Western Kentucky University / S / Celeste Stein

Celeste Stein

Celeste Stein


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Tag Summary:

True/False: 5

Multiple Choice: 5

Matching: 2

Fill in the Blank: 1

Essays: 2

Problem Solving: 1

Mandatory Final: 3

Cumulative Final: 2

Textbook Required: 5

Extra Credit: 3

Attendance Required: 4

7 Total Evaluations

BCOM-185 : Intro To Broadcasting - Posted 12/13/2009

Overall Rating:



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Quantity of Notes:

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Well, to say the least DO NOT TAKE CELESTE STEIN!!! SAVE YOUR TIME AND MONEY!!! She is an awful teacher, although she seems to be a very friendly person... She is the worst teacher I have ever had. She has no clue what she is talking about and worst what she is trying to so call "teach"! All of her lectures are from a powerpoint in which the company has made, with notes word for word out of the book. My whole class failed the first exam, the highest score was 72 and the average was a 56, no curve on this grade either. We had a 10-20 page paper due along with a 15-20 minute presentation and the topics were just awful. She grades everything very late and never posts grades when she says she will for example she says she will post a test grade after class and she will not actually post it for another week or two. She started to realize that at least half of her students were failing and tried to give a 5 point extra credit assignment which in reality does not mean very much. She is a very strict grader, and if she knows and likes you it seems as if you get a better grade. If you ask her why you got a certain grade, she can not explain why, and that goes for the rest of her teaching skills as well. She can not explain any of what she says. She tries to answer questions in a round about way of what the textbook states in front of us.
Basically it was as if we were being read to like in kindergarten. class lectures were boring and way to fast to even try to follow along and highlight in the book, when the notes were word for word. She tries to fly through one whole chapter in about 10 minutes and leaves you with your head spinning because no one can process that much useless information in that amount of time.
She had no time to do anything and she was never in her office if you wanted to talk to her.
Simply put... she is an awful teacher who should not be allowed to teach at this university, and if she does i fear that this superior broadcasting institution will go downhill... rapidly!!! DO NOT TAKE HER!!!

BCOM-185 : Intro To Broadcasting - Posted 11/11/2009

Overall Rating:



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Never take Celeste Stein if you can avoid her. She is a horrible teacher. The mandatory class consists of her reading straight off the powerpoint that is copyrighted by the textbook. The powerpoint is literally word for word from the textbook. IF she attempts to elaborate on the information on the slide, she just rewords the sentence, but still uses the same words. It's awful.
Everyone failed the first test, the class average was a failing grade, 56, yet she refused to curve and instead offered a stupid 5 point assignment to attempt to raise grades. It clearly did not help. In the span of one week, i've had a test over three chapters and a 15-20 group presentation and a 10-20 page paper due.
The tests come from random information scattered around the chapters that have no benefit to what she actually taught.
She might be a nice person but she is a horrible teacher. never take her.

BCOM- : 165 - Posted 11/9/2009

Overall Rating:




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This is Professor Stein's first year teaching at WKU, and she has proved to have no actual clue as to how to teach a class. Her notes are irrelevant to what we are learning, she reads straight off of the power point, she grades tests VERY late. She has also assigned a 10 page paper for a 100 level class which you must present to the class. She teaching skills are not up to par to put in the nicest way possible. Her test's are completely scattered, there is usually nothing from the notes on this woman's test. I'm a straight A student and i have a low D in this class.

BCOM-467 : News Workshop - Posted 11/4/2009

Overall Rating:



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Quantity of Notes:

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If you are a news student, you will have to take the workshop and only one instructor oversees it, so you have no choice in which professor you pick. However, be warned that this lady, although kind and friendly, has no idea as to what she is talking about.
I have taken this workshop when previous instructors taught it and they knew their stuff. Stein, on the other hand, has absolutely no grasp on how to run a student newscast nor the basics of broadcast news.
Take everything she says to you with a grain of salt...seek advice from other professionals in the business or for that matter anyone before you take any serious advice from her.
The university's decision to hire her says alot about the future and direction of the broadcasting department at WKU.
It's heading downhill.....fast

BCOM-185 : Intro To Broadcasting - Posted 11/1/2009

Overall Rating:



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Quantity of Notes:

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She doesn't seem to know what she's doing. Every class consist of her reading off Powerpoint notes. What's the point of her being there, when she posts them on Blackboard? And nearly every person in my class failed and she refused to curve the scores.

BCOM-185 : Introduction To Broadcasting - Posted 10/29/2009

Overall Rating:



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DO NOT TAKE THIS PROFESSOR IF AT ANY WAY YOU CAN AVOID IT! She is a nice person, but it seems to me that she doesn't have much experience in the class, nor on the material she presents. She reads directly from the powerpoints WITHOUT any elaboration on any of the topics, and all powerpoint slides come directly, word for word, from the textbook. Attendence is mandatory, although you're just getting read to. Our exams were outrageous, and over nothing we went over in class. We had no curve on the first even though the highest grade was a 72% in our class, from a girl that studied for 5 hours, and 90% of the class FAILED miserably. Also we have a 10-20 page paper due the day of our 15-20 minute group presentation over a chapter in the book. So no, I do not recommend Professor Stein.

BCOM-185 : Intro To Broadcasting - Posted 10/26/2009

Overall Rating:



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It seems that Professor Stein has no idea how to teach a class. She doesn't know the content and yet expects her students to grasp it. Her teaching methods consist of projecting a pre-made powerpoint that came with the book on to a screen and then reading it to the class word for word with no suppllementary comments. Also, the powerpoint is copied word for word from the textbook. She posts all of the powerpoints on Blackboard. We had to write a 10-20 page research paper in this INTRODUCTORY level course as well as a 15-20 minute group presentation. The tests are killer and come only from random irrelevant facts found in the book, not what was read to us in class. I would not recommend taking this teacher. Just an example: there were 60 students in my class and the girl who got the highest score on the first exam studied for 5 hours. She got a 78. Stein refused to curve the grades even though almost everyone failed. Do yourself a favor and don't take this professor.