Western Kentucky University / G / Ann Goetting

Ann Goetting

Ann Goetting


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Essays: 3

Mandatory Final: 1

Textbook Required: 2

Extra Credit: 1

Attendance Required: 1

3 Total Evaluations

SOCL-466 : Gender, Family, Society - Posted 3/23/2009

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The course is easy; however, she makes it difficult, and very difficult just being who she is. If you are male, and or black; I wouldn't recommend that you take this class. She is a feminist against men, and somewhat of a racist in terms of the research she looks up about African Americans, and then in turn uses quotes in class, but says them in a way as to where it will offend you, and you want to go off on her ass!
When speaking during discussions in class; dont get on her bad side, and go against any of thoughts, because she won't respect you anymore.
Her test are easy just like the class, but are made difficult in the way in which she grades them. You only have 3 test, which make up the 300 points possible; all test are essay based off the books, and lectures ... 5 questions for each. However she doesn't grade each test based off your merit, but rather she grades each test off how the other person answered his questions. Meaning you could have answered what the question called for, but if you didn't do as good as the other person did, then you got a lesser score, or if that, because she's good on given 0's just for the hell of it.
The lady is OLD, and SICKLY I thnk. Western needs to go ahead and make her retire, because she isn't liked by half the student body, who had taken her classes. It's a shame when faculty know of her in a negative way, thru the many students who have tlkd bad about her.
If your a senior like I am, and need this class to graduate; choose wisely please?!

SOCL- : Sociology Of Gender - Posted 4/9/2005

Overall Rating:




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First of all don't take Dr. Getting if you can't agree with her eco-feminist stand because all of the information comes from that view point.I worked really hard in this class and barely missed class,asked questionsetc and still got a B. The essays are hard and she doesn't just wwant you to understand the idea but to say it in the same way she would say it.She grades very hard. This is an ellective course,avoid it if you can.

SOCL-355 : Sociology Of Gender - Posted 12/9/2003

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

Quantity of Notes:




Oh my, where do I start with this professor. Umm I can start out by saying DON'T take her.!!!! She is horrible, oh my god you think you know all the info for the test, you write your wrist almost off, then you get your test back and it has a 30% on it. You never know what she wants, if you miss one simple word (like I did) the word happened to be sexualize, and I didn't recieve any points for my paragraph that was right, I just didn't have that one word in it. Oh and she is a FEMINIST, I mean I don't disagree with some of what she says, but she is hard core. But if you aren't feminist you are basically screwed. Her class is super hard for no reason. I mean I've never heard a good thing about her, too bad it was after I signed up for this class. Anyway DON'T take her. It is totally not worth it. Your grades will suffer BIG TIME!!! SO DON'T TAKE HER!!!!