Western Kentucky University / A / Martha Adams

Martha Adams

Martha Adams


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Tag Summary:

True/False: 2

Multiple Choice: 6

Fill in the Blank: 2

Essays: 5

Mandatory Final: 6

Cumulative Final: 3

Textbook Required: 6

Attendance Required: 1

7 Total Evaluations

GOVT- : Civil Liberties - Posted 7/7/2003

Overall Rating:




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She is not coming back to teach next year, but she was an easy teacher to have for this class if you are not a government major. She was not a great teacher, but she tried.

GOVT- : Does It Really Matter? - Posted 5/20/2003

Overall Rating:




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Not Specified


Not Specified

Folks you no longer have to worry about taking Dr. Adam's "joke courses." The bad thing is many may have missed an easy A. How does it go? So long farewell we have to say goodbye (repeat).

GOVT- : Con Law - Posted 1/21/2003

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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I don't think people are giving this teacher a fair critique. It depends on what you expect from a class. As for me, I was using it as an elective for my major and I did not think she was a bad teacher. Government majors may have complaints, but overall she is trying to do her best.

GOVT-328 : Criminal Procedure - Posted 1/16/2003

Overall Rating:




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Not Specified

Well, I do not even know where to begin with this professor. I did not list this class as easy or difficult because it depends on whether or not you are prepared to teach yourself. I have had between 40 or 50 professors on this campus and Dr. Adams is by far the worst one there is. The first day of class she will wow you with her educational background, but don't be fooled. Just because she graduated top in her class at law school and received her PhD at brown university does not mean that she ever learned how to teach. I would not even classify her as a professor because I or many of the students never learned one thing of importance or relevance from her. DO NOT take this class period, but especially do not take it if you do not love Law and Order because it is her only source of criminal procedure information. She must have missed the semester they taught criminal procedure in law school or she just slept through it because she obviously did not know the first thing about the subject. She could not even answer the classes' questions. She said that if it was not in the text book she could not answer what we were asking. She might and i stress MIGHT have been a more effective teacher if she had actually shown up once in awhile. She lived in Cincinatti and spent half her time there trying to teach us through emails. She was on the road more or stuck at airports more than she was in class. I can't even begin to understand why she would take the job in the first place especially since she could afford to fly from cincy to Nashville half the time. Oh, and don't expect to get any of your assignments or tests back in a timely manner or at all. We got our first test back, which was 70 multiple choice questions, a month later and then we never saw anything else we turned in the entire semester. I have no idea how we even got grades in this class because it is obvious that she never graded anything. We can't even pick up our assignments from last semester until after Jan. 20th. I guess this is so she will finally have time to go back and slap a letter grade on them. Sorry to be so long winded about this, but I am actually letting her off easy because i could seriously go on for hours about the reasons no one should ever take Dr. Adams. If you can stand to wait until next semester i would because there is no way she will still be at Western. I almost want to find out what university she may be applying to after she is asked to leave WKU, so i can call and give them fair warning not to waste their time because she surely is not worth it.

GOVT- : Constitutional Law - Posted 12/17/2002

Overall Rating:




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I would not recommend this teacher. At the beginning of the semester she seemed to have big plans for the class and it seemed that it would be difficult. However, she quickly seemed overwhelmed. She covered EXACTLY what was in the book and gave very few notes in class that were worth taking. Her quizzes were open-note and if you took notes over the readings, it would be hard not to do well on them. Our first test was, I thought, very appropiate and easy if you studied the material. However, the final obviously did not come from the assigned text and did not test what we had learned at all. If you are taking this class in preparation for law school, it will not help! She grades VERY SLOW!!! The entire semester, we only received back one test. She never handed back or gave us our grades for the second test, final, or our assigned paper. This class is much more stressful than it should be, as you are never aware of what is going on. If you are interested in Con Law, buy the book (which was actually very helpful and easy to understand) and read it on your own.

GOVT-326 : Con Law - Posted 12/9/2002

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Adams is a great lady. The problem is she teaches randomly. By that I mean she missed many classes this semester and often failed to teach anything the days she was in class (many movies and early exits). It was obvious in the beginning of the semester she hoped the class would carry itself. Noticeably, she knew nothing from the text. Tests were extremely difficult for Con Law yet extremely easy for her Criminal Procedure class. With no direction, and literally the whole book as assigned reading, it was impossible to study for the Con Law exams. For Criminal Procedure she openly told students to study multiple-choice quizzes provided by the makers of the required text online. Everything on the exams was exactly as found online. She even printed portions of the exam directly from the source. Please stay away if at all possible. Unfortunately for those pursuing an emphasis in public law you are left with no choice but to wait around and hope she leaves. I think the position she occupies is very stressful. The professor that previously held her position often times seemed as stressed and overloaded as Dr. Adams. To top it all off she must travel from Cincinnati, Ohio to Bowling Green, KY and back each week! Finally, she gave take home finals for Con Law and Crim Procedure. Don’t get excited. My completed finals were each five pages in length of objective answers from mostly material she failed to teach. If you take Dr. Adams and show up for class the whole semester and know what her plans are (they often change) you will get a good grade but you will not learn one thing and feel like you’ve cheated the system. I do.

GOVT- : Constitutional Law - Posted 11/4/2002

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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She's a really nice lady, and it's not that hard, because she makes it easy to understand. Just do the reading and take notes while doing so, because she gives a LOT of open-note quizzes. She's fun! Take this class!