Western Kentucky University / A / Christopher Antonsen

Christopher Antonsen

Christopher Antonsen


Add your Evaluation

Overall Rating


Grade Received


Course Difficulty


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Tag Summary:

True/False: 28

Multiple Choice: 31

Matching: 13

Fill in the Blank: 36

Essays: 49

Problem Solving: 1

Mandatory Final: 45

Cumulative Final: 15

Textbook Required: 40

Extra Credit: 4

Attendance Required: 25

50 Total Evaluations

FLK-288 : Cultural Diversity - Posted 2/20/2012

Overall Rating:




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Not Specified



This class was the last class I needed to complete my Gen Ed requirements as a Junior. I have never had to drop a class before, but just 3 weeks into this guys class and I was ready to rip out my hair! There is madatory discussions every other day, with quizzes and tests thrown in every week. I partcipated and took quizzes and I still had a very bad grade by the time that I gave up on this class. I am a straight A student on the Presidents List and a Gen Ed level 200 class got the better of me! :(
I understood the material, but I'm not one of those people that gives "deep" thoughts to people over the internet, or in class either for that matter. I just want to do my work, get as much as I can out of the class, and move on. This applies especially because it's a GEN ED CLASS! These classes are usually useless and sometimes pretty dull, but this class takes the cake. I would NOT reccomend this professor as I have heard that every other section of this course is a piece of cake. If you can avoid this class and professor, do it!

FLK-280 : Folk Studies - Posted 12/15/2011

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Mr. Antonsen is a good teacher! But I had how little of grades we had, I messed up getting an A because I wasn't organized in the first week and got a 0 on a quiz grade, so that pretty much knocked me out of an A. DO YOUR WORK! ALL OF IT! Every point counts.

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity In The Us - Posted 12/20/2010

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Not Specified



If I were rating Dr. Antonsen as a person, the rating would be much higher. However, I am rating his class and him as a professor, and this is hands down the worst class I have ever had. It is truly discouraging. The material is so important, and the content so relevant, that I truly believe this should be a required class. Dr. Antonsen takes simple concepts, and a class that should be an easy A which fosters cultural awareness and minerva experiences and turns it into a nightmare. His grading is nuts. There is no rhyme or reason to his grades. We had like 30 grades in the class and still only accumulated 230 points. He would deviate from the syllabus with or without announcement, and when it was with announcement, he didn't even change it to the announcement. Weekly discussion boards are entirely too laborious to be what they are. Tests do not test knowledge of concepts, only whether or not you can tell him exactly what he wants you to say. There was a question on our final that wasn't even covered anywhere in the material. Don't take Antonsen. Steer very clear. I had a 3.8 until his class. In this semester, I got 3 A's and the C in this class, bringing me to a 3.67.

FLK-371 : Urban Folklore - Posted 8/9/2010

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Not Specified

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Don't take this class during a summer term. The amount of information he expects you to retain in such a short amount of time is impossible. The quizzes he gives may kick you out of Blackboard, and he thinks if you ask for it to be re-set you are cheating. This should have been a fun interesting course. I have had previous Folk Studies courses and did very well, but this professor's expectations on retaining small details is unrealistic.

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity In The U.s. (web) - Posted 12/16/2009

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Not Specified



This class is a simple topic and should be a easy A, however it is not. This course is made hard by the over complications of Dr. A. You post four discussion boards a week and there is about four random quizzes and two exams. The quizzes and exams are insane, he requires you to know stupid details like what a child was holding in a picture that doesn't apply to the message of what your talking about. Or you have to write essays that he grades like Satan...mostly just to make himself feel better. He is a great person really easy to get along with and very nice, however he is cocky and thinks he is always right. My problem with him was that he grades assignments in a way that are truly insane, he doesn't try to understand were not majors in this subject or that were not professionals..so were punished by getting grades based on how he likes us.

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity In The U.s. - Posted 12/16/2009

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Not Specified

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I took this class online and it is easy as long with you stay on top of it. You have to log on blackboard and post at least 4 disucussion boards per week and be sure to read the papers and videos he posts. There are only two tests the midterm and the final and some quizzes over readings and videos. Overall it is an easy A as long as you stay on top of it and keep up with the work every week.

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity In The Us - Posted 11/21/2009

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I took this class online so I never met him in person, but as far as what he writes, he is a really nice, open minded person, and very passionate about what he teaches. A lot of people give him a bad rep but if you just do the work he is easy to get along with. The online class setup was really easy, you just posted on the readings and took quizzes. You have to make sure to check every week to see about new assignments though. You can't slack off here. Overall it was a good class.

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity In The U.s. - Posted 6/14/2009

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Here is an unbiased review of Dr. Antonsen. I had this professor for an online course, which means that I can safely review with the course and the way he teaches it rather than grading the professor himself based simply on irrational "facts".
Since this was an online course, we had one to two discussion board topics that were due each day that were required to be discussed throughout the entire day. We were responsible for posting substantial posts of our own ideas and posting substantial responses to our peers in the course. If we had an idea or an opinion, Dr. Antonsen would almost always let us know what he thought about our opinion.
Yes, Dr. Antonsen is a liberal. I am a Republican, but what can we expect from a course that is supposed to teach us about "cultural diversity"? Should we expect a closed minded conservative to teach the course? On the other hand, I never saw where he punished anyone for their opinions or views on the issues. While he would punish us for not exhibiting cultural respect (this is a component of the course), our feelings on political issues such as government takeovers and government assistance to certain groups of people were never a reason for receiving low grades.
His exams and quizzes are all essay based (or they were for my class) and were over OBJECTIVE questions regarding definitions and factually based scenarios. His exams never asked us for our opinions or asked what we thought about a certain issue. In this way, the grades for the course were handed out fairly and were objectively measured based on whether the student stuck to the content or wondered off topic.
Many people have brought up the fact that he gets mad when religion is used in the course or when Republicans try to argue. In the cases I examined, people started discussing religion or bringing up religious arguments that had nothing to do with the topic at hand. Any issue can be answered with, "The Bible says God loves all people" or something to that nature, but answers like that do not work on college exams that want you to present what you have learned in the COURSE through reading COURSE materials. The Bible is not a textbook for this course and should not be used to answer questions on exams that want answers from readings pertaining to the course. Just like how the Bible is not an acceptable textbook for Biology exams, it is not an acceptable book for this course. Dr. Antonsen does not care if you are religious or not, he just cares if you start using religious arguments in the course that he wants formed from the reading materials instead.
His grading is pretty tough, so make sure that you answer each essay question to the highest degree that is possible and that you use references from the reading materials from the course as much as possible. Three sentence answers will not result in a good grade for this course when trying to answer his essays. Make the essay questions around five to six paragraphs of good information with each paragraph using evidence to support the claims and answers to the questions.
Bottom line: Dr. Antonsen is a great professor and one who will always respond to your e-mails in a timely manner if you have any questions about the course. He is a very helpful professor and one who really does want is students to succeed. This class is not a class to spread liberalism, but it is a class that is supposed to teach the ideas of different cultures in the United States and the act of respecting these cultures and trying to understand where they come from and why they believe what they believe. If "liberalism" is considered to be loving all people (as God wants us to do) and respecting other cultures, then maybe the world would be a better place if we were all liberals.
Great class! Not too much work! Not too much reading! Just have fun with the course and enjoy it. From what I have read, I recommend taking his online version of the course since he seems to be a jerk in class and will take off points for not speaking up in the classroom setting. The online version has a laid back atmosphere and a very approachable way of learning. Take it online.

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity In The U.s. - Posted 6/13/2009

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Here is an unbiased review of Dr. Antonsen. I had this professor for an online course, which means that I can safely review with the course and the way he teaches it rather than grading the professor himself based simply on irrational "facts".
Since this was an online course, we had one to two discussion board topics that were due each day that were required to be discussed throughout the entire day. We were responsible for posting substantial posts of our own ideas and posting substantial responses to our peers in the course. If we had an idea or an opinion, Dr. Antonsen would almost always let us know what he thought about our opinion.
Yes, Dr. Antonsen is a liberal. I am a Republican, but what can we expect from a course that is supposed to teach us about "cultural diversity"? Should we expect a closed minded conservative to teach the course? On the other hand, I never saw where he punished anyone for their opinions or views on the issues. While he would punish us for not exhibiting cultural respect (this is a component of the course), our feelings on political issues such as government takeovers and government assistance to certain groups of people were never a reason for receiving low grades.
His exams and quizzes are all essay based (or they were for my class) and were over OBJECTIVE questions regarding definitions and factually based scenarios. His exams never asked us for our opinions or asked what we thought about a certain issue. In this way, the grades for the course were handed out fairly and were objectively measured based on whether the student stuck to the content or wondered off topic.
Many people have brought up the fact that he gets mad when religion is used in the course or when Republicans try to argue. In the cases I examined, people started discussing religion or bringing up religious arguments that had nothing to do with the topic at hand. Any issue can be answered with, "The Bible says God loves all people" or something to that nature, but answers like that do not work on college exams that want you to present what you have learned in the COURSE through reading COURSE materials. The Bible is not a textbook for this course and should not be used to answer questions on exams that want answers from readings pertaining to the course. Just like how the Bible is not an acceptable textbook for Biology exams, it is not an acceptable book for this course. Dr. Antonsen does not care if you are religious or not, he just cares if you start using religious arguments in the course that he wants formed from the reading materials instead.
His grading is pretty tough, so make sure that you answer each essay question to the highest degree that is possible and that you use references from the reading materials from the course as much as possible. Three sentence answers will not result in a good grade for this course when trying to answer his essays. Make the essay questions around five to six paragraphs of good information with each paragraph using evidence to support the claims and answers to the questions.
Bottom line: Dr. Antonsen is a great professor and one who will always respond to your e-mails in a timely manner if you have any questions about the course. He is a very helpful professor and one who really does want is students to succeed. This class is not a class to spread liberalism, but it is a class that is supposed to teach the ideas of different cultures in the United States and the act of respecting these cultures and trying to understand where they come from and why they believe what they believe. If "liberalism" is considered to be loving all people (as God wants us to do) and respecting other cultures, then maybe the world would be a better place if we were all liberals.
Great class! Not too much work! Not too much reading! Just have fun with the course and enjoy it. From what I have read, I recommend taking his online version of the course since he seems to be a jerk in class and will take off points for not speaking up in the classroom setting. The online version has a laid back atmosphere and a very approachable way of learning. Take it online.

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity In Us - Posted 6/7/2009

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Not Specified



This class was the worst clas I have ever had. I had a 89.56 in the class and recieved a B. He would not round it up. He was such a smart a**. He is SO liberal. If you dont not agree with his views you are in for it. If you are a Christan do NOT take this. He is not and will not let you even express your beliefs at all. However, you have to listen to all his thoughts and never can defend your beliefs. I compromised my beliefs and religion for a good grade. IT WAS TERRIBLE!! The worst teacher I have ever had.

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity In Us - Posted 6/3/2009

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I was really looking forward to taking this class! However, Dr. A makes it impossible. You have to remember definitions word for word and if you're off by one word you get the question counted wrong. He grades unfairly and picks favorites. You have to do a lot of quizzes throughout the semester. If you plan to take him do not miss a single day! There is no opportunity for make ups! He may be a nice guy but I would stay as far away from his class as possible.

FLK-280 : Folk - Posted 5/14/2009

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Not Specified

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This is honesly one of the best classes I have taken at Wku and I am a senior. This class is really fun and enjoyable. Dr. Antonsen is a great guy who enjoys what he does and doesn't mind helping his students. you do have to read an article before class and be prepared for a quiz but the articles are interesting and not that long. Attendance is really not mandatory but if you miss a quiz you loose the points and quizzes are usually worth about 3 to 8 points. Towards the end of the semester there will be less quizzes and the final is not mandatory

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity In The Us - Posted 4/29/2009

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Dr. Antonsen was a fun teacher. I had him as my very first class my freshman year, and it was a nice way to start the day. The class was very interesting, and the books he requires for the class will definately not empty your wallet. Attendance for this class is extremely important because he does random quzzes which are not difficult as long as you take notes in class. His tests (midterm & final) are essay and some questions similar to his quiz style. The real thing that dropped my grade from an A to a B was the 9 page research paper. Make sure you allot plenty of time for this! I took this as an Honors class, so I'm not sure if he requires this in all of his classes. He grades pretty harshly on the paper, but as long as you do well in the rest of the class, you can pull off a good grade.

FLK-280 : Honors Cult. Diversity In The Us - Posted 11/20/2008

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First of all, I'd like to say that Antonsen is a cool guy. The first few days i really thought I'd enjoy the class. He encourages discussion over lecture, which is nice, but as the semester got going, i started to feel less and less comfortable in his classroom. Not all ideas are welcome in his classroom. He constantly drones on about how you need to be tolerant and whatnot, then shoots down any opposing ideas with nothing more than rhetoric. I decided to start taking notes in his class every time he used facts instead of purely his own opinion.... i didn't take very many notes. The entire curriculum is designed to get you to believe his worldview and that's it.
Overall, if you go to class (you have to or you'll miss his quizzes.) You should get an A. There aren't many points at all in this course so do your best on both papers and study for the midterm and final and you'll make it. Its just a matter if you can sit through all his liberal rhetoric for an entire semester.

FLK- : Urban Folklore - Posted 11/20/2008

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Dr. Antonsen is an amazing professor! He displays a great interest in the class, and it is very entertaining. He has a few potlucks during the semester, but if you cant cook, you are able to buy what you bring, but we had a class size of about 40, so it can get expensive. For one of our tests, it was mostly short answer/essay, but there was also a crossword puzzle from definitions he had given us in class to complete. If you dont go to class, you will have a difficult time in the class. He gives quizzes over some of the readings, but he wont tell you which ones! He usually goes over the readings in class once the quiz is over, and he will go more into depth, so take notes on what he writes on the board!
Dr. Antonsen is probably one of the best teachers I've ever had! And this class was by far the most entertaining I've ever been in!

FLK-280 : - Posted 11/18/2008

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He is supposed to be getting students to think critically about culture about if you do not go along with his liberal opinions he will disregard everything you say. If you do not like to read alot do not take him. He counts off for spelling on quizes and tests. He gives these little quizes and grades them to the extreme. The guy has some issues take someone ele.

FLK-371 : Urban Folklore - Posted 4/14/2008

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This was a great class! Dr. A is one of the best professors at Western. He makes every class period fun and interesting. We learned about childhood lore, urban legends, and food myths. He offers several fun assignments, including class potlucks. The best assignment requires a pink, plastic flamingo . . .but it is a secret with what you are supposed to do with it. :) I highly recommend you take this class.

FLK-280 : Culture Diversity - Posted 5/16/2007

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He is the worst teacher for this class. His mid terms and finals are easy but you will not pass his quizzes. We had 22 out of 40 people failing that class at one point. His quizzes are absolute bull shit and you have to read stupid shit every night. Do not take him!!!

ANY- : Cultural Diversity - Posted 5/8/2007

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The course is a great one but the way this guy sets up his class, it is very easy to get a bad grade. he is a quiz nazi and they are worth more than tests and assignments. that is how you get a bad grade, get a bad quiz average and you're sunk. he keeps his opinions to himself for the most part but the way he presents some of his thoughts are offensive. He attends class when he is sick which in turns gets students sick and he never checks out his video equipment before he goes to use it for class. this means he gets frustrated when it doesn't work and takes up time in class!

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity - Posted 4/18/2007

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You have to read for this class, but as long as you read you will do fine on the quizzes-- which are easy points. If you go to class and pay attention and take notes, you will do fine on the midterm and exam (the only 2 exams in this class). I probably only studied at most an hour for the midterm and received an A. He is a fun teacher and is always open to class discussion. Very personable- great teacher to have!

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity In The Us-honors - Posted 1/2/2007

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This class was fun most of the time. If you enjoy conversational learning you will like this class. The reaserch paper at the end was the hardest part, it was 10-12 pages and he can grade hard. You talk about some controversal issues that you have to pick your battles in. That is why I think I got a C.

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity - Posted 10/4/2006

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I did get an A in this class, and if you just want to boost your GPA then take this course. However, Antonsen is basically a narrow-minded jackass who picks favorites in the class (who just happen to share his same liberal veiws) and then he, as well as his favorites, get to pick on everyone else in the class who debates him and his opinions. I call them opinions, because that is pretty much all he teaches in this course, HIS opinions of what he sees as right and wrong. He likes for you to speak up in class, but only if it is something that he will agree with you about, otherwise he'll ramble out some bull shit about how you are bascially a discrimanatory hypocrite for having views and values contradictory to his own. If you take this class either come willing to conform or willing to fight.

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity - Posted 5/22/2006

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I took Professor Antonsen's class to fulfill a general education requirement and it was well worth it. It was one of the easiest 200 level courses I have taken. You ratherly have assignments, and the there are only three tests including the final. The tests are extremely simple. He preaches his opinions in class for most of the semester, but if you want an A it's easy to put up with. I highly recommend this class!

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity In The U.s. - Posted 4/11/2006

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save yourself the time on this class and just skip it! antonsen likes to preach his politics using this class as his soapbox. the trick is, do not believe everything he tells you. on several occasions, one of the students caught him telling a fib and corrected him in front of everyone. of course he acted ignorant but shouldn't a professor know about the stuff he's teaching? this guy doesn't. i took this class wanting to learn something and have walked away empty-handed. definitely don't take!

FLK- : Urban Folklore And Cult. Diversity - Posted 4/3/2006

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By the time I graduate I will have had Dr. Antonsen 3 times and do not regret it one bit. His classes are not incredibly easy nor incredibly difficult which is the perfect combination! You will have quite a bit of reading to do, but at least it is interesting! His tests are actually VERY easy as long as you study your notes and do the readings. The only reason people put any bad faces on here are because they are the type of people who do not want to learn a damn thing in college. Quick warning though, everyone is right about one thing-you need to be willing to participate in class. Get over it. This is college not junior high!

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity In The U.s. - Posted 4/2/2006

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I really don't know why this is an Honors course at all--much less a college course. If you get this guy for your class, all you have to do is tell him what he wants to hear and you'll do fine. It's not about learning things for yourself, it's about what Mr. Antonsen believes and why you should believe it too. I really didn't have a chance to think critically for myself about most of the topics since he only asked loaded questions. He's pretty bad at debating, too, so if you have a really good point and you stump him, expect him to dodge the question all together. I had to buy four books for the class and all we needed them for was little ten-point quizzes. That was a waste. On top of that, most of the topics we covered don't reallt fit into the "cultural diversity" category. Once again, they all fit into his political (left-wing) ideology that he's trying to shove down everyone's throats. It's funny when he talks about thinking for yourself when his class is all about the opposite. Definitely skip this class!

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity In The Us Honors - Posted 3/16/2006

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The only reason I have this class as an OK is because it's so easy. Antonsen is the posterchild for the liberal college professor. In his class you are there to learn about what he thinks about certain topics. If you have any type of conservative views at all, get ready to be challeneged on a daily basis. He isn't afraid to tell you that you are wrong. One class someone said "why don't we ever look at the other side of the argument?" His reply was "If you want the other side, watch Fox News channel." Wow. That pretty much says it all. It's an easy A if you can sit through all of the liberal rhetoric. He gives at least 1 quiz a week, so try to come to every class. Make sure you READ the syllabus because there are things in there that might trip you up (like you have to have every assignment typed in order to turn in, ect.) Just try to remember that his phD doesn't mean he knows everything.

FLK- : - Posted 2/26/2006

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After talking with many classmates, I found out i'm not the only one who feels like antonsen is not qualified to teach college courses. the material is slanted towards his personal opinions and when offered a different viewpoint he can't refute, he dissolves into "but is that really fair to everyone" kind of answers that do no good. the books for class were a waste of money and time. i have gained nothing from this class though i came into it excited and looking forward to what i thought was going to be an enlightening class. i soon found out, everything about it is exhasperating. if i could, i would have never signed up for this course. waste...utter waste.

FLK-371 : Urban Folklore - Posted 12/16/2005

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I really enjoyed this class, except for the 8 a.m. part. I had some sickness in November and was out of class a lot. Dr. Antonsen is very understanding if you get with him and explain what was going on. He responds pretty quickly to email. There were 2 books and one supplement reader we had to get from kinkos. The books were available in the bookstore. This class is mostly an overview of folklore i.e. urban legands, spooky stories, yard art, songs, etc. It was fun.

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity - Posted 9/15/2005

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dr. antonsen is a cool guy... he likes to have fun and loves a lively bunch. if you take this class, encourage a group of friends to take it with you so that you'll all be chatty. it's more fun that way, anyway. like i said, he'll like you if you're in a lively class. he won't judge you for your views as long as you have something to back it up that isn't "because i was raised that way." tests can be confusing, i admit, but if you make time to talk to him in office hours he'll clear up any questions you have.

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity - Posted 8/24/2005

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The class itself is not that hard, but Mr. Antonsen is the worst teacher I have ever had. I am a straight A student and because I missed one quiz, because I was sick, he gave me a C in the class. He is very unfair with his grading, and I would not reccomend you taking this class. If you do take the class, make sure you are there every day or you will miss a lot. And try to become one of his favorites, because if you are your guarenteed and A.

CIS-280 : Cultural Diversity - Posted 12/17/2004

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This class is very interesting. He is a great teacer. He knows what he is talking about and always tries to see both sides of any argument. Overall this is a very good and easy class to take and I would recommend it to anybody that needs an easy A class.

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity In The Us - Posted 11/2/2004

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Mr. Antonsen is very nice, and down to earth. there are class discussions every meeting and he will try to get everyone to participate in these discussions.
The discussions are always over the reading material from the previous night or about a film watched in class. in the beginning of the course, there will be a good amount of reading, but its never long, but read READ READ!! Towards the end of the semester there will be more films than anything. but you still are expected to take notes from them also.
he gives numerous quizzes and you'll never know when he gives them, but as you go through the semester you can start to almost guess when he will give a quiz. he also gives 2 test, and then a final.
This class really is easy, he doesnt test you on things that DONT stick out in a reading. just study the reading and films and you will do fine.

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity In The Us - Posted 10/26/2004

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Dr. Antonsen is one of my favorite professors I've had so far at WKU. While I don't agree with his political views (which he makes known in class), the way he teaches is awesome. If you're a slacker, the no attendance policy will bite you in the butt. Make sure to keep up on your readings, and there's no reason anyone should make below an A. The tests may seem picky, but if you come to class, then you know what's going to be on there. Get a good discussion going in class and it'll be much more fun. The things discussed in this class overlap a lot with Sociology 100--such as social class, race, gender, etc. I would love to take another class with this teacher, as it's different from the college norm.

FLK- : - Posted 10/20/2004

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Dr. Antonsen is one of the best teachers I have ever had. Be prepared to discuss though. (This is something you should get used to in upper level humanities courses.) If you have different opinions from him that's fine but be prepared to explain why you have those beliefs. He will be willing to explain his. I had friends in the class that did not do well on his tests but when they actually studied they did very well (this is also something you should get used to in college). Overall this class is a nice break from the normal lecture you fall asleep in. Be ready to attend class with an open mind and you'll do fine.

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity In The Us - Posted 5/7/2004

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This class was alright...Dr. Antonsen is a really nice guy. Easiest way to make the grade in there is to just go to class and listen. He gives pop quizes and they add up so don't slack off on them. Just have an open mind.

FLK- : Cultural Diversity - Posted 4/22/2004

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You have to take this class. Dr. Antonsen is by far the best professor that I've ever had at WKU. His class is really interesting and you actually learn a lot about how our country is so diverse with it's cultures. I really drew a great interest towards the subject. Even though it was an 8am I always looked forward to attending. Dr. Antonsen is a great guy. He's layed back and always go with the flow. He's a good person to talk to and is always there to listen. I highly recommened this class. There is a substantial amount of reading but it's worth it and only two exams during the semester. Now, go register!

FLK- : Cultural Diversity In The United States - Posted 4/7/2004

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Dr. Antonsen's class was one of the most rewarding ones I've experienced at Western. While the class is a Gen Ed req, it is enjoyable to attend. Dr. Antonsen is a wonderful teacher, and has a great perspective on a college student's life because he's pretty young himself. I would recommend this class to anyone to fill this Gen Ed requirement!

FLK-371 : Urban Folklore - Posted 1/19/2004

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Dr. Antonsen is an awesome teacher! I took him for two semesters and would take him again if I could. His classes are always interesting. Some days are strictly for lecture, but those days are slim to none. This is the type of class where details matter. Always answer his class and test questions with as much detail as possible, he can figure out if you're full of BS real fast. I took him for both Cultural Diversity and Urban Folk;both classes are a blast. This is one professor that is very passionate about his what he does. How many professors can you say that about anymore? Take him, you won't regret it.

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity - Posted 1/3/2004

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There is only one reason why this class is classified as difficult and that is because of the exam structure. You don't really know what you are learning in the class, I feel like it was a waste of time except that I did receive a general ed. credit for taking it so that's worth something. You need to be able to remember many definitions that he gives out in class, if you read the readings from the books you will do fine on the quizzes, but sometimes the way he words the quizzes can be confusing, and he was never there when an exam was given out which was upsetting because you couldn't ask him what he wanted in a question which were also confusing. Don't miss class because you could miss a quiz which aren't made up unless you have a documented excuse (dr.'s note, etc.) and you don't make it up, he drops it from your final grade is all. The best part of the class was the readings for the most part, some I disliked but most I enjoyed. Toward the end he really tries to force you to agree with the way he thinks about some issues so watch out and keep your own opinion. He loves a good debate. Good luck.

FLK-371 : Urban Folklore - Posted 12/5/2003

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You have three tests in the class and they are mainly short answer with 2 essays. Sometimes he changes the test and put a few mulitple choice, or fill in the blanks. There are readings everyday and he takes up questions randomly through the course. Antonsen is a very good professor for the class, and I found it to be very interesting. AS long as you come to class, pay attention and do the readings you can pass easily.

FLK- : - Posted 7/18/2003

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this guy is the worst teahcer to get at western. he makes the class interesting and he seems nice for a while, but then he turns into a little girl and cries about things like not participating in class. if you dont participate it can bring your grade down a letter. and remember you opinion is always wrong and it doesn't mean anything in his class

FLK-280 : Cultural Divesity In The Us - Posted 7/7/2003

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Dr. Antonsen makes this class fun. It is an eyeopening experience. The work is a bit time consuming and you must must must read the assignments. The test are a little tricky but with regular attendance and study they are passable.

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversities In The Us - Posted 6/9/2003

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This is the best class I have ever taken at Western. A big part of this is b/c of Dr. Antonson. He is a great guy that is very easy to talk to and makes class very interesting. You have class discussions about topics that are relevant in your life. He makes you open your eyes and see issues in a new perspective. You have 2 test (mid-term and final) and several quizzes throught the semester. His test a hard if you don't know the definitions and have not done the reading. Go over your quizzes to study b/c a lot of those questions will be on there word for word. I think everyone should take this class. You will not regret it!

FLK- : Cultural Diversity - Posted 5/20/2003

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This class shouldn't have been this hard. I really enjoyed the material but the teacher was so picky. I felt that he had his favorites and that they were the only ones he cared about and gave good grades too. I mean the tests were mostly essay which the teacher grades at "his" discretion". You have to talk a lot in this class, you actually get a participation grade which is 50 points you either get or you don't. Shy people beware!!

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity In The U.s. - Posted 1/22/2003

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Tough call on Antonsen. He's funny and cool, but I don't think his tests are very good. He puts things on them that are trivial that you would never expect. If you don't TALK and give opinions in his class, it will hurt your grade. I did well all semester but got a C because I'm not very vocal. It just didn't seem fair.

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity - Posted 1/6/2003

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Dr. Antonsen is a nice guy and a good teacher. He is actually interested in students and takes the time to know his students. I found the class to be interesting and not that difficult. Take him for this class.

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity - Posted 12/30/2002

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Not Specified

This class was very boring. He made us purchase three text books plus a packet from kinkos and the bnookstore would only buy one back. He talks about things that are not correct and he doesn't care what your beliefs on a subject are. He went as far to say that he was God. Don't think so!!! I do not recommend this class to anyone the test are very hard and he does not make it clear what you need to know for the test.

FLK- : Cultural Diversity - Posted 8/16/2002

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Dr. Antonsen was a great professor, he hasn't lost touch with his students and shows a genuine interest in their ideas and abilities. This class will open your mind to things you have not considered and expand your world view. I highly recomend the course under him, required or not.

FLK-280 : Cultural Diversity In The United States - Posted 5/7/2002

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If you ever have the opportunity to take Dr. Antonsen, please do! He is one of the greatest professors I've had at Western, his class is wonderful and discussion based. You will definitely gain a lot by taking his class...he's just really cool :-)