Western Kentucky University / B / Alexander Barzilov

Alexander Barzilov

Alexander Barzilov


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Tag Summary:

True/False: 2

Fill in the Blank: 1

Essays: 2

Problem Solving: 2

Mandatory Final: 3

Cumulative Final: 3

Textbook Required: 1

Extra Credit: 3

Attendance Required: 1

4 Total Evaluations

PHYS-321 : Introduction To Modern Physics Ii - Posted 12/21/2009

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

Quantity of Notes:




Dr. Barzilov is a man who really cares about his students. His enthusiasm for teaching the course and working with the students can be hardly matched by anyone in the physics department. Not once did Dr. Barzilov enter the room with a sour attitude or a demeanor that was meant to discourage the students. The professor showed a genuine interest in the course and the success of his students, and it showed by the smile that never left his face.
He gives a homework assignment each week. These homework assignments are turned in one week after the assignment was given. However, if the students are having trouble, he has no problem extending the homework set or going over it in class. His tests are not quantitative. You must actually know what is taking place throughout the book. For most physics students, it will be a wakeup call when you cannot simply remember how to solve problems and then ace the exams. His exams are essay style, which means that you must know what you are talking about to receive credit. He did not give test reviews! Be sure to study for the exams by reading the chapters and understanding them!!! This professor also keeps a handy website in case you need to download notes, see assignments, or view any course document.
I would recommend taking this professor at any time. He is definitely an asset to Western Kentucky University.

PHYS-260 : University Physics Ii - Posted 12/20/2007

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:

Not Specified



Dr. Barzilov is one of the worst teachers that I have had on campus. I attended all but two classes and did the online homework, yet he failed to teach me anything. I learned more the one day that we had Dr. Harper as a substitute than I did the entire semester with Barzilov. Not once did he ask if the class had any questions. He just kept flipping through his useless power point slides (Composed of pretty yet unhelpful pictures scanned straight out of the textbook), working example problems in a manner that no one understood with his back to the class the entire time, and demonstrated his knowledge of the subject matter (mainly nuclear physics) without regard to whether the students understood it or not. I did the extra credit, yet still received the grade above after a semester of useless lecture on his part and lots of effort on my part. Unless you already know the E&M concepts of Physics II or you are a senior with extra time, avoid taking Dr. Barzilov. It was a horrid class.

PHYS-261 : Lab - Posted 5/1/2006

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




This is the easiest teacher you can possible take. As long as you turn somthing half way credible in you get a 100
Beleive me this IS THE TEACHER TO TAKE!!!!!

PHYS-250 : Physics I - Posted 4/18/2005

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




Professor Barzilov is an excellent instructor and truly cares about his students doing well in his courses. He is Russian though and on occasions he has a hard time communicating what he wants to say clearly. Never is there a question though about his knowledge of the subject matter. He gives excellent revies for his test. Often the problems are idenitcal except number changes. You provides equation sheets for every test with all necessary equations on them, so there is no requirement to memorize. If the class does not so well on a test, he will work with ways of improving the score. Sometime it will be a simple curve or extra credit of some sort. I got a B, and maybe went to half of the scheduled classed and only completed about half of the hw. HW is daily Mastering Physics assignments on the computer.