Western Kentucky University / K / Kate King


Overall Rating


Grade Received


Course Difficulty


Quantity of Notes


Tag Summary:

True/False: 2

Multiple Choice: 2

Essays: 3

Mandatory Final: 1

Textbook Required: 3

Extra Credit: 2

Attendance Required: 2

3 Total Evaluations

SOCL-346 : Death Penalty - Posted 4/24/2012

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




Completely Bias, Flaming liberal who pushes her radical beliefs on you the entire time. Unprofessional teacher who uses foul languadge and loves convicts. If you agree with the death penalty or simply dont have an opinion, this isnt the class for you. She goes on rants that last hours long that support criminals without ever taking the crime itself into consideration. If you disagree with her, she will just try and humiliate you in front of class so that you will not test her liberal brainwashing skills again. Every "rant" is just that, no fact and no sources to back it up. She does not even know anything about the materal, just braggs on herself and all the famous inmates she has met. Phd's just lost alot of value to me if she can attain one.

SOCL-346 : Convict Criminology - Posted 3/17/2010

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

Quantity of Notes:




This class is ridiculous, Dr. King pushes her crazy beliefs on you. She has no sympathy for you on any issues you have in the class. I use this website for all my classes and love it, and this is the first time i have ever posted on here because this woman is just that bad! You will fail this class hands down if you dont agree with her beliefs on the judicial system. She believes that all criminals deserve a 2nd chance, no matter what crime they committed. She gave a essay exam while on a prison trip to California, then came in the late the week after and said she didnt care if she was late or not. I have never met a professor at WKU that i overall just completey disagree with as a person. Horrible professor and experience!

SOCL-332 : Juvenile Delinquency - Posted 1/1/2010

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




Dr. King's class proved to be an interesting experience to say the least. She definitely knows her material and will present is to the class with no holds barred. She will swear and use slang terms when needed and keep you on the edge of your seat. However, there are times when the class can get boring and monotonous but what college class doesn't?
There are 4 exams, with the fourth being the final (noncumulative). She does give out a study guide for each exam but they are overkill. They do help tremendously and definitely make sure that you have the book: it's crucial to have to pass this class.
Make sure you study for these exams, there aren't any other grades given. However, some extra credit could be offered depending on her other classes and needed participation. Last semester, her death penalty class needed a jury for a mock trial and 5-10 pts. of extra credit were given if you went and did or didn't get chosen for the jury.
Attendance isn't mandatory but she does have a sign-in sheet passed around every day. Her policy or the college's policy is not stated in her syllabus but whether or not you attend class will affect whether or not she gives you an A of you have a 89% after the final.