Western Kentucky University / D / Andrew P. Duffin

Andrew P. Duffin

Andrew P. Duffin


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Tag Summary:

Essays: 10

Mandatory Final: 9

Textbook Required: 10

Attendance Required: 7

10 Total Evaluations

HIST-120 : Western Civ After 1648 - Posted 11/18/2009

Overall Rating:




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This teacher knows his stuff, but he expects you to know every cotton picking thing he says on a daily basis. Overkill on notes is just a fraction of how much you will actually do. There was 2 books that were mandatory on reading and you really didn't have to know what happened in history, just how it relates to the topic he picked. "If you want to know the facts of what happened, watch the history channel" that is one quote i will never forget. Horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible.

HIST-353 : American Borderlands And The West - Posted 4/20/2009

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Dr. Duffin is probably my favorite History professor at WKU. I loved this class. I put above that exams are essay, but actually he only has a midterm paper and a final paper that are both take home and are both 8 pages. Also, you are required to read 3 books of his choosing and every other week you MUST participate in discussion on the readings. Being a shy person, I only participated when asked to, but if I would have more I could have had an A in the class. You also have to write one 3-5page paper for each book. He is a tough grader but you will learn a lot.

HIST- : Western Civ. Since 1648 - Posted 10/22/2008

Overall Rating:




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I thought Duffin was a really good professor. He is certainly very knowledgeable on the subject matter, which I don't think anyone can argue. His tests are all blue book essays, so if you can't write well, then this probably is not the class for you. My favorite part about Duffin's class were his lectures, which are very interesting, informative, and easy to comprehend if you are paying attention. The two books you have to read aren't so bad, as they are pretty short and somewhat interesting. Because I am interested in history and feel that I am a decent writer, I found this class to be fairly easy. Also, the book provides a lot more information that can really help your essays out. Duffin always gave the exam questions about a week before the test, so you couldn't really asked for more heads up on the exam.

HIST-120 : Western Civ Since 1648 - Posted 4/30/2008

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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I personally loved Dr. D, even though his assignments and tests are really, really hard it is worth it you will learn a lot and even though he does not take attendance at all, he will sometimes give extra credit for attending if there are not very many people in the class that day, the 2 books that he has you read are long and fairly boring, but it helps you understand the topics you are covering. The 4 page papers that he has you write are fairly difficult, but they help you become a good bull shitter, true some of his assignments seem pointless at first, they will help you complete the larger assignments that will be due later on. I do recommend taking Dr. D, but if you want a mickey mouse type course this teacher is not for you. Slackers beware! the more you procrastinate the worse off you are

HIST-120 : Western Civ Since 1648 - Posted 4/17/2008

Overall Rating:




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First and foremost, whoever wrote the evaluation on Dr. Duffin and gave him a poor rating, if you read their reasoning, this person probably isn't even still in college. Papers have theses. That's just the way life is. Anyways enough about that...
I loved Dr. Duffin. He is very passionate about what he teaches, he does give a ton of notes, but come to every class and you will learn sooooo much!! I'm not a big history buff, but he really ingrained it in our minds. You read a few books on the side and write essay papers, and he grades fairly and gives you good feedback. He is always willing to meet with you outside of class... and DEFINITELY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THAT OPPORTUNITY. He will help you on your thesis papers and what you should write about on the essay tests. Great teacher... I'm taking him again for another class...but if you are dishonest or lazy don't take this class you will probably just get a C or D.

HIST- : History Of The World Since - Posted 2/26/2008

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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This is a hard class, but it's my favorite. Coming from a private high school to a public university was an easy change, and almost all of my classes were much easier than high school. Duffin's class is a college class, and we are expected to do college level work. He's a great guy, a huge boston fan - he's approachable and fun in class. He focuses on writing and note taking, but his class is never boring.
I recommend taking Duffin if you are willing to try and do the work.

HIST-120 : Western Civ Since 1648 - Posted 12/11/2007

Overall Rating:




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I do not recommend Dr. Duffin as a history teacher. However, he gets an okay because he seems to be a really nice guy. He is willing to stay after class and talk with you about your grade, and basically work with you if you're uncomfortable in the class. However, this class is insane for a freshman level course. I have always been a straight A student and was expecting this to be a fairly easy course. What a mistake! Every single day you take notes from a power point, and expect to take around 4 - 5 pgs of notes per day. There are 3 tests-- each test is ONE essay. He expects you to write 2 blue books worth of essay in one 50 minute class period. For each test I wrote over 14 pages and squeaked out with a low A. The third test is the final, which is the same exact format. Also, you read 2 books and are expected to write a 4 page essay on the book. This is difficult because he does not want a review. He asks you a specific question about the book that you have to answer using quotes from the text. Also, Duffin is the only teacher I know of who will fail you if you do not turn in an assignment. Every assignment must be handed in if you expect a grade, even if it is a 10 point paper.
Like I said, Duffin is a good guy. I wouldn't mind talking to him or asking him for advice on something -- But I STRONGLY advise you to take another history class.

HIST-352 : History Of West - Posted 12/5/2007

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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Duffin is a good instructor because he is very approachable. He doesn't assign a lot of reading, but he does focus heavily on writing. If you are a weak writer then be wary. However, I believe he would be helpful if you went to him for help in improving. You will learn in his class.

HIST- : Western Civ Since 1648 - Posted 11/20/2007

Overall Rating:




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Duffin is a great new asset to WKU. A very approachable person, he has a way of explaining Europe's past in ways that can be understood. There are two books that he assigns (both are relatively short) and you have discussions on those every few days for credit. His exams are in essay format, and he lets you choose the topic out of the four he gives to study usually a week before the test. As long as you read the two books,show up to class for the discussions, and listen during the lectures, it will be an easy course.

HIST-120 : Western Civ. Since 1648 - Posted 10/17/2007

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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Andrew Duffin is new to WKU and should go back to where he came from. He is the worst teacher I have ever had. He never stops talking about his dissertation and he thinks that everything you write or talk about should have a thesis. You even have to have a thesis statement to argue for the in class exams that consists of the broadest questions that you could ever be asked. You have to write two 4 page papers in the class that are over the most boring books, but the paper cannot sound like a book review. You have to argue a thesis for this writing too. He grades very hard and has unreasonable expectations. I knew of ten people that dropped the class after he handed back our fist paper. Do not take this class if it is taught by Duffin!