Western Kentucky University / K / George Kontos

George Kontos

George Kontos


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True/False: 3

Multiple Choice: 3

Fill in the Blank: 3

Problem Solving: 1

Mandatory Final: 3

Textbook Required: 3

Attendance Required: 3

3 Total Evaluations

CIS-175 : Intro To Computer Systems - Posted 1/24/2007

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




Just an FYI: Dr. Kontos, as I observed, is one of the most knowledgable professors in his field. He is noted for receiving many awards in his work with online classes and computer skills. He is from Greece and has a funny accent that will keep you entertained. The class was Winter Term so it moved fast, he doesnt rush you when doing computer activities and helps you whenever you need it. The material is self-explanatory and simple if you're familiar with a computer at all! Tests are short and concise with a Quiz over the past information each day (he gives you plenty of time to review before taking them) It's a lot of fun to poke fun with him, overall...a great guy!

CS-145 : Intro To Computing - Posted 12/16/2004

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




The biggest thing to remember about this class is that if you are trying to abbreviate Graphical User Interface and you say G.U.I. instead of gooey Dr. Kontos will laugh at you. Although this professor is easy, he's crazy! I don't really know how to describe his nutiness to you but he has something stuck so far up his ass that if you have your computer monitor on while he is in the classroom he'll jump down your throat. There are no notes that you need to take. He gives about 10 quizzes throughout the course of the semester with each one being over one chapter and they are only 10 questions a piece. There is a midterm over the first few chapters and then a final over the remaining ones. I never took notes in the class because he told you exactly what pages the material on the quiz would be on. He even spends about 10 minutes reviewing what's going to be on the quiz right before you take it. Needless to say I never studied and I got a 100 on every quiz. The best thing to do is just sit in class and zone out for 50 minutes until it's over. If attendance wasn't mandatory I never would've gone to the class. I ended up just bringing a book to read while he stumbled over simplistic terms and droned on for a class period. The only thing that will prevent you from getting an A in this class is not showing up and not studying the few pages out of the book that the quizzes are over. I walked in and took the final without cracking the book. I think I missed one.

INS-270 : Electronic Speadsheets - Posted 5/5/2004

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




Mr. Kontos is not a good teacher. If you took his book away from him, he would be completely lost. When you ask for help, he says to look in your textbook. If the answer isn't in your textbook, he will keep telling you it is no matter how many times you look. I like my teachers to have more knowledge than I do on the subject they are supposed to be teaching. I learned nothing in his class because everything he said was a waste of breath.