Western Kentucky University / M / Mary Leila Matthews

Mary Leila Matthews

Mary Leila Matthews


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Tag Summary:

Multiple Choice: 1

Mandatory Final: 2

Cumulative Final: 1

Textbook Required: 1

Attendance Required: 2

2 Total Evaluations

MKT-321 : Consumer Behavior - Posted 2/6/2008

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




the only good review she has was written by her. read it and you can totally tell she wrote it. I dont know whats up with the marketing teachers at WKU but they love to make their class WAY harder than it should be. They are on a power trip or something. whatever though as far as this class, she likes to poke fun at the students. Problem is she can't handle the any critisim back, she flips out. She make us stay the whole class period(2.5 hrs) while she sits up there and talks about HERSELF the whole time! We hardly even discussed what would be covered on the tests. I guess we're supposed to just sit there and listen about Diet Coke and whatever else is going on in here life at that time. Seriously its a joke.
She takes of a whole letter grade for every class you miss after the first 2. She makes the attendance policy so hardcore so she has someone to talk to about her problems and how she waited till she was 30 something to get married.

MKT-220 : Basic Marketing Concepts - Posted 11/10/2007

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




I do not recommend Matthews for this course. I have learned nothing in this class. You have four exams that are multiple choice. She loves to word her questions to where they are very tricky to understand. The worst part is you have a group project from he**!! You have to design your own company....way too much to explain on here but it involves a 15 page paper and presentation and ends up being about 300 points of your grade so if you get in a bad group your grade in the class is just screwed. She is not very personable and does not seem to want to be there at all. For the exams you cover 5 chapters in one night and the exam is the next class meeting. Attendance is huge for her.... once you miss two you are out of luck no matter why you miss. Also, homework has to be turned in at the exact time that class starts or she does not accept it. Overall, just not a good attitude about teaching and she makes the class way harder than it has to be. I recommend taking someone else!