Western Kentucky University / W / Elizabeth G. Winkler

Elizabeth G. Winkler

Elizabeth G. Winkler


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Tag Summary:

True/False: 10

Multiple Choice: 9

Matching: 4

Fill in the Blank: 8

Essays: 9

Mandatory Final: 5

Cumulative Final: 3

Textbook Required: 8

Extra Credit: 3

Attendance Required: 10

13 Total Evaluations

ENG-302 : Linguistics - Posted 6/13/2017

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Winkler will be nice and helpful in person; however, do not take her online. She picks favorites and tears apart the rest. As a 4.0 student I failed her class and had to retake it a second time. The second time I barely passed and had to give the class my all. After a call to ombudsman office she quickly compromised but still was not helpful in any way. She is very down-grading and hateful through emails.

ENG-104 : Intro Linguistics - Posted 4/20/2016

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

Quantity of Notes:

Not Specified


Not Specified

I have no problem with Dr. Winkler, but I feel the need to post this review because when I was searching for reviews of Winkler, no one mentioned this information: Instead of grading you based on total point value, which is how most college courses are, Dr. Winkler weights assignments. Tests are weighted more than homework. It honestly doesn't help your grades, and it's messed up because she even made a point of saying she doesn't like grade systems that screw students over, yet this one definitely isn't fair. I don't like the way she grades assignments and her tests are more difficult than the homework we do.

ENG-104 : Linguistics And English Grammar - Posted 4/29/2009

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Dr winkler is an good professor. while she is interesting she also tends to be very repetitive which can be annoying. However, she seems to be the best option for ENG 104 and 304. There is no textbook for 304 and for 104 she requires a small book that she wrote ... it's like 20 bucks which is nice. Winkler is a nice person, and it's honestly hard to get a bad grade in her class. If you attend class you will be fine, if you dont you're screwed. I would recommend her for both classes. SHE IS BETTER THAN THE OTHER TEACHERS FOR 304! Nice lady, easy class.

ENG-100 : Freshman English - Posted 5/12/2008

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I'm not going to blame my D on anyone but me. However, Dr. Winkler is not a friendly or forgiving teacher. In this class thier were 6 essays 3 exams and a final portfolio. I never made higher than a C on any of my papers and the pop quizes we had were the only thing that keep my grade above an F. She doesn't mess around with any creative writting at all. Everything we did was like a research paper with a required amount of sources and huge deductions for miss citations.

ENG-104 : Intro To Linguistics - Posted 12/18/2007

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I should have had an A in this course, but I slacked off a bit towards the end of the semester and ended up with a B. That being said, Winkler is an amazing professor and clearly loves what she teaches. Her lectures are good enough to make even grammar interesting and she's really funny.
Be sure to read the items posted on Blackboard. After a while you'll be able to predict when she will have a pop quiz (there are 6 throughout the semester, and 1 grade is dropped).
The tests are pretty straighforward; if you use your notes and the text (which Winkler wrote), you'll have no problem.
You are only allowed 5 absences, but they require no excuses. You'll be able to make up your work, but other than that, she will take no late assignments.
I've also had Winkler for 304 and would definately reccommend taking her for these classes. She makes it fun to come to class, which is a real challenge for any professor.

ENG-200 : - Posted 7/25/2007

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I loved Ms Winkler. She really cares about her students. If you actually visit her during her office hours and make an attempt to try she will grade you according to it. You don't have to be a great writer in order to get a good grade in her class, you just have to participate in class and try.

ENG-304 : English Language - Posted 5/14/2007

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The reading assignments are boring and can be lengthy at times. We never had a pop quiz but she is going to start giving them because no one ever read the material. She gives a week to do the homework assignments, which really aren't bad at all if you try, but she can grade them pretty hard. She gives study guides for the tests. The final project sucks if you wait until the last minute like I did, so I suggest you start early! Overall, I would definitley suggest taking Dr. Winkler for this course. The tests can be challenging, but she is nice and always willing to give extra help!!

ENG-304 : English Language - Posted 5/12/2007

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The key to this course is NOT procrastinating. Dr. Winkler is among my favorite professors I've ever had. She is fair, funny, and very likeable. This was my favorite class during the semester. Although my grade came out to something other than what I wanted... I realize that it was my fault. There is no final. Your final project pretty much takes the place of an actual final. This is where procrastination comes in... DO NOT DO IT! When she gives you the project at the beginning of the semester... start it then! Do NOT wait! This is what lowered my grade so much.
I would very much recommend Dr. Winkler for this course. I would take her again... Just DO NOT procrastinate. What seems like a small final project paper is actually a good 18-20 page epic! Although it can be fun... it is not when you are doing it the day before it is due. Other than that... I'd say go for it.

ENG-304 : English Language - Posted 5/8/2007

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Winkler is an excellent professor! If you know much about grammar, then this class will be super-easy. If not, she's very helpful and will answer any questions you have via e-mail, meeting, etc. She periodically checks attendance, but it is not required. I think she just likes to know who's there.
The book is a good one and (I would say) is definately needed for the class. If you're an English major, consider keeping it. You won't get much for selling it anyway. Be sure to read the assignments on Blackboard. Teachers can look and see who's been reading and who hasn't. Plus, at the end of the semester, Winkler gave us extra credit quizzes over the readings to boost our grade. There is mandatory homework, but it is usually 15-20min worksheets. The final is a project, and if you start a month or so ahead of the due date, it's a breeze. DO NOT put it off!
I'm not sure who else teaches 304 (or 104 for that matter), but I would definately recommend Dr. Winkler. Her lectures are fun; she always talks about alcohol, weed, and swearing. Also, she's a pretty interesting person. Take her class!

ENGL-100 : Freshmen Composition - Posted 3/29/2007

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Dr. Winkler is an amazing lady who is willing to help almost anyone with anything. The three in class essays are basically shortened versions of the papers you turn in (same prompt). There's mandatory readings and pop quizzes, but they are really not all that bad. She drops the lowest one.
The topics for the papers though are not very broad. She tends to stick to one subject for the semester. She assigns essays over things that interest her, not her students.
Unlike the other English professors, she doesn't require a specific style (MLA, APA, Chicago Manual) sheet, but she teaches you how to use them.
Overall, she's awesome and it should be an easy A if you can half-way write.

ENG-104 : Intro Linguistics - Posted 12/17/2006

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Okay.. Dr. Winkler is a great person, who is very enthusiastic about what she teaches and knows... she is willing to help her students understand linguistics in whatever ways she can.. However, her notes suck...and you have to print ALL the readings off of Blackboard which are sometimes over 30 pages. She gives study guides but they suck as well... The least likely thing you think would be on a test is... But she's a nice lady and knows her stuff. Oh yea, you also have an 8 page research paper due mid semester that she gives little awareness about.. but she'll help you if you need it, so don't worry. Good luck-- I recommend her

ENG-300 : Junior English - Posted 2/17/2006

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This was the easiest Eng. 300 class ever. There are NO tests and only 3 or 4 papers the whole semester. They are all only 2-3 pages long, except the final paper which only has to be 5 pages. She is so easy and just reviews alot of grammar and punctuation and gets people to do in class group activities sometimes. We never stayed in class for the whole period. We rarely took any notes, and there was very little reading. I know most people have horrid Eng. 300 experiences, but her's was great, so definitely take her if you have a chance!

ENG-300 : Junior English - Posted 1/18/2006

Overall Rating:




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Dr. W transferred to Western from U of AZ. She did a great job in showing the writing process step by step. She does not believe in making her students write on controversial subjects, which is one thing I liked very much, but the best thing about her was the fact that she was very flexible, i.e., not rigid. This was her first semester teaching the class, and within the first week, she had taken some things off the syllabus; stuff like pop quizzes and reader's response journal (yay!) She also moved several deadlines for our class because we had so many other things going at the same time. She knows her stuff and is a good professor to take for ENG300. I felt lucky to have had her. There are several essays/responses to write throughout the semester on some assigned readings and one large five-page research paper written on a subject in your field of study. There is no final. We turned the final paper in on the last day of class before finals week, and then we were done. One fewer final to worry about.