Western Kentucky University / L / Ting-Hui Lee

Ting-Hui Lee

Ting-Hui Lee


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Tag Summary:

True/False: 1

Multiple Choice: 4

Fill in the Blank: 1

Essays: 1

Problem Solving: 2

Mandatory Final: 5

Cumulative Final: 4

Textbook Required: 5

Extra Credit: 1

Attendance Required: 2

6 Total Evaluations

PHYS-266 : Physics 2 Lab - Posted 3/28/2011

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




Dr. Lee is very strict on grading lab reports. She writes what should be included in the report on the board, but will still give a 17/20 when everything is there. She said it is next to impossible to get an A on a lab report, which doesn't make sense. She expects people to devote way too much time and effort to the class, when in reality people are taking other hard classes and this is a 1-hour lab that should be an easy A or B.

ASTR-104 : Astronomy Of The Solar System - Posted 4/21/2010

Overall Rating:




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Prof. Lee is very difficult to understand because she has such a strong accent. The class is extremely boring, but she posts the PowerPoint slides online so you can use them. I did not like this class because it was so boring and she never let us out on time.

PHYS-130 : Acoustics - Posted 5/15/2009

Overall Rating:




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This course is like fighting a boar with your bare hands, and they're tied behind your back. And the boar's tusks have been sharpened to a fine point.
I took this class because it seemed interesting, I was wrong. This class is a plague... if you have to take it, I would suggest finding a different professor, or being a champion of physics, because you are not going to learn anything in this class.
It is clear Dr. Lee knows a lot about physics, she merely chooses not to tell you any of it, and then test the hell out of you over what she didn't really tell you.
If you have to take this class, may God have mercy on your soul.

ASTR- : Intro To Astronomy - Posted 5/7/2009

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS! Dr. Lee is the worse teacher I have had. There is a language barrier, but thats easy to get over. You have to pay $30 to buy rights to the website in order to do your homework every week. Her system of teaching is just horrible, she uses a colored card system to ask questions, but never tells you the right answer, so your left wondering. The first few weeks of the semester she would hand out these class activities, but once again never give you the answers, and a lot of the test questions came from there. Her test are VERY hard, she told us the first day the avergage is a 60. So save yourself and DO NOT TAKE this class.

ASTR-104 : Astronomy - Posted 4/7/2009

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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This is not the course to take if you are just looking for an easy A. You actually have to work for it somewhat. She is kind of hard to understand and pretty boring, so definitely dont take it on TR if you can help it. She doesnt take attendance so you dont have to go. All the notes are on her website. I think I learned more from the book than from her. The tests are pretty hard and the final is cumulative, so that kinda sucks. Overall, I wouldnt really reccommend her.

PHYS- : Acoustics Of Music And Speech - Posted 9/9/2008

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

Quantity of Notes:

Not Specified


Not Specified

This woman really is a terrible teacher. She doesn't ever really go over anything in class and expects everyone to already be pretty proficient in physics, while most of us haven't even had a math class in a couple years. She doesn't really even lecture. You basically go in the classroom and she starts talking about random physics concepts and equations, then gives you equations in class, not having explained it at all. Then you work on the problem for about 15 minutes until she has walked around and looked at your paper (silently, no suggestions/comments). Then she is redundant by asking how we did when she knows good and well because she just walked around the room for 15 minutes. If you don't respond, she says "Well you should understand this." and so on. Then you move on and she never even tells you what the correct answer is. She gets upset when you don't tell her that you don't understand something, but it doesn't make a difference if you do or don't because even when she tries to clarify she doesn't get her point across effectively. Basically, she is a physicist attempting to be a teacher, and she is not succeeding in any shape or form. I'm sure she's a brilliant woman, but teaching was not her calling in life. We haven't even been in class 3 weeks and I dread it every day. Don't take it with her, please.