Western Kentucky University / K / Jonathan Kesler

Jonathan Kesler

Jonathan Kesler


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Grade Received


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Quantity of Notes


Tag Summary:

True/False: 4

Multiple Choice: 4

Matching: 1

Fill in the Blank: 2

Essays: 4

Mandatory Final: 3

Textbook Required: 4

Extra Credit: 2

Attendance Required: 3

4 Total Evaluations

HIST- : World Civ After 1648 - Posted 12/18/2004

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




Mr. Kesler was the only instructor this semester that I thought cared if I learned the material. His first test was, I thought, extremely hard, but I now think that was to weed out the non-hackers and he gave us a grade curve so it wasn't really that bad. If you were able to handle the first test then the others were pretty much a breeze. He assigned two book reviews that were quite tedious, which is why I gave the OK rating overall, but if you don't mind doing a little work you can get an A. If you MUST take notes by hand it will be tougher, but if you are able to highlight the book and keep revision material straight it will be much easier. If you want to learn, then take Mr. Kesler's class, if not, go home, because I'm sure the classes get much harder.

HIST-119 : Western Civilization Before 1648 - Posted 7/27/2004

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

Quantity of Notes:

Not Specified



Be prepared to be read to. Kesler's teaching consists of reading random sentences straight from the book to summarize great historical events and people. His teaching style is almost entertaining with the exception of his endlessly dry lectures and ridiculus grading. It is nearly impossible to live up to someone's grading rubric when it is never defined, and he has no idea what he wants. Be prepared to have your grade backed by no standards except, "...I just had a feeling." I didn't get his mastered wealth of knowledge, I left with a wealth of frustration.

HIST- : Western Civ - Posted 3/1/2004

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

Quantity of Notes:




Kesler is a first year teacher at Western, and he isn't sure what he wants. We did a book report and he never specified what he wanted on the report. When the grades were received it came out that he still didn't know what he wanted. When asked why people received the grades they did, he couldn't tell us why we received those grades. All the marks on my paper I asked why I had those marks he couldn't tell me. Also I had a sentence that said- In his simplistic style of writing- and I went on some more. He circled the word simplistic, and said that it didnt flow, he informed me that -In his simple style- would have been better. Simple sounds elementary. The class is hard because you dont know what is wanted. Kesler is a nice guy, but that doesnt always make a good teacher. I would not recommend this class to anyone, at least under this teacher.

HIST-119 : Western Civilization Before 1648 - Posted 3/1/2004

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

Quantity of Notes:



Not Specified

Professor Kesler has no set standard on his grading of essays or book reports/reviews (he doesn't seem to know the difference). He can nor will ever justify a grade because he simply gets a feeling. The essays on the tests are a LARGE part of the overall grade which he will just get a feeling on when he decides what you deserve.