Western Kentucky University / B / Marty Bink


Overall Rating


Grade Received


Course Difficulty


Quantity of Notes


Tag Summary:

True/False: 7

Multiple Choice: 13

Matching: 1

Fill in the Blank: 2

Essays: 3

Problem Solving: 2

Mandatory Final: 9

Cumulative Final: 4

Textbook Required: 11

Extra Credit: 7

Attendance Required: 8

15 Total Evaluations

PSY-100 : Honor Intro To Psy - Posted 6/15/2006

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




DO NOT TAKE HIM. Seriously. Here's how the class was set up: you read the whole chapter and take a test on blackboard. Then, you go to class and listen to him lecture on the same chapter, but what he says is totally different than the book. You still have to take notes, even though there is no purpose b/c you've already taken the test! That was frustrating enough. There are lots of group projects, but those really aren't bad. But at the end of the semester, he gives you THE PAPER! A horrible paper. I went to the The Learning Center, b/c I couldn't figure out what he wanted and nobody else in the class could either. Neither could the TLC people. Or the people in the Writing Center, after I had writen it. He treats this 100 level class like a graduate class and most of us were freshman. My roommate took Psy 100 with Patty Randolf (?) at the same time and got a lot more out of it. I would say take Patty and forget Bink!

PSY-210 : Experimental Psy - Posted 5/23/2006

Overall Rating:




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I hated this class! Bink tends to come off as arrogant and I often left his office feeling about a foot tall. BUT I've heard the other teachers that taught this course were MUCH worse. At least in Bink's class we have NO TESTS but quizzes we took on Blackboard about once a week. We could retake them as many times to get a perfect score. Our final was our final project paper that we'd been building up to through out the semester. The best way to do well in this class is to stay on top of things and do not get behind. If you do not understand something, then talk to him or others in class that get it.

PSY-201 : Statistics/psy - Posted 5/23/2006

Overall Rating:




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I hated this class! Bink tends to come off as arrogant and I often left his office feeling about a foot tall. BUT I've heard the other teachers that taught this course were MUCH worse. At least in Bink's class we have NO TESTS but quizzes we took on Blackboard about once a week. We could retake them as many times to get a perfect score. Our final was our final project paper that we'd been building up to through out the semester. The best way to do well in this class is to stay on top of things and do not get behind. If you do not understand something, then talk to him or others in class that get it.

PSY-100 : Intro Psy Hon - Posted 1/11/2006

Overall Rating:




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This class was really easy. Weekly online quizzes which can be retaken until wanted grade. A few small papers and one final paper. No exams at all! He's kind of boring, but it was worth the A! So pretty much just go to class and do the assingments on time and you'll be ok.

PSY-100 : Intro To Psychology - Posted 9/9/2005

Overall Rating:




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Bink is probably the worst teacher I've ever had. I went to class everyday and actually applied myself but it didn't really matter. Bink gives LOTS of notes that are way too difficult for anyone to understand. He rambles on and on in class about things that are way over your head, and if you DARE to ask him a question he makes you feel like an idiot and doesn't even help you. Me and some of the people in my class decided to make a study group for his tests. We studied the book, notes, cd-rom and even made flash cards to try and pull our grade up and after hours of studying the material.........no one in the group made higher than a C on the test. We tried to talk to him about why we couldn't understand the material and ask if there was something else we could do to raise our grades....but what do you know, all we got was a SMART ass answer! I suggest that you NEVER take this man as a teacher. He doesn't care about his students and as far as I am concerned he gets joy out of watching the suffer through his horrible and boring class. Stay away from Binky unless you want your GPA to be ruined!

PSY-405 : Cognitive Psychology - Posted 5/30/2005

Overall Rating:




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I don't know why people are giving Dr. Bink such bad reviews. I loved his Cognitive Psych class. There were a lot of notes involved, but we're in college, you have to expect that. And he does care about his students, but you have to be willing to stand up and go to him for help. If you do that, he will do anything he can to help you. He is really fun to sit and talk with and he's very intelligent and patient. Exams are conducted online and you can take them as often as you want to before the deadline. It really helps because you aren't constrained by time. There are 2 papers which may sound intimidating at first, but they aren't as bad as you might imagine. I wrote my first paper and at the end of it, I still didn't know what i was talking about, but I got an A on it. So don't stress out if it sounds difficult. And don't be afraid to go to his office and ask for help, he is always willing. I'd reccommend Dr. Bink to anyone.

PSY- : 201/210 - Posted 5/14/2005

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

Quantity of Notes:




If there were a rating between poor and okay I'd choose that. He's a decent professor as far as teaching the material goes. It's his arrogant personality that makes him a poor teacher overall. It pains him to help students. During class, it isn't so bad because he is somewhat willing to help or answer questions, but as soon as class is over, he runs to his office, and if you go ask him a question there, he can be an ass. Often he leaves class before the designated time is up, even when students are clearly struggling with an assignment. I would sum him up as cold and arrogant. I did learn a lot though, so it wasn't all bad. The class will take up a lot of your time and can be really stressful, but that's just the nature of the course, not Bink's fault. I'd recommend someone else for the course though (just not Bruni).

PSY- : Cognitive Psychology - Posted 1/12/2005

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Bink is by far the worst psychology teacher i have had in my four years at western. There is an overkill of notes. The tests are outrageous and sometimes have no basis in what was discussed in class. He seems to not really care about his students and don't bother to ask questions in his class because he won't help you with an answer that is understandable. DO NOT TAKE THIS TEACHER!!!

PSY- : Introduction To Psychology - Posted 12/26/2004

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Bink will always hold a special place in my heart as the BIGGEST DOUCHEBAG OF ALL TIME. If you enjoy staring at fifty plain powerpoints per class period, listening to monotone droning and taking tests over material that is impossible to memorize, have a great time. I'm sure Dr. Bink is a good teacher if you are a graduate student, but for a 100 level class it is way too hard. No gen ed class should ever be this difficult.

PSY-100 : Intro To Psychology - Posted 12/17/2004

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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First of all, I am going to say that I applied myself in this class. I am not a slacker; was a 3.9 GPA student in High School. I attended every session of this class, studied notes, the textbook, the cd rom, and still didnt understand anything that was covered on the tests. This guy does not care about his students, he doesnt give any kind of review of worth and will not grade on curve, no matter how horrible the class average is. Plus, there is a quiz every day for attendence (which doesnt amount to anything when it comes to your grade) and a homework assignment. I do not reccommend anyone take this guy!

PSY- : Hon: Intro To Psychology - Posted 12/14/2004

Overall Rating:




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This class should not have been hard, but the professor was not helpful at all. He is vague in his directions and hard to understand. He says "now again" and other random phrases all the time, especially when they don't make sense in the context. These kind of things make him very difficult to follow, which is a problem since most of the class centered on his lectures. I would recommend a different professor for this class if at all possible!

PSY-100 : Intro Psychology - Posted 12/14/2004

Overall Rating:




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This class was the worst class I have ever taken. Bink is a horrible teacher that does not care about his students or their grade. You have a quiz EVERY day and most of the days there is homework due as well. His notes are ridiculously hard to understand because he uses vocabulary that is way above your head. Also, his lectures in class aren't helpful because he basically rambles on about things you have never heard of. Also, the tests have absolutely nothing to do with anything discussed in class or in the notes. I really did apply myself in this class and tried to talk to Bink about my grade, but all I got was a smart ass answer anytime I talked to him. If you want to actually pass this class then don't take Bink. YOU WILL REGRET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PSY- : Psy 100 - Posted 12/1/2004

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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I have never had a teacher so terrible. He doesn't teach, you learn everything on your own. You take a quiz every single day and turn in homework every single day. The tests are ridiculous, class averages were insanely low and he still did NOT curve the grades. Huge arrogant ass.

PSY- : Intro. Psy 100 - Posted 11/2/2004

Overall Rating:




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For a Psy 100 class, this guy makes it rediculous. He gives few/none notes of value. He has an attendance policy with a short quiz on a daily basis, which really counts for hardly anthing towards the final grade. His test questions can be found nowhere in the notes and are extremely confusing. He gives you no guidance at all for test information to study from, along with the fact that textbook, study guide and cd-rom are required. You are also required to participate in two research studies. Which aren't bad but I fail to see the relevance for makign these a requirement in an intro psy class. If you are unfortunate enough to get Binky. I wish you the best of luck!!

PSY-100 : Hon. Intro To Psychology - Posted 10/11/2004

Overall Rating:




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I definitely do not recommend anyone take this guy. An honors class of <20 students had a low C average after the first exam... in a 100 level course! He is exeedingly fond of his extravagant psychological vocabulary and aparently enjoys confusing students. You can ask him a question in class about clarifying what he just said and he simply repeats himself in a more complex barrage of synonyms. Added to that are the research requirements which i have to admit aren't bad; I just don't see their place in an intro course. At any rate if you value your GPA or in any way look to explore the field of psychology don't even consider Binky.