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General Information
Professor: Jennifer Hanley
Course: HIST 479
Course Title: Colonialism
Student Grade: B
Post Date: 8:47:23 AM 11/7/2012
Overall Rating: Poor Poor
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[ New Search ] Professor: Hanley
[ New Search ] Course: HIST 479


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Exam Information
Exam Content: No Multiple Choice
No Matching
No True/False
No Fill in the Blank
Yes Essay
No Problem Solving
Mandatory Final: Yes
Cumulative Final: Yes
Other Information
Textbook Required: Yes
Extra Credit Available: No
Attendance Required: Yes
Quantity of Notes: Few/None
Difficulty: Difficult
Additional Comments
Dr. Hanley is a very knowledgeable and intelligent professor. It is very obvious that she loves history. Prior to this semester I had her for a couple other history courses and really had no complaints about either of her classes. Were they difficult? YES. But were they fair? YES.

This semester has been a totally different story. First off, don't bother to read your syllabus because even though it may tell you to read 3-4 articles on whatever date, on most days she will ignore that and pick out a random document from several weeks prior to the actual date. Nobody in this course ever has any idea what we are doing from one day to the next. On top of that, she has acted like a complete child because the class speaks up and asks for clarification on what needs to be read for class. When she gets challenged about being disorganized and confusing she throws a temper tantrum similar to what you would see out of a 5 year old and sometimes on occasion will decide to simply pick up her things, walk out, and slam the door. What is her excuse for being disorganized? "It is your fault that we are behind." This class has been a joke from day one and I will never be taking another one of her classes again.

As far as the overall structure of the course you are required to have three books (2 novels, 1 monograph) and are also required to read numerous (40-50) articles outside of class. The only way to get 90% of the articles is to go to the library.

You will write one document analysis (3-4 pages), one comparative essay over the two required novels (4-6 pages), complete three in-class writing assignments, and turn in a 15-17 page research paper. The class finishes up with a cumulative final exam. Typical work load for a 400 level class.

My complaints are not about the work. I expect to be challenged and I respect Dr. Hanley for pushing each and every student to present their best work. My problem is her attitude and behavior during class. I am not paying thousands of dollars for that type of treatment. She is supposed to be the professional and I would expect her to act like it.


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