made up of test and a few quizzes. The quizzes arent difficult at all considering they are take home quizzes and the test questions mostly come from the test quizzes and extra problems at the end of each chapter in the book, which are also online @ money-education.com

FIN-161 : Personal Finance - Posted 3/6/2013

Overall Rating:




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First of all, if you are a junior or senior finance major, I don't recommend taking the class, unless you are taking it for Gen. Ed. I enjoyed it, but most of the material I already knew. I skimmed the chapters for exams and looked over the cheesy "principles" the book gives and got an A on every exam.
If you are not a jr./sr. finance major, TAKE THIS CLASS!! You will learn a lot, and Professor Head is a wonderful teacher with a great personality. You will learn tips on how to buy a car, home, and also how to maintain a budget and a good credit score. There are 3 exams including the final and there are online quizzes and homework. Attendance is mandatory. If you miss more than so many days you start losing points, so go to class. He also invites you to attend lectures outside of class where he talks about estate planning or whatever the class says they want to know more about.

FIN-350 : Risk Mgmt/insurance - Posted 3/6/2013

Overall Rating:




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I recommend that you take Professor Head instead of taking this course online. I've talked to several people who failed the online course and had to retake it as a regular class.
There are weekly quizzes over 1-2 chapters that were covered in the previous class meeting. There is also an auto insurance project. The only reason I got a C is because I did not finish my project! Make sure you start early. The project is not hard, it just takes a lot of time to complete. If there is low attendance on any night he will usually have an "attendance quiz," but it is not a quiz. He just writes down who attended class and gives them extra credit points. Sometimes he will take an attendance quiz after the break if he notices that some students left.
Make sure you study well for the quizzes. Prof. Head loves tricky questions!
Overall, not a hard class! Professor Head is a great teacher!

FIN-445 : Estate Planning - Posted 3/6/2013

Overall Rating:




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In my opinion, Professor Head is the best teacher in the Finance program. He is challenging, but also reasonable. His tests are hard, but all the questions are fair. He loves tricky questions, but if there is a question on an exam that very few people answer correctly, he will revisit it and see what went wrong. If the question is unfair he will throw it out.
Estate Planning is a depressing subject...It deals with planning your financials for after your death. Professor Head takes a lighthearted approach to teaching the material, which makes it more enjoyable to learn. He really breaks down the topics and draws out relationships, so they are easier to understand. I always look forward to attending his class because he has a great personality and always makes me laugh.

FIN-445 : Estate Planning - Posted 6/26/2012

Overall Rating:




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Professor Head is a great guy! He doesn't just teach the material, he makes sure you understand it. Tests are difficult; you must know the material in depth to receive a good grade. There are three tests. The reason I got a B instead of an A in this course is because I didn't study well for the second test and got a 62. There is one quiz, which is really easy. He also gave a small extra credit opportunity. Take Professor Head! Though the subject is boring, there was never a dull moment in his class. I always looked forward to going to class!

FIN-350 : - Posted 12/9/2011

Overall Rating:



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Fun class, cool guy; makes questions tricky on quizzes.

FIN-161 : Personal Finance - Posted 11/12/2011

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Head is probably the best teacher I have had since I have been at WKU. He tells some funny stories that way you are always paying attention. He will actually help you put a budget together for your money. The tests arent hard if you study. You will need a Finance Calculator for this class also. Long as you show up, do your homework and study there is noway you shouldnt come out of the class with a A or B

FIN-161 : Personal Finance - Posted 5/13/2011

Overall Rating:



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He's an okay teacher, but beware his class is super boring. The tests are pretty hard too.