Western Kentucky University / P / Attila Por

Attila Por

Attila Por


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Tag Summary:

True/False: 1

Multiple Choice: 3

Matching: 1

Fill in the Blank: 3

Problem Solving: 13

Mandatory Final: 13

Cumulative Final: 11

Textbook Required: 11

Extra Credit: 2

Attendance Required: 6

14 Total Evaluations

MATH- : College Algebra - Posted 4/25/2013

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You can not understand how he is teaching or what he is saying and he has trouble understanding what you mean when asking a question or having trouble with a problem.

MATH-116 : College Algebra - Posted 10/29/2012

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Dr. Por is a very uniqe man. he has a thick accent and is difficult to understand at first. class is seriously pointless to attend because all homework, quizzes, and tests are online. you have homework due about every other day. quizzes about once every 2 weeks. and an exam about once a month. the online program used is very helpful and explains how to do the problems, which is why attending class is not important.this class has a good amount of work to do, but it is definitely not difficult.

MATH-117 : Trigonometry - Posted 1/5/2012

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First off, if you want to learn Trigonometry, Dr. Por is not the guy to take. Matter of fact, he isn't the professor to take for ANY math class, because quite frankly he is just not good at teaching. With that being said, however, he does actually try really hard to make students learn but it just does not happen.
Bad teaching aside, there are some good things about Dr. Por. First off he is a really nice guy and he does make really funny jokes sometimes. Also, his test are not impossible to do, because of the amount of partial credit that you receive. He is the most laid back professor I have ever seen when it comes to this. Lastly, even though he does not tell the class, I have heard him say that attendance is a big factor when determining your grade.I have heard him say that if you have all A's on your test and you miss class, he WILL fail you. So assuming that if your attendance is really good, I know he will probably help you in borderline cases.
All in all, avoid Dr. Por, unless you can teach yourself math. If that is the case then you would probably think the class is not so bad after all.

MATH-117 : Trigonometry - Posted 12/19/2011

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This class is difficult because of the language barrier. Dr. Por is very knowledgable in subject matter but it can be hard to understand him. He also likes to get off on tangents during class. There are weekly quizzes that can be challenging. If you can teach yourself and understand math very well, then go for it. Otherwise, find another teacher. I had to work very hard for my A and I knew students in the class that struggled for their grades. Again, if you can teach yourself and math comes easily for you, go for it; otherwise, run away.

MATH- : Math 119 - Posted 4/29/2010

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This professor is very unorganized. I have less than two weeks of my class left and he still doesn't know my name. I didn't know my grade until last week, and even at that I have been in his office 4-5 times trying to find out before that. I have no idea what is going on in this class. And I took the math placement test and I am supposed to be in Calc 2. Don't take this class if you want a "bird"course. You will not receive an A.
He also has a hungarian accent. It is pretty thick too.

MATH-109 : General Mathematics - Posted 3/26/2010

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I felt it was my duty to inform others about this teacher since no one else has on this site and others need not make my mistake.
Doctor Por is without a doubt the worst math teacher that I have had in my entiire life! anyone who gives quizzes on a weekly basis and doesn't give enough time for the majority of the class to finish them is not a good teacher. One of our quizzes was over finance and all the questions required you to work them out. After less than 15 minutes he took the quiz up and wouldn't allow anyone to finish! and I know I wasn't the only one not to get done with it.
I went to him after class to see if I could at least circle answers so I could have a chance of getting some right and he asked me why I didn't finish. I had been sick the previous week for the entire week and missed the classes that covered its contents. Add that with the fact I'm not good at math to begin with you there was no way I could get the quiz done in the time allotted me. He simply looked at me and said: "I've already put them up so.......NO." To say that I was pissed would be an understatement.
Then in class he stutters for at least thirty seconds at a time on at least ten different occasions (per class) and when you ask him how he got the answer he has responded on more than one occassion by saying it doesn't matter.
Couple that with the fact that he says he doesn't see why math has to be taught or learned for most people and you have the crummiest and most pathetic excuse for a teacher at WKU.
I urge anyone who is a non math major and looking to take 109 to take anyone other than this ignorant cretin because the class may seem easy but having someone for a teacher flat out doesn't care and acts like 4:20 is every minute of the day doesn't make for a good learning environment.
I was on the deans list the previous semester and am only havng trouble with this class because the teacher is incompetent. DON'T TAKE HIM!

MATH-327 : Multivariable Calculus - Posted 5/17/2009

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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First of all, let me state that this review does not come from someone who "sucked up" to the professor or someone who was a favorite in the class - Por has not favorites. This is an honest, impartial review of one of the math instructors of Western Kentucky University. With that said, if you are interested in a FAIR review for Attila Por, then please continue reading. If you are looking for a bash fest from someone who did not try in one of his classes, please read all of the other negative reviews.
If you are still with me, here is the deal. I had Attila Por for Multivariable Calculus and I must say that I was OVERLY pleased with this professor after reading the reviews written by everyone else. First of all, he is from Hungary and he is extremely hard to understand when you first listen to him. It will take at least a week to catch on to what he is saying. Also, he will ask ambiguous questions in class to the students in which the answer he is looking for may not be completely obvious. However, you will get used to these two setbacks for the class within a week. Dr. Por is a very laid back professor who loves to have fun in his classes. He is constantly trying to be funny (and he usually is due to his remarkable laugh and his ability to make some of the greatest faces that you will ever see on the face of the Earth). The man is always smiling and never does make a student feel uncomfortable when he is approached with a question. Sometimes he has a hard time understanding questions, but if you keep rephrasing your question, he will eventually understand. Dr. Por will go over any questions in class over the homework and will show two or three approaches how to work a homework problem. While I never went to him for any reason after class, some students in the class had said that they did go and that he was extremely helpful whenever he was in his office.
What is his typical class like? He assigns between 5 - 15 problems every night but will go over most (if not all) of the homework the next day in class before he moves on to another section. This is very helpful in case you do not understand the homework. The homework does not count towards your grade, but the problems on his tests come straight from the homework, so it is good to do each assignment. He also gives a quiz on a weekly basis, which consists of one question that he gives the class the opportunity to choose what it will be over. Whatever your class decides to have a quiz on, that will be on it. No tricks or gimmicks here. He also drops the two lowest quiz grades that you have. His tests are usually 6 - 8 problems long and are very similar to problems found within the homework. He will most likely give out a study guide two days before a test and go over the study guide a day before the test. There is no extra credit available, so it is important that you do the homework in order to do well on the tests and the quizzes. However, he gives a LOT of partial credit on tests and quizzes! He gives more partial credit on tests/quizzes than any other math professor in the department. Last but not least, before our final exam, he held a study session the day before the exam (which was not class hours) and allowed anyone to come to help prepare for the exam; he did more example problems, answered questions, and joked around in order to wish us luck on the exam.
Folks, he is an extremely nice professor who is laid back and very helpful. The man deserves a lot more credit than he receives on this website and needs to be a professor that people try to take rather than avoid. Do not avoid this professor at any cost. He is a great math professor, he does know his stuff, and he is always helpful regarding grades and homework. You get tests back the day after you take them and he goes over the tests the day after you take them. Rather than BSing for 50 minutes, assigning homework, and moving on to new material the next day, he will not go on to the next section unless the class feels comfortable with the material.
He is a good professor and one who I (along with many of the other classmates I talked to) would take again if we could.
I hope that this detailed review helps you and let's you realize that sometimes bad reviews come from the morons who simply refuse to try.

MATH-227 : Calc Ii - Posted 11/11/2008

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This is a really difficult course, but Dr. Por makes it very easy to pass. If you have to take more math classes after Calc II I wouldn't take him because it is very likely that you wont learn much. If this is the last math class you need, however, then take him. The tests are really easy, and gives partial credit for everything you do, even if it isnt totally correct. He is really hilarious in class and is very laid back.

MATH- : - Posted 10/30/2008

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Doesn't speak english.

MATH-126 : Cal. I - Posted 10/29/2008

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Nice guy, but inexperience teacher.
He grades super easy!!!
Did you fart? Oh, that sounded like a derivative. That will be a +5!
Will not work problems that he feels are easy. He requires you to come to his office for special instruction.
Stutters and doesn't speak clearly or write clearly. Good luck here... The board is his friend, because he talks to it the whole class.
If you like funny faces, this is the class for you. He makes tons of them, every time someone ask a question.
If you are interested in learning mathematical procedures, this isn't the class for you.

MATH-126 : Calc 1 - Posted 5/8/2008

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-HUNGARIAN-hard to understand
-gets super annoyed when people dont understand
-CAN NOT answer questions for the life of him.
-mumbles and stutters
-HOWEVER, there is NO HOMEWORK and he gives partial credit if you BS a bunch of stuff on the test

MATH-117 : Trigonometry - Posted 2/7/2008

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Attila Por is not by any means the worst teacher you will ever have, but will probably be the most difficult to understand. He is Hungarian, and has the accent to prove it. He's not organized whatsoever, and will zone out from time to time while teaching. He is also easily distracted and will go off about some other math topic other than the one you are studying and make it difficult to follow. Attendance is required, he passes around a sheet at the beginning of class. And there is usually a little quiz one day a week over what you learned that week. He'll give you H.W problems without covering the material and expect you to know it, so you will need a basic understanding of concepts and terminology. He gives H.W but doesn't make it mandatory to turn in, its just for your own use and knowledge...BUT YOU STILL WANT TO DO IT, trust me, it'll help you in the long run. It may be easier to read the chapters yourself and make your own notes from the practice problems in the book. His notes aren't given very well...he tends to write the problem down, give you the answer and expect you to know how he found it. If you think about asking questions, you will get a long response that wont get you any closer to figuring out how to do it, and will most likely put you in a more confused state than you already were. A's, B's, and C's do not come easy in this class if you just listen to him. You'll have to hit the book hard and write your own notes that are easy for you to understand...however if you do this, and make your own notes from chapter to chapter, you should have no problem when it comes test time.

MATH-117 : Trigonometry - Posted 12/14/2007

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Overall, the class material wasn't too bad. However, the professor is often hard to understand so looking up how to solve problems myself in the textbook helped me, otherwise I may have failed. Attendence isn't necessary, but if you miss no more than two days, he gives you 20 bonus points on the final (about one problem's worth). He's a nice guy and is more than willing to meet with you to help, but the class itself isn't that enjoyable.

MATH-117 : Trigonometry - Posted 10/31/2007

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His first year teaching, he is hungarian and has an accent that is kind of hard to understand. Is not an organized teacher, he is very hard to follow. you had better already know the basics of trig before you take his class because dont expect much help and what help you get doesn't make sense