Western Kentucky University / E / Gary English

Gary English

Gary English


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2 Total Evaluations

PH-461 : Comprehensive School Health Education - Posted 1/21/2011

Overall Rating:



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This class is actually easy but the teacher makes it so difficult and confusing. I would not call him a great teacher. He expects lot from you. He won't reply to you quickly and if you go to his office, he looks at you like "What are you doing in my office". I had no choice but to take this course with him because he was the only one who was teaching.

PH-461 : Comprehensive School Health Education - Posted 10/21/2010

Overall Rating:



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Quantity of Notes:




Ok here goes. Dr. English is not a teacher. He talks about teaching but has no clue what he is doing. He is horrible. This guy says one thing one day and twists it into something else the next and ultimately sets you up for failure. He Expects you to make lesson plans and activities even though we have never be taught or learned about this in any other class. The activities are only good if he likes them. He is very moody and has very very poor communication skills. The class is a joke and I think it was put in the program only to gain more credit hours in the major. He uses rubrics that make no sense. Most points possible on his rubrics are if you exceed the standard. Which to get full credit you should only have to meet the standard and exceeding it should be extra credit. He doesn't grasp that concept. The assignments in this class make you want to punch your eyeballs out. He has no method to his madness aka chaos. If you take this class you will see and you will want to pull your hair out. You have been warned.