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General Information
Professor: Les Pesterfield
Course: CHEM 120
Course Title: College Chemistry I
Student Grade: A
Post Date: 1:01:13 PM 4/2/2011
Overall Rating: Good Good
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[ New Search ] Professor: Pesterfield
[ New Search ] Course: CHEM 120


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Exam Information
Exam Content: Yes Multiple Choice
Yes Matching
No True/False
Yes Fill in the Blank
No Essay
Yes Problem Solving
Mandatory Final: Yes
Cumulative Final: Yes
Other Information
Textbook Required: Yes
Extra Credit Available: Not Specified
Attendance Required: No
Quantity of Notes: Moderate
Difficulty: Difficult
Additional Comments
Dr. Pesterfield is an amazing professor. He really knows his chemistry, and teaches in a way that is easy to understand. The class is difficult only because the content is difficult. But if you have a good chemistry background prior to taking the class, you will do much better. A lot of material is covered in a short amount of time. The class is pretty fast-paced, but if you need any help at all, Dr. P is very good about helping in any way he can. Study for the tests and you'll do well on them. All of the note powerpoints were online. Attendance wasn't mandatory, but missing class is ultimately detrimental to your test score. I suggest going to every single class. Dr. P likes to challenge you, but at the end of the class, you will feel like you learned a lot, especially beneficial if you are pursuing higher-level chemistry courses. Get to know Dr. P. He's a great guy, and wonderful to use as a reference! :)  

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