Western Kentucky University / H / Elizabeth Haynes

Elizabeth Haynes

Elizabeth Haynes


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Tag Summary:

True/False: 1

Fill in the Blank: 1

Problem Solving: 1

Mandatory Final: 1

Cumulative Final: 2

Textbook Required: 2

Extra Credit: 1

Attendance Required: 2

2 Total Evaluations

MATH-96 : Intermediate Algebra - Posted 5/17/2007

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




Ms. Haynes is a great woman who teaches a really enjoyable class. I really enjoyed her teaching style, and really feel that it was very effective in imbuing these remedial skills in her students. I really needed some help catching up to what was expected of my math skills in college, and as a Math minor, it was somewhat embarrassing to have to take this course, but she really did a good job. She will go step-by-step-by-step as slow as necessary through a problem with the class (or at least those that participate) calling out the answer for each step. Even things like "4 divided by four, equals?" and wait for someone to yell out "1!" before she went on. She teaches a pretty generic class besides her great personality, and thorough teaching style, with the material covered evenly and with attention and little notes about how "this is usually harder for students" or "the factoring test is usually you guys' worst score, so don't feel bad if you did a little worse than usual." Her friendly nature and good teaching ability, which demonstrates and exercises focus on troubling subjects and troubles students really enhances the effectiveness of this course, and in my opinion makes Ms. Haynes one of the better 096 teachers the Math department has to offer (even better than all those Profs that teach it ;)

MATH-96 : College Algebra 1 - Posted 1/29/2007

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




Elizabeth Haynes is an "OK" teacher, however she treats her students like 4 year-olds. It is very difficult to sit in class and feel motivated to learn any kind of Mathematical theory when she constantly insists things like "showing her your eyes" while she's teaching. It just seems like she would be better in a middle school where its ok to treat kids like kids instead of a group of adults like she doesn't have to give them respect. She is a young techer and seems like she is just concerned about being in charge as opposed to focussing on teaching. There is a quiz every week and homework is due every Friday. It is not graded for accuracy, only points for attempting. She moves along quickly and will MAKE you do your daily homework in class without exception. It is just wierd to be treated like a child in grade-school again.