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General Information
Professor: Shane Spiller
Course: MGT 210
Course Title: Organization And Management
Student Grade: A
Post Date: 1:38:08 PM 5/17/2009
Overall Rating: OK OK
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[ New Search ] Professor: Spiller
[ New Search ] Course: MGT 210


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Exam Information
Exam Content: Yes Multiple Choice
No Matching
No True/False
No Fill in the Blank
Yes Essay
No Problem Solving
Mandatory Final: Yes
Cumulative Final: No
Other Information
Textbook Required: Yes
Extra Credit Available: Not Specified
Attendance Required: Yes
Quantity of Notes: Moderate
Difficulty: Difficult
Additional Comments
Dr. Spiller is hard to get a handle on. He is vague about what he wants on some of the assignments. Some professors do that and it seems nothing you do is right. With Dr. Spiller I finally figured out he wants to leave some things up to the students to decide. He will give parameters and certain things he wants covered on some of the assignments. If you cover those, you will do fine.

The success of the group project depends on your group. I didn't know anybody and just teamed with other people around me. I ended up doing most of the work. The one good thing about the group work is that everyone confidentially evaluates themself and the others in their group at the end of the semester and that is used to weight the group grade.

There are only two tests. This semester he had everyone take an essay (really just short answer) exam for the mid-term. For the final he offered the option of multiple choice or essay. The essay tests were difficult, but he seemed to be lenient in his grading. If you hit the main points he asked for, you got credit. He also gave partial credit on each question. The biggest problem is that there are only two tests and they cover a lot of material.

You do have to read a chapter before the first class of each week and take an online quiz. Even with an open book, some of the quiz questions can be tricky. There is also an individual paper and the group project. Throughout the semester there will be some small group assigments usually given on Wednesday and due on Friday. There wasn't much to them. A few times he gave a pop quiz, sometimes done by the individual and sometimes by the group. He also requires a minute paper at the end of each class. You just have to write a couple of sentences about what you learned or ask a question. It's mainly just for him to track attendance.

There were parts of the class I certainly did not like. However, as the class went on it seemed to get better. Also, as I got to know Dr. Spiller better and understand what he expected, I liked him better. This wasn't the best or worst class I have taken. If you are like me and his class is the only one that fits into your schedule, it's not bad.


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