Western Kentucky University / W / Jianliang Wang

Jianliang Wang

Jianliang Wang


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Tag Summary:

Multiple Choice: 4

Essays: 1

Mandatory Final: 1

Textbook Required: 4

4 Total Evaluations

EDFN- : Edfn500 - Posted 4/24/2012

Overall Rating:



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Quantity of Notes:

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Dr. Wang shows little to no interest in teaching this class. The answers on the practice quizzes do not match the answers on the actual quizzes. Avoid this class. Not a good learning experience at all.

EDFN-500 : Educational Research - Posted 4/15/2011

Overall Rating:



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Quantity of Notes:

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Not Specified

HORRIBLE. I am in the middle of the course and am extremely frustrated along with the rest of my class. We took 2 online quizzes 6 weeks apart over 6 chapters each. Despite the huge amount of material I felt very confident in my answers and received a failing grade- twice. The rest of my classmates are finding much of the same thing. We have 5 summaries over research articles due. No one hardly knew what to do. Professor does not respond well to email or Blackboard. I just hope I pass. I have, well, had a 4.0 before this course. AVOID IF AT ALL POSSIBLE!!!!

EDU-500 : Research Methods - Posted 4/22/2008

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:

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Not Specified

Even straight A students will be lucky to get out of this class with a B or a C. This is the worst professor I have ever had. He should not be teaching a web-based course. He does not reply to emails and on blackboard he is unclear and vague in his answers. He gives no feedback whatsoever on required summaries, even when personally emailed. His quiz questions are taken directly from textbook practice quizzes yet when you give the answer that the textbook publishers say is correct - he's decided a different answer is correct. Unless you go see him - you can't even find out what questions you missed, therefore NO learning is taking place. I would avoid this professor at all costs. I can't believe I paid $1,200.00 for this abuse.

EDU-500 : Research Methods - Posted 12/15/2005

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

Quantity of Notes:

Not Specified



This was a web course. Dr. Wang was not timely in replying to questions asked on the discussion board. When asked specific questions, he gave very general and vague responses. Written assignments were turned in at midterm, and are a major portion of the final grade. We still have no idea how we scored on those assignments. His online quizzes are based solely on information from the book and questions are taken directly from practice quizzes on the book's website. The answers on the website did not match up with the answers he accpeted on the quiz, causing us to have low quiz scores.