Western Kentucky University / W / David Wyant

David Wyant

David Wyant


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Fill in the Blank: 1

Essays: 6

Problem Solving: 1

Mandatory Final: 5

Cumulative Final: 4

Extra Credit: 2

Attendance Required: 1

6 Total Evaluations

HCA-340 : Healthcare Mgt - Posted 7/22/2008

Overall Rating:




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This teacher is the worst ever and his test are overkill. Take a different teacher or wait an extra semester to see if a different teacher will be teaching the class. The only way I would take this class again is if it were my last semester.
May luck be with those that attempt this class with Dave

HCA-340 : Healthcare Organization And Management - Posted 7/17/2008

Overall Rating:




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I took Dr. Wyant as a summer class. I must say that this is one of the most intense classes I’ve ever taking. Dr. Wyant hands out these packets called modules and basically they’re test questions but they’re F-ING over kill to memorize these bastards. If you have a good memory then this class will be right up your ally. We had to do an 8 page paper with 8 sources and then a few other little assignments along the way but they were easy. This class is easy to get at least a B if you have a good memory other wise you might get a C.
Now to my story about Dr. Wyant; I’m a finance major and I must say that this was one of the most intense classes I’ve ever taking which I stated above. I took it as an elective because I moved back to Owensboro during the summer and they don’t have much to offer other than ITV classes. I don’t know what major you have to be in to take this class but I must say that imo he was the crappiest teachers I have ever taking. He thinks that he knows everything. One of the projects you have to do in this class is over a subject of your choice as long as it pertains to health care. Since I’m in the business department I chose a book over organizational management of healthcare. After I did my presentation he informed me that healthcare field doesn’t utilize organizational management. I didn’t want to inform him that he couldn’t have been any more wrong. I wanted to tell him about the Arnold Palmer Hospital but I didn’t want to get on his bad side so early in the class. As for the test I don’t know what you have to do to get a 100 because I would memorize all the test answers and put them down word for word. I don’t even think he reads the test that people send him. I think he grades on how many pages you write out or something because I would have to exact same answers as some of the other people in the class but he would take a few points off of mine. As for all of the other assignments I think that if you do them you will get full credit for them.
Here’s what got me the most about this class. At the end of the semester I had a 95 average and the only grades we had left were the final and the paper. The final was worth 250 points and the paper was worth 100 points. Since my average was so high, I had 67 points to spare before my grade would drop to a B. Anyways I know I made an A on the final and imo I think I should have received at least a B on the paper but Dr. Wyant must not have liked me because he gave me an F on my paper. My final grade was an 89%. I called him and asked about my final grade and on the phone he was being a rude piece of crap. I asked him to email me all of my grades and he informed me that it was against university code to do that. I wanted to tell him that he’s a poopy head because he doesn’t use blackboard and there isn’t any other way of finding out your grade other than email. When I talked to him on the phone he told me that I lost out on my class attendance points because I left early one time.
Good luck for those that take this class. His lectures are excruciation and you never get out early. This class is point less and the worst WKU has to offer. Its not even healthcare mgt. its more like a history class of health care.

HCA-347 : International Health Care Systems - Posted 6/15/2007

Overall Rating:




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I took this class in the May Term as credit for my Category E requirement. It was a lot to comprehend for a 3-week course but overall wasn't that bad. Mr. Wyant is a very nice and understanding professor and I really enjoyed having him as a professor. There were 3 exams and a final. We also had 3 critical readings to do with a few questions with each one, you get full credit as long as you do them. Mr. Wyant will print out all of the notes and hand them out. The only problem is that the tests only consist of about 12 questions and there are 30 or so on the handout. Questions with asterisks (*) you do not need to study for the test. Tests are 120 points each and the final has 18 questions for 240 points. You will have to do a 5 minute book report in the first week of class, he provides you with a list of books you can find at the library to do your report on. There is also a Panel Discussion you can do in the second week. It is of course optional, but it is basically 20 free bonus points. Since he knew I was a nursing major he found me a Nursing article to do as well as two other articles that I got to choose from an assortment of articles. All in all, the class was boring as all get out. However I am glad that it is over and done and I will not have to worry about any more classes like that. Mr. Wyant is a good professor, but the subject is very boring. It also bothered me that he would talk about information in the notes that we didn't need to know for the tests. On top of the final we also had to write a 10-page paper and make a 20 minute presentation on a country and it's health system of our choice. At first I thought this was horrible. But Mr. Wyant is very helpful to find you some good information on whatever country you choose. Pretty much if you do it you get full credit, I think. It sounds really bad but it wasn't as awful as I had envisioned it to be.
As far as I am aware, the only times this class is offered is May term and Winter term. If you want a quick fix for your Category E requirement, this is it. Not too bad as long as you're willing to put forth the effort, and memorize some questions and answers.

HCA-446 : Informatics - Posted 5/5/2007

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Wyant's class is all lecture. It gets pretty boring but if you study a few nights before the test and do a couple of papers, you'll make an A. He gives you packets of material. At the end of each packet is 8-20 questions with 2 to 5 parts each. The test questions will come from these questions but you end up with 40-60 questions to study for a test that has 12 questions on it. Not a terrible class but it won't be the highlight of your day either.

HCA-445 : Healthcare Finance - Posted 4/12/2007

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Dr. Wyant is a horrible teacher. He's a very smart guy but he doesn't like to teach. he gives you packets and expects you to teach yourself how to do finance. There's no way unless your good at the stuff. Then when you do bad on the test he makes you feel bad. My thing is I pay tuition and he gets paid to teach, and he's not doing his job. The thing is he's the only healthcare finance professor. It horrible, all I can say is good luck.

HCA-446 : Informatics - Posted 4/6/2005

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I am currently in this class. Dr. Wyant is such a nice guy, and will help you out any way that he can, but his class is so boring. He brings in a lecture that he typed out everyday and reads it to the class, while everyone answers the questions at the end of the handout. For his test he gives you every single possible question that might be on the test. The only problem with that is that there are almost 60-80 questions with 3-5 parts to each. Who has time for that?