Western Kentucky University / M / Patricia Minter

Patricia Minter

Patricia Minter


Add your Evaluation

Overall Rating


Grade Received


Course Difficulty


Quantity of Notes


Tag Summary:

True/False: 1

Multiple Choice: 1

Fill in the Blank: 3

Essays: 34

Mandatory Final: 31

Cumulative Final: 7

Textbook Required: 26

Extra Credit: 8

Attendance Required: 24

44 Total Evaluations

HIST-102 : History 102 - Posted 5/12/2016

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HIST-102 : History 102 - Posted 12/30/2014

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AVOID, DROP, OR LIVE IN MISERY FOREVER. There is nothing you can gain from this class, that you couldn't get from a bat imbedded with nails pounding ur head. What an arrogant, rude, inconsiderate, hateful, mean, absolutely joyless old tart. Passing the class was easy if you read and understand the material, getting an A is nearly impossible.

HIST-498 : Senior Seminar - Posted 12/8/2013

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Dr. Minter is the most heinous, conceited, awful, arrogant, ridiculous professor I have ever had the grave misfortune of having in class. She has NO empathy and is not even capable of a conversation with a human being because she absolutely, 100% convinced she is always correct regardless of the topic. If you disagree even a little with her Liberal political leanings, you will fail. She called me an "extreme right-wing Conservative" in class in front of 19 other students just to embarrass me. She shouldn't be teaching anyone. I cannot imagine how many other students she has degraded and mortified in her "20+ years of teaching" she so loves to brag about every week.

HIST-120 : Hon: Western Civ Since 1648 - Posted 5/2/2013

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Dr. Minter is a challenging professor, to say the least. However, she is among the most knowledgeable professors I have had the privilege of knowing at WKU. Yes, she can have bit of an arrogant, presumptive personality, but honestly, if you can get past that (which you should if you're there for the right reasons), you will discover that Dr. Minter is an extremely intelligent person. You will take lots of notes, write several papers, and have essay exams, but Dr. Minter adequately challenges her students to critically analyze history. If you want a real history course, take Dr. Minter.

HIST-141 : Us History Since 1865 - Posted 8/15/2010

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A lot says she is hard, but I think that's because most are lazy. She dose have a lot of papers for you to write and she might come of a bit mean, but she is a WONDERFUL TEACHER. I, myself do not like to write but she made me love writing and history. I'm a chem major and after her class I was ready to switch majors to history. All you have to do is go to class, pay attention, GO TO OFFICE HOURS JUST SO SHE CAN REVIEW YOUR PAPERS, and express how you really feel it's an easy class. Once I started putting on paper how I really felt, my grade improved. I most defiantly advise you to take minter for this course and ignore what everyone says.

HIST-445 : American Legal History To 1865 - Posted 12/21/2009

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This course is taken by lots of the pre-law students on campus more than history majors but it is still a good class for both fields. I had wished it was more of a TR than a MWF class because we could have been less spread out but it was still an interesting class that covered lots of American legal issues until 1865.
Your grade in the class is based on several assignments. You have a 15-20 page term paper that is worth 20%, three reaction essays to books you have to read over various topics worth 10%, regular participation/attendance is 10%, and three exams (including the final) that are 20% each. However, if you go to class every day and study your notes these exams are not very difficult and the two exams before the finals are 2 essays and the final exam is 3 essays (one of which has a take home component).
There was one extra credit opportunity available during the semester if you attended a death penalty discussion that took place on campus. I went and found it to be very enjoyable.
You will want to stay on top of the primary source readings in this class because they are assigned each day in class. This isn't too much reading, only about 5-10 pages worth, but you have discussions and you need to participate for your grade. You have some interesting discussions in this class so that keeps things interesting.
Overall, good class and recommended for pre-law students. I felt that it prepared me well for law school.

HIST-120 : Honors Western Civ - Posted 4/8/2009

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She is obsessed with France! I didnt realize while I was taking the course, but I have friends who are taking the class and they actually learn about everything. What a concept! We basically ignored all other countries except France, Britain and Germany. Please don't take this class. You have to do a ton of reading and write a paper every week!

HIST- : Various - Posted 11/14/2008

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Dr. Minter's courses are extremely challenging, but these classes have by far been the ones that have benefited me the most. She challenges you to think critically and to work very hard, but she is very intelligent and knows what she is talking about. She is also very willing to help her students that show that they are interested and that work hard.

HIST- : Western Civ, After 16-whatever - Posted 2/7/2008

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This class really taught me a lot. Dr. Minter is very informative. She really knows her topic. There is a lot of work involved, but it is worth it.

HIST- : Honors Seminar - Posted 1/22/2008

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Let me just say this: I-love-Dr.-Minter. She is my muse; my inspiracion; my joie de vie; and my egalite-fraternite-and liberte--all rolled up in one. Long ago, I only believed that I would be a humble night manager at Best Buy on Campbellsville Road. C'est ne pas le meme chose today. Today, I aspire to be like Dr. Minter: Smart, professional, courteous and with a jouissance de pedagogy. I wish to be a professeur de l'histoire like my dear Dr. Minter. Thank you, seniorita, thank you.
Good luck on your exams, mes amies. I love you all. Have a hot brown on me and kiss your girlfriend or your mother (or since this is Kentucky, perhaps they are the same) for me. Just kidding, mes amies. I love you all. Bon soire. Je t'aime.

HIST-498 : Senior Seminar - Posted 12/14/2007

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Well, this was my capstone experience in history and it was an enjoyable experience especially compared to the horror stories told to me about Dr. Plummer's senior seminar course. Believe me, the evaluations posted by people in her class are not lieing. I pray that anyone taking senior seminar at WKU in the spring of 2008 is taking Dr. Minter because her class is less stressful than Dr. Plummer's although there is still a good amount of reading and work involved.
Dr. Minter makes this class about the development of human rights from 1215 to present day. You focus on conceptions of human rights in Europe and the world before looking at the quest for civil rights in the United States from Reconstruction to present day. I wasn't excited at first about the topic but as we started discussing it in class and did several readings, it became very interesting.
The focus of this class is your senior research paper which comprises 70% of your course grade. You receive 3% for your topic statement, 3% for your thesis statement, and 4% for your annotated bibliography (and you need to have a LOT of primary sources for that). Another 10% is for your rough draft due around midterm week and then 40% is for your final draft. You also have to do a 8-15 minute presentation of your paper prior to finals week to the class which is worth another 10%.
Your research paper has to be concerned with human rights/civil rights/civil liberties and word to the wise: if your taking Dr. Minter next semester COME UP WITH A RESEARCH PAPER IDEA RIGHT NOW! She will ask you to meet her the second week of class to tell her what topic your researching and you have to submit your topic statement the following week. Therefore, use the five week winter break to develop ideas and use Topcat to see what the library has on your topic and if it is viable. Doing this will make your life a lot easier.
Also, for the paper try to work on it each week. I spent 40-50 hours on my research paper (about 3 1/2 hours a week) and got a very good grade because of it. Give yourself ample time to research, write your annotated bibliography, outline your paper, and complete your rough draft in stages. If you try to rush she will notice your sloppy work and your grade will be harshly punished. Furthermore, DO NOT PLAGARIZE. Dr. Minter is going to submit your papers onto "turnitin.com" like Dr. Plummer and if you are found to be taking things from Wikipedia or the Internet you will be kicked out of the class and disciplinary action will be taken. Believe me, I saw it happen to several people during this semester (although not specific to our class) so be careful! Cite everything if you think you may have plagarized to cover yourself.
However, Dr. Minter is helpful in helping you research and is willing to conference with you on paper topics, thesis statement direction, and other items. She also takes you to the library during the second class meeting so a library person can show you how to find things on Topcat and in the library. Also, you visit the Kentucky Library so they can show you what they have.
For this course you also have a decent amount of reading to do every week. You have 3 books you need to read for the course but the reading assignments early are not that bad and are usually accompanied by a short primary source document. READ THE SOURCES because 20% of your class grade is participation. Every night, like an English course, you sit in a circle and share ideas about the topic matter. There were several people in our class that never said a word the entire semester and I'm sure their participation grade suffered. Try to say 2-3 decent things a night about the readings and you'll be okay.
It's also helpful during class discussions to take notes because the final exam is another 10% of your grade and you need to recall all of the past readings during the semester for it. Therefore, keep a folder with all the primary source documents and take notes each night of what points get brought up because it can be a valuable study tool around finals time. Also, your going to have to do a primary source analysis of two documents on the final that relate to the topic so be prepared for that.
Overall, I really enjoyed this course. Doing the research paper was a lot of work but Dr. Minter was always there being helpful and my hard work was rewarded in the end. This class will be a breeze for you IF YOU STAY ON TOP OF THE WORK. Do not write your rough draft or annotated bibliography (which has to be in Chicago Style) at the last minute. If you keep a schedule together and stick to that work schedule you'll make it through this class easy, trust me.

HIST-120 : Honors Western Civ - Posted 1/17/2007

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This class was interesting because dates and battles weren't emphasized so much as concepts and thought processes of the era under study. However, this class was very difficult. There was a lot of reading involved: we had to read primary documents from a book of documents. This was our "textbook." We then had to write journals about what we read. Some weeks we had to read 80-100 pages. It's a challenging but interesting class. If you've got a tough load already, I wouldn't advise it.

HIST-241 : - Posted 5/29/2006

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This can be a very challenging course. If you miss more than 3 days you will have points taken off your grade. There is a whole lot of reading, and even mandatory screenings of movies of her choice. There are many quizzes on these so you have to go. There are 3 very in depth papers that will take time. The test are all blue book that take quite a bit of studying. If you have good work ethic from start to finish this class should not be a problem. You will be challenged and will learn alot in this class.

HIST- : History - Posted 5/3/2006

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I love history. I love history more than Big Red. Ok, maybe not as much as Big Red, or, as I like to call him, Grand Rouge. But still, I love history (l'histoire). And Prof. Minter is cool (sorry, don't know the French for cool). Smart, talented, professional and full of joie de vie. (That's French for the "joy of life.").
An excellent raconteur (that's French for conversationalist, by the way), and an adroit (that has French roots, meaning "skillful") thinker.
Her command of the law is most terrifique (meaning "terrific" in, well, you know). C'est bon! (This means "it's good"). Au revoir, mes amis! (this seems, "so long suckers").

HIST-241 : U.s. Hist - Posted 4/21/2006

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She is an ok professor. She talks really fast and it is sometimes hard to keep up with the notes because she doesnt really write down what she says. she just stands up and talks the whole time. but, the tests are pretty easy for essay exams and the papers are too. the real thing that bugged me was the two hour movies that are required to be seen outside of class.

HIST- : American - Posted 4/9/2006

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Boo-yah! Dr. Minter is cool! She is smart, funny, and COOL! Yeah, cool! Like Vanilla Ice! Seriously, though, she knows her stuff! She is an amazing lawyer and professor! I'm so glad I have a prof who has a law degree and knows her stuff! You've got to take her class! It's aaah-sum.....

HIST-241 : Us Since 1865 - Posted 1/25/2006

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She sometimes talks fast and it can be hard to keep up with notes, you need some ability to choose what's important. Her pet subject is social inequality, particularly with women's rights. I thought some important subjects were glossed over to spend more time on her favorites. We only spent a day discussing the causes and events of WWI. I don't remember North Korea being mentioned at all. For the two exams in the class, the information amount seemed lopsided. The first covered 1865-1900. The second covered 1900-1970. The reading seemed a bit excessive but the three short papers for the course were pretty easy. Having to watch a number of two hour films outside of class time really annoyed me.

HIST-120 : Honors Western Civ After 16whatever - Posted 12/24/2005

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this class is pretty challenging but it is also more meaningful than a lot of classes. minter really knows a lot about history and if you pay attention it can be fairly interesting. the journals are a lot of writing, just make sure you don't leave it all to the last day. i thought history class would be just memorizing a bunch of dates and names, but minter is more interested in getting you to understand the big picture and see the changes that take place over time and why things happened the way they did, which is a lot cooler.

HIST- : - Posted 12/20/2005

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To be an aspiring, albeit middling, intellectual at WKU, and worse, to know with almost absolute certainty that you will remain at WKU until senile and prepared to collect your TIAA-CREF retirement funds is to carry a silent burden of dread and sorrow that is almost unbearable. The burden is further aggravated by the thought of having to teach these students from rural and illiterate backgrounds, students who would be categorized as vegetable matter by most scientists if their IQs fell below by five or six points, students, in other words, whose highest aspiration in life is not to learn Alexis de Tocqueville, but to become the night manager at Best Buy on Campbell Road.
This professor deserves your sympathy, not enmity. She is the Billy Budd to your student's Captain Vere; the Levin to your student's Anna Karenina; the Rasputin to your student's sanity. Shame, shame, shame.

HIST- : - Posted 4/12/2005

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A figure of undeserved rebuke, Prof. Minter is like Pierre in Tolstoy's War & Peace (a favorite among WKU students, I know); utterly misunderstood but striving to make this senseless world cohere and give meaning.
What is a lone figure to do against a tide of unjustified public criticism?

HIST-120 : Western Civ 120 Honors - Posted 4/9/2005

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This was one of my most challanging courses and one of the best. Be prepared to work as this is an honors course. Reguires LOTs of reading and a journal entry for every reading that is graded.Long specific essays are reguired.But the teacher is excellent, the discussions good and she will help you if you ask.

HIST- : West Civ Honors Since 1648 - Posted 4/9/2005

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This is a honors course and as such is a difficult class.Copious notes each class session. Essays were long and needed to be specific. Journal entries on each reading and there are a lot of readings.But she is a great professor, makes history interesting, we had great discussions and she is willing to help you if you have problems.Highly reccomend.

HIST- : American Legal History - Posted 1/10/2005

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Dr. Minter has gotten a bad reputation from students in the past. She is a very understanding teacher and is willing to work hard for any student that is willing to work hard for her. Don't get me wrong, Dr. Minter is no pushover; but she is the type of teacher who celebrates a students opinions, ideas, and achievements while still lending a helping hand or an open ear when a student is in need. I have taken her for 2 classes thus far and am currently enrolled for another. Any class of Dr. Minter's will be interesting and stimulating, but it is not for any student simply desiring to get a good grade. If you are looking to actually get an education in college, I would recommend Dr. Minter as a professor.

HIST-120 : Honors Western Civilization Since 1648 - Posted 1/3/2005

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Dr. Minter is very knowledgeable but not objective, and you should not take this class if you don't have time. If there is a doubt, do not sign up. The class is very difficult, the journals are ALOT of reading and analyzing. 5 texts are required. There are 3 tests, each 20% of your final grade. I would recommend staying away from this honors course.

HIST-241 : U.s. History Since 1865 - Posted 5/11/2004

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Dr. Minter suggests buying the textbook as a supplement to her class, but it is not necessary if you take good notes. There are four other books (The Jungle, Coming of Age in Mississippi, Plunkett of Tammany Hall, and Confronting Southern Poverty in the Great Depression) required for the course as well as Primus, a primary document reader. There were three five-page essays assigned throughout the semester and each one counts as 15% of your grade. I have to admit that she is a difficult grader, so the typical BS that usually works on essays is useless in this class. Also, make sure your papers are as grammatically correct as they are historically correct. There are six films required for the class too, and most last about two hours. There are four viewing times offered for each film. They seem to get more and more interesting as the semester goes on. There is a midterm and a final. Each counts as 20% of your grade. The first part involves indentification of significant terms or events. The second part is either two or three essays. You will be completely screwed if you did not read the books, Primus, or see the movies because the key to the essays is being able to back your statements with real evidence. The last 15% of your grade is based on attendance and class participation. This includes movie and book quizzes (which are really easy if you have done the work). The nice thing about Dr. Minter is that she grades on improvement, and doesn't let those first grades ruin you for the semester. The class is a shock to many, especially when you get that first paper and test back, but she is willing to help you improve if you just take the time to talk with her. If you know you're not going to do the work for this class, then don't take it. It's a waste of your time (and now money) to have to drop it or take it over after you fail. But if you are willing to do the work, you will learn a lot from Dr. Minter and feel more accomplished than you do following most other classes.

HIST-241 : Us History Since 1865 - Posted 5/8/2004

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I like history but this class was the worst experience of my college career thus far. Minter not only requires you buy her document reader but also a slew of other novels. A few of the required readings are very hard to find, to the point of if WKU's store doesn't have it you're screwed. Of course she doesn't seem to care about the difficulty of obtaining the material as she turns complaints away immediately. There are also several out of class movie viewings that are required. These are at least two hours a pop and though there are multiple viewings for each people like me who work full time just can't make it. Besides, the class is suppose to be 50 minutes. Her essays and papers are also graded harshly and with a slight hint of bias. I've written papers for the same way for 7 years now and this was the first time I've ever had my style, and apparently intelligence, ripped apart. Her teaching style is also sub par with 'learning layers' which requires leap frogging through time to get all the information. It's the most confusing and uninformative method I've ever seen. If this name pops up on you schedule, drop immediately.

HIST- : - Posted 3/12/2004

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If Satan were ever to visit earth, he would tell her to back off. Dr. Minter is the most conceited and arrogant person I've ever encountered. She is an educational Darwinist through and through; she believes students are an expendable resource. She shows no empathy and couldn't care less if you need help. Also if you take her classes never challenge her opinions if so you are guaranteed to fail. The only students she can tolerate are those she determines to be bright enough to not waste her time, so basically brownnosing gets you everywhere with her. Do not take her classes unless you plan on seeing how a professor should not act.

HIST-120 : Honors West. Civ. Since 1648 - Posted 1/12/2004

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Okay.... First of all instead of having a required text book, we had 5. And they aren't so much text books as literature books. The historical docements of which there was about 200 pages of reading and 15 pages of writing to be done every 2 weeks. I'm not exaggerating. The tests are also killer. They are completely essay. Also we were expected to remember the authors and details from each document. The more you write the better your grade. And as for notes, overkill is an understatement. We took a minimum of 2 full pages every class period. On the bright side, we did have several nice class discussions about off topic material. She is a very good lecturer, however. She made my least favorite subject interesting. Not much is written on the board, besides the spellings of the difficult foreign names and a few dates.

HIST-120 : - Posted 11/12/2003

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See is not very funny but she thinks she is, there is an obsurd amount of notes, but she uses them all on the test.

HIST-120 : Western Cive After 1648 - Posted 10/23/2003

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She is a good teacher, but she needs the idea of quality of notes, not quantity of notes. The journel that is due every two weeks is not so bad, but the amount of reading requied to do the journals is almost impossible. She doesn't write much on the board and does not like to slow down when she gets to rolling. So for the love of god avoide this teacher at all cost. If you have no life, job, or friends than this class is doable or any other classes at all don't take this teacher.

HIST- : Western Civ Since 1648 - Posted 4/29/2003

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I don't know what it was, but Dr. Minter just annoyed me. She was very elitist, and just too too. She reminded me of someone who Berkely should call up and ask for a job. Take her back to the '60s. She was fairly pleasant to everyone, i just didn't like her. Maybe its my problem

HIST- : American Legal History To 1865 - Posted 2/18/2003

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This class would better be titled history of race in America to 1865. Patty takes her political ideology and distorts this class into an unrecognizable form. A solid 12 weeks are devoted to racial and other minority issues, while at most 2-3 weeks even touch upon the development of common law, torts and property law, while criminal law is not even discussed. Do not get me wrong it is important that minority issues be examined in all classes, especially history classes. Nonetheless this class fails to meet the purpose outlined in the catalog. Stay away from this silly zealot.

HIST-120 : Hon Western Civ Since 1648 - Posted 1/15/2003

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This class will literally make you want to beat your head into a desk. This won't happen during the actual class, but instead at 2:00 in the morning the night before your journal is do. The infamous journal... every reading you do (aprox. 10 every two weeks) you write a one page journal. Sound easy? It might be if you do it little by little... but you'll say you will and end up doing it all the night before, trust me. Aside from the journals, you'll have 3 exams that will cover about 100 years of history each. You will also take pages upon pages of notes. So... why did I not rate Dr. Minter as poor? She is very, very knowledgeable about this subject matter. I learned so much in the class, despite the fact that every other Thursday night I never slept. If you want to learn a lot about Western history in the last 350 years and are willing to devote a ton of time, definitely take this class. Just don't expect a cakewalk.

UC- : - Posted 11/5/2002

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Never take this woman for anything! She is quite possibly the rudest woman I have come across on this campus. If you are not in her honors program, she will probably not like you. She refused to be my advisor, when she was assigned to me, because I would not be in her program. She is arrogant and rude.<hr><b>Note (02/24/2003):</b>
Please take notice that the user who posted this evaluation does not claim to have been in a class with Professor Minter, but had contact only through advising.

UC-100 : Freshman Seminar - Posted 2/27/2002

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Never take this woman for anything!!!!!
I had her for honors freshman seminar and she is one of the most ridiculous professors I have ever encountered. I believe she must have began her training as a preschool teacher because that is exactly how she treated the students. She is arrogant and rude. If you try to speak to her out of the classroom she will completely ignore you. And watch out in Garrett-- she is the black-haired witch-looking woman who loves to cut in front of students in line.(she has cut in front of me twice so far)

HIST-120 : Honors History 120 - Posted 12/16/2001

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Dr. Minter about killed us. The class originally had more than 20 students and in the end, only four remained. We had three huge journal books full of documents which we were assigned in addition to taking notes for the class. We kept a journal of the documents and then when test time came, we had to study the documents and the notes which were very numerous as well. If you need an honors course, I would avoid this one at all cost.

HIST- : - Posted 11/15/2001

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Dr.Minter is the poster-child for arrogant, aloof, elitest academics who are totally disconnected from the real world. She seems to feel that she is far superior, in both intellect and general value, to all of her students. Please don't bother taking her for any "legal-history" classes. She is not a lawyer and did not graduate from law school. Her teaching style is in no way represenative of legal course work. PLEASE DO NOT gauge your potential legal success based upon any assinine comments she may give you about your ability.
I came to WKU with a deep love of history, Dr. Minter and er cronies in the Hist dept beat that out of me. If you want a degree in hist, dont take minter, and dont go to WKU.
Finally, she inundates her teaching with her political views...which she professes not to do. If you want a good grade, suck it up and pretend your a card carrying member of the ACLU.

HIST- : American Legal History - Posted 11/15/2001

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Dr. Mintor will try and pass herself off as having graduated from law school. She did not. Dr. Mintor will try and pass her class off as being similar to a law school class. It is not. Dr. Mintor will try and pass herself off as qualified to give an opinion on who should/shouldn't go to law school. She is not. This is a boring class that could be done a lot better by several other profs.

HIST-120 : Honors Western Civ. since 1648 - Posted 12/20/2000

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Dr. Minter is an excellent professor. Sure, this class is a lot of work, but it is not impossible. There are three exams (ID terms and two essays, the last exam is the final), and journals. Journals are over assigned primary-source documents. Another part of your grade is the discussion of these documents--so you have to read them. This class is recommended for motivated students who have time to do the work...and study! You'll learn so much!

HIST-120 : Honors Western Civilization since 1648 - Posted 12/11/2000

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I won't say that this is an easy course because it isn't. This class required a lot of time and work, but at the same time I learned a lot. Dr. Minter has a lot of knowledge and is willing to share if you are willing to listen. It's a class you should take, but only if you have the time to focus on it.

HIST-141 : US History Since 1865 - Posted 10/24/2000

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Although Dr. Minter is a good person I dislike her class. We took notes until our hands cramped, and her tests are ID and Essay, and she's leaves you in the dark as to what the essays could be. There are outside movie viewings which aren't too bad, but overall I was very unhappy. I have made all A's in my three years here at WKU with the exception of this course.

HIST-499 : Senior thesis - Posted 4/28/2000

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This is an independent study class in which you write a Senior Honors Thesis. Though, the religious right would consider Dr. Minter as a "communist" because she believes in equal rights for everyone and not just a chosen few self-centered exploiters of the human race. She is perhaps one of the most genuine and intelligent humans that I have ever met. Yes, she is difficult and demanding and that is what makes good students that will come out of this university and stop the madness.

HIST-120 : Honors Western Civ from 1648 - Posted 4/20/2000

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HIST-141 : Us Since 1865 - Posted 4/14/2000

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If you work or have obligations outside of the classroom do not take this woman. It has been awhile, but I recall around a dozen out of class manditory film viewings.
<hr><b>Corrected 04/20/2000</b>
An email from professor Mintor claims that the class requires only four outside film viewings.