Western Kentucky University / H / Lance W. Hahn

Lance W. Hahn

Lance W. Hahn


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Tag Summary:

True/False: 3

Multiple Choice: 17

Matching: 1

Essays: 5

Mandatory Final: 3

Cumulative Final: 15

Textbook Required: 11

Extra Credit: 17

Attendance Required: 2

20 Total Evaluations

PSY-480 : Physiological Psychology - Posted 1/23/2012

Overall Rating:




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This is an interesting class. Dr. Hahn breaks it down in a way that makes it understandable. There is a paper to write. There are labs every week. He gives a schedule and sticks to it pretty much. There are study questions for the exams that are posted on black board. Advice: Start on the study questions along with notes from class, that way you won't have to wait until the last minute to figure out these questions. Alot of these questions he gives you the answer in class so GO TO CLASS. There will be 15 questions on each exam, they are strictly from the study questions. Get these study questions right and you will ACE the exam!! I promise. But you must attend classes, because he sometimes throws in questions that he only asks in class. Also, take good notes on the labs because questions from the lab are on the exam also (maybe one or two questions per exam). Dr. Hahn is great! Very helpful and good at what he does!

PSY- : Intro Psychology - Posted 1/9/2012

Overall Rating:




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Dr.Hahn is really nice and funny. You do take a lot of notes in his class, but they are really helpful for studying for his exams. do all the extra credit, pay attention in class, and study and you should be fine.

PSY-100 : Intro To Psychology - Posted 12/18/2011

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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Tests & quizzes are very hard. My class was a big class in an auditorium and all we ever did was take notes the whole class. The teacher wasn't good at explaining things so if we had questions he never could really answer them. You don't learn much in this course. WORST teacher I have ever had.

PSYCH-100 : Intro To Psych - Posted 4/25/2011

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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This dude is not the best in the world!! So many notes, he explains them somewhat well. You Shouldn't go to him if you have problems because he doesn't seem like he cares to help you. I wouldn't recommend him at all. And it's kinda hard for a 100 level class!

PSY-100 : Intro To Psychology - Posted 3/21/2011

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Hahn is a really nice teacher. He knows a lot about Psychology and is willing to answer all of your questions. There are a lot of people in the class, as it is a lecture hall course. There are a LOT of notes to take, but honestly if you just were able to get down the review questions he gives during the lectures, that would be enough to study with (from in class notes). He gives a quiz almost every week, but only 8 of the 10 grades count (the best 8). This is the same for the tests, but you have 5 total exams, and your best 4 would count. So, if you are satisfied with your grades before the final, you can take a zero and he will drop it. As far as studying for the tests, definitely go to the end of each chapter and study the questions. He copies them from there. 50% of the exam questions from the book, and 50% from the in class review questions. Simple as that.
Overall, this is a pretty easy course if you are willing to put in a little studying. I would recommend him to anyone!

PSY- : Psychology Of Sexuality - Posted 1/23/2011

Overall Rating:




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I did not find this class too difficult, but his tests could be hard if you do not read the book or study. His grading system does help you out though. You have ten quizzes and five exams, but he takes the best 8 quiz scores and the best 4 exam scores out of all of them. So if you miss something you could make up for it. Also, if you do well enough, you do not have to take the final. There is a book report that is only two pages, double spaced. However, he is particular on them. The class sometimes felt more like a health class than a psychology class. He tries to make it interesting by doing class clicker surveys and showing videos. There are also debates that can be interesting. Overall, it is ok and he is a nice professor, but some days it was difficult to go to this class.

PSY-345 : Psychology Of Sexuality - Posted 11/8/2010

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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Since this class is required for my sexuality studies minor, I didn't have much choice in taking this course. This class is so-so. Dr. Hahn is nice and the class can be entertaining some days, I mean we are talking about sex. However, sometimes he likes to talk too much about one thing or over explain things. At times I didn't feel like I was taking a psychology course, it felt more like my Human Sexuality course, which is a health course.
His notes can either be a lot or not enough. You need the book to pass the class and it is fairly easy to do well if you study and keep up with things. He drops the lowest exam grade or if you do well enough, you do not have to take the final. He also drops the lowest two quiz grades (all of which are online and you get 3 chances to take the quiz, which means its easy to get tens on most quizzes). He also says you need a clicker for this class, but don't waste your money on one. I got one and I've used it maybe 15 times and there is no grade associated with it. It is more or less to enhance the class discussions and to keep anonymity when answering questions. Overall, the class is ok.

PSY-480 : - Posted 10/28/2010

Overall Rating:




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He is a good teacher and makes this diffcult material easy. I would take him again in any other class.

PSYCH-100 : - Posted 4/14/2010

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Very boring teacher, doesn't take attendance but has a quiz almost every Wednesday. I read the book to take the test and read the notes online and still did bad. I don't recommend him.

PSYCH-100 : Intro To Pysch - Posted 2/15/2010

Overall Rating:




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Mr. Hahn is probably the most boring teacher I have ever had. He knows what he is talking about but can't teach it well.But his test are easy once you figure out how to study for them. He uses the review question in the textbook at the end of each chapter. And the review questions in his powerpoint. After I figured this out, I made a 100% on the rest of the exams! It is pointless to write down the notes, they aren't on the test.

PSY-100 : Intro To Psychology - Posted 12/14/2009

Overall Rating:




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My absolute favorite and most respected teacher. Dr. Hahn is incredible and very knowledgeable. He is very nice and has a good sense of humor. He is open to discussion and very helpful in preparing you for the test 10 times over. TAKE HIS CLASS, you won't regret it.

PSY-100 : Inro Psychology - Posted 12/4/2009

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Hahn is a great guy. He takes only 8 out of the 10 quizzes he gives, and 4 out of the 5 exams. So, if you do good on the regular exams (which are about once a month), you don't have to even show up for the final.

PSYCH-345 : Psych Of Sex - Posted 2/14/2009

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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Don't take this guy! This is the first time he has taught this course and has no idea what he is doing, oh and he is pretty cocky and pretty much a jackass. DONT TAKE

PSY-100 : - Posted 5/13/2008

Overall Rating:



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This man is a joke!!! Do not take his class and find out the hard way like I did. I took him this semester and the class average was 639 points out of 1000 and apparently that was not a big deal to him. That screams red flags! Out of 140 students in the ENTIRE class, the average was a D...hello?!?! I got above average on every tests and most of the quizzes, I got a B on the final and I still pulled out of the class with a D!!! He is insane and grades like he is Hitler. Do not take this professor for PSY 100!!!!

PSY-100 : - Posted 5/12/2008

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Hahn is very dedicated to Psychology. All of his notes are on powerpoint and he is very organized. He provides plenty of extra credit opportunities, except the extra credit is kind of weird. Instead of "15 out of 0 points" the extra credit assignments are "15 out of 15 points" so the extra credit kind of helps, but not really. Basically, the extra credit are treated like assignments more than anything. Every week, he gives quizzes over the current material, and they can be a good way to bring up your grade. Do not go into his class and expect not to study. Overall, he is nice, organized and very helpful if you have any problems with anything.

PSY- : Intro To Psychology - Posted 2/12/2008

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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I have never had a more difficult time in a class before. He is a very confusing teacher. If you ask him a question, 9 times out of 10, he cannot answer it. If given the chance I wouldn't take his class again!!!

PSY-480 : Physiological Psychology - Posted 12/21/2007

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Hahn's class was a fairly easy class. I was intimidated by the class at first as the brain is fairly complex organ, but in the end it was all pretty easy. There are five exams (including the final) from which the best four are factored into your grade. The final is cumulative, but is not required to be taken. There are exam make ups, but those are designed to be more difficult. The exam format is 15 short answer questions. Some questions require a phrase, others a few sentences. Most of the questions are from the review questions available on blackboard. Each chapter has 12 to 18 questions, some of which have multiple parts, but all can be found in the book. On the exam there is will in the neighborhood of 12 to 14 questions from the review and 1 or 2 from the labs. Often a diagram has to be labeled and explained.
There are student lead labs in which a group of two meets with Dr. Hahn before the class date and learn the material to teach the class about various topics. Dr. Hahn is there to help, and often this lab involves the dissection of a sheep brain. It is not all that gross as it is like tough tofu. A paper on the lab is due a week later and that is posted on blackboard with your name removed.
There is a paper in which you are guided through as you have to turn in the topic, outline, rough, and final drafts. None of which is very difficult. Lastly, there is a proposal which is based upon the paper.
Extra credit is available in the form of a web project, turning in typed notes to put on online for a lecture and participation in the study board.
Dr. Hahn is effective in his lectures, but he does tend to over explain things, which is fine considering that class for the most part was brain dead. People often do not show up and add little to experience as a whole when they do. Since the class is one of two options as a requirement of the major there is no really getting around the fact that others are going to not understand the material and ask the same questions again and again. Dr.Hahn seems to have a high tolerance for this, more power to him.

PSY-100 : - Posted 6/8/2007

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Hahn was the WORST teacher i have ever had! all he does is put notes up on the powerpoint and you need to study them. you have 4 quizzes and a final he drops one quizz...PLEASE GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN I PROMISE YOU, YOU WILL REGRET TAKING HIM!

PSY-100 : Intro To Psych - Posted 5/17/2007

Overall Rating:




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This was one of the easiest classes I have taken. There was a quiz almost every Wed., but the questions came from the review questions answered in class after each section. Half the questions on the exams came directly from the review questions, and the other half came from the questions at the end of the chapters in the book. You don't even have to look up the answers because they are on the same page as the questions just in smaller print. You don't actually need the textbook for class though.
Attendence is not mandatory, but it really helps if you attend class because that is where you get the answers to the review questions which are on the exams.
There are a total of 5 exams including the final, but he only counts the best 4. So if you are happy with your first 4 scores you don't have to take the final exam. It will just be the one he drops. If you miss an exam he allows you to make it up without a doctor's note or anything at the end of the semester, just let him know in advance.
Dr. Hahn is a very nice man and is also very helpful if you ask. The class is lecture, and although at first it is sort of boring, it does get much more interesting as the semester goes on. I highly recomment Dr. Hahn for Psych 100.

PSY-100 : Intro To Psy - Posted 12/23/2006

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For a person who understands psychology, you will be fine. I'm one who doesn't understand psychology very well and Dr. Hahn, in no way is good at teaching. Every class is a lecture, straight from power point, and if you are confused and ask a question, he can't explain it. If you try to meet with Dr. Hahn to help you, he doesn't help you then either. Attendence for the first part of the class is mandatory, because if you miss a certain amount of days he fails you, but towards the end, he quit taking attendence..kind of weird. There are 8 extra credit points. People take notes for extra credit, but you have specific day, and he posts those on the internet. So, if you didn't want to take notes you could risk someone taking them for that day. I studied my tale off for the quizzes, and I pulled out a B. The final was 12 chapters comprehensive, however I know some people who did very well in that class, but they said they loved psychology. You never use the textbook in class, but it's very helpful when it's time to study. You have 4 quizzes, he takes the best out of three and one final. A lot of the quiz questions come from the back of the book quizzes and online quizzes, so it's helpful to have.