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General Information
Professor: Lance Hahn
Course: PSY 480
Course Title: Physiological Psychology
Student Grade: A
Post Date: 5:54:41 PM 12/21/2007
Overall Rating: Good Good
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Exam Information
Exam Content: No Multiple Choice
No Matching
No True/False
No Fill in the Blank
Yes Essay
No Problem Solving
Mandatory Final: No
Cumulative Final: Yes
Other Information
Textbook Required: Yes
Extra Credit Available: Yes
Attendance Required: No
Quantity of Notes: Moderate
Difficulty: Moderate
Additional Comments
Dr. Hahn's class was a fairly easy class. I was intimidated by the class at first as the brain is fairly complex organ, but in the end it was all pretty easy. There are five exams (including the final) from which the best four are factored into your grade. The final is cumulative, but is not required to be taken. There are exam make ups, but those are designed to be more difficult. The exam format is 15 short answer questions. Some questions require a phrase, others a few sentences. Most of the questions are from the review questions available on blackboard. Each chapter has 12 to 18 questions, some of which have multiple parts, but all can be found in the book. On the exam there is will in the neighborhood of 12 to 14 questions from the review and 1 or 2 from the labs. Often a diagram has to be labeled and explained.

There are student lead labs in which a group of two meets with Dr. Hahn before the class date and learn the material to teach the class about various topics. Dr. Hahn is there to help, and often this lab involves the dissection of a sheep brain. It is not all that gross as it is like tough tofu. A paper on the lab is due a week later and that is posted on blackboard with your name removed.

There is a paper in which you are guided through as you have to turn in the topic, outline, rough, and final drafts. None of which is very difficult. Lastly, there is a proposal which is based upon the paper.

Extra credit is available in the form of a web project, turning in typed notes to put on online for a lecture and participation in the study board.

Dr. Hahn is effective in his lectures, but he does tend to over explain things, which is fine considering that class for the most part was brain dead. People often do not show up and add little to experience as a whole when they do. Since the class is one of two options as a requirement of the major there is no really getting around the fact that others are going to not understand the material and ask the same questions again and again. Dr.Hahn seems to have a high tolerance for this, more power to him.  

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