Western Kentucky University / H / Shanda Hopper

Shanda Hopper

Shanda Hopper


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1 Total Evaluations

ACCT-201 : Mangerial Accounting - Posted 3/25/2013

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This class is easy but this teacher is an idiot. She "forgot" about class one day. She forgot her book another day. She is never prepared. She has NO IDEA what she is talking about half of the time. She couldn't even explain the difference between variable and fixed cost. Taking this class with this teacher makes me want to quit WKU and go somewhere else. Shanda works at Wetherby. I have talked to some of the people that I know over there about her and they have said that she DOES NOT need to be teaching an ACCT class. The proof is in the pudding! This class may have been easy and if you are not an ACCT major then take her, however, if you want to actually learn something and get the biggest bang for your buck take my advise and take this class with an actual professor that has a PHD. Oh yeah, she doesn't have a PHD.
I read in the WSJ that Kentucky colleges, especially, were hiring their administrative employees to teacher to cover some of the costs. The WSJ went on to say that the biggest worry about this move is that it will "NEGATIVELY AFFECT THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION." When reading that I never knew I would be a victim of this. BEWARE!!!