Western Kentucky University / G / Frederick G. Grieve

Frederick G. Grieve

Frederick G. Grieve


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Tag Summary:

True/False: 3

Multiple Choice: 4

Matching: 2

Fill in the Blank: 3

Essays: 6

Mandatory Final: 3

Cumulative Final: 1

Textbook Required: 13

Extra Credit: 12

14 Total Evaluations

PSY- : Abnormal Psychology - Posted 1/9/2012

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Grieve is hands down one of my favorite psychology professors in the department. His teaching style is extremely relaxed, and he does not believe nor endorse the use of exams in his course. However, this does not mean getting an A or a B is achieved without substantial effort. No matter what course you take with Dr. Grieve, you will be required to write several different pieces during the semester--most are in the form of prompts, papers, or essays. While they are not a piece of cake, they are challenging in a way that fuels intellectual nature. Dr. Grieve grades writing fairly but is quite the grammar Nazi, which I feel helped to improve my overall style. Getting a good grade is certainly within reach and Dr. Grieve is hilarious. Much of the course is delivered through open dialogue within class and powerpoints. I would take him for so many more courses if I could!

PSY- : Intro To Clinical Psych - Posted 5/8/2010

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:

Not Specified


Not Specified

This class is an easy A. I didn't get an A but I am the most lazy person on the planet. There are no tests and no final. There are a few quizzes but each are only worth about 5 points. Your grade comes from writing papers and attendance. There were about 5 papers but only the last two were really time consuming. Dr. Grieve makes class a lot of fun and he is really laid back. Most class days we just laughed the whole time. On his papers he is really serious when he says APA style so make sure you are up to date. During our class a new edition came out and he counted off if we had it the old way, although the old way was only about 2 days old.

PSY-440 : Abnormal Psychology - Posted 1/9/2007

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Grieve is a one of those professors that one has got to experience for his or herself. The class was truly a great experience. While the class is enjoyable that does not mean that an effort does not have to be made. Sets of take home questions are assigned in place of exams. Generally these are three questions which take generally 1 to 2 pages (per question) to give a complete answer, but do not be surprised if more is needed. This happens at least six times throughout the semester with a set due in place of the final. Generally you have 5 to 10 days to complete the set once it is posted on his website. But if the class gets behind, the time to complete may become shorter as well as the amount of time between sets. The answers must all be written in APA style and the use of proper grammar is required as not using either can drop the credit you recieve like a rock. He does accept late work, but with a penalty and he is something of stickler on that issue, which I felt showed great respect for those who were able to complete the assignment on time. If you do poorly on one set it will not destory your grade
There is an 8-12 page paper, which is relatively easy.
The rest of the grade is determined by quizzes. These are generally short with about 5 questions on each. If the quiz is given orally then it is three or four, and you may get to use your notes or a classmate.
Extra credit is available in a number of ways and incorporated in three ways. There is a limit to extra credit, but not really. Extra credit is available on most quizzes in the form of an extra question or two and on the take home questions which is generally five points. Extra credit on the take home is usually a 1/2 - 1 page response to an issue or video where you list the symptoms of a disorder and your opinion, prognosis, or treatment. So if there are six sets of questions and at five points a pop that equals 30 points of extra credit and the total points available is 300 or 350. These are not counted towards the extra credit that is limited. The additional extra credit comes from various things as coming to class when he as arranged for someone else to lecture the class or coming to class when attendence is just into double digits. The larger chunks of extra credit will come from participating in studies through study board and by finding recent articles in non scholarly publications about the topics discussed in class. Our class had to only turn them in, but he indicated that he may change the assignment to get students to read the articles as intended; a paragragh summary prehaps? Also perhaps a lesser known method of earning extra credit is by using sources outside of Dr. Grieve and the text when answering take home questions, however laundry listing a number of sources just to have them will most likely work against you.
The readings for class are important for the quizzes and class discussions. Notes are available online, but still take additional notes.
Lastly, you will learn a lot and hopefully enjoy the class. Dr. Grieve is an amazing instructor, who loves to teach and holds his students in high regard. If you need help he is willing to take the time to assist you in what ways he can, which is impressive when you take into consideration that he reads several plus pages from each student several times throughout the semester with a generally quick turn around of under a week; not to mention a slew of additional responsibilities with the university and department.

PSY- : Abnormal - Posted 12/22/2006

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Grieve is an excellent professor. There are no exams in the class which is fantastic. There is a lot of writting though, but it isn't just busy work - you really get something out of the assignments. Overall, it was an excellent class and I highly recomend it.

PSYC- : Abnormal Psyc - Posted 1/18/2006

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Grieve is one of the best professors at WKU! He gives you the notes on his website. He does not have tests, just 8 sets of essay questions. He gives you a choice on which ones you want to answer. Grieve also has a good sense of humor that makes this class fun.

PSY-440 : Abnormal - Posted 11/17/2005

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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Attendance is not mandatory yet it is very benificial for you to go, plus the class is very interesting and Dr. Grieve makes class enjoyable and relaxing. You have NO exams but you have take home questions which are challenging but not too difficult! his notes are online so you can print them off and bring them to class to follow along! I loved it!!!

PSY-100 : Psych 100 - Posted 5/7/2005

Overall Rating:




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Doctor Grieve is an awesome teacher. He found a way to make psychology interesting, and his lecture's were funny at times. Dr. Grieve is a great guy and a great teacher, take him for psy 100.

PSY-440 : Abnormal Psychology - Posted 12/6/2004

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:

Not Specified



This was my favorite class out of all the classes I have ever had. If you do ok or pretty well at writing this course will be easy for you. There are no tests not even a final. Just take-home questions. Each question takes 1-2 pages to answer. He likes brevity, so if you can answer the question in less than the page range that is good. There is also a research paper, but it is a fun paper. I have learned a lot from this class. Dr. Grieve is funny and a good teacher.

PSY-440 : Abnormal Psychology - Posted 2/4/2004

Overall Rating:




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This class is taught in a very different way. There were no tests. Notes were posted on the internet and when you attended class you added what he said in class to what he had already given you. Every other week he gave six questions and we were to answer 3. Each answer was to be at least 2-3 pages. Each time you can answer a question for extra credit also. So basically, the class consisted of class discussion and writing. I didn't have to do any of the last assignment b/c i had already accumulated enough points for an A. I really feel like I learned more in this class than I have in many others b/c it kept my interest.

PSY-440 : Abnormal Psychology - Posted 12/26/2003

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Grieve did not give tests in this course. He used take-home questions over the chapters. It takes a lot of writing to answer the questions, but you will learn much more this way because the pressure of taking tests is not there. His class is interesting and he puts his lectures online. Try him for a psychology class.

PSY-440 : Abnormal Psy - Posted 11/12/2003

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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Dr. Grieve is an awesome instructor. In this course, we didn't take any tests, but we did have a lot of take home questions. It is a lot of writing, but I have learned alot becuase the questions force me to know the disorders and try and diagnose people with criteria he has given us. He is fun and keeps the class intersting. I would recommend him to anyone for future classes!

PSY-100 : - Posted 7/28/2003

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Grieve is willing to help you out. He explains things well. You do have to study and read the textbook, but the class isn't an overkill. You will learn a lot.

PSY-100 : - Posted 5/22/2003

Overall Rating:




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Not Specified

Lots of notes, but tons of extra credit--fairly easy

PSYC-100 : Intro To Psychology - Posted 4/22/2003

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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Grieve made his class very interesting. He had powerpoints on the web and he suggest that you to print them off before class so you can take note on them. He puts discussion questions on the web and if you know the answers to these you can answer the essay questions on the test. This class is easy if you take notes and show up. He offers extra credit and if you show up on days where attendence is low, you get extra credit for showing up. One good thing about his test is on the essay and write in sections, he allows you to pick which ones you want to answer.