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General Information
Professor: Rahim
Course: MGT 498
Course Title: Strategy And Policy
Student Grade: D
Post Date: 5:23:15 PM 12/14/2005
Overall Rating: Poor Poor
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[ New Search ] Professor: Rahim
[ New Search ] Course: MGT 498


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Exam Information
Exam Content: Yes Multiple Choice
No Matching
No True/False
No Fill in the Blank
No Essay
No Problem Solving
Mandatory Final: Yes
Cumulative Final: Yes
Other Information
Textbook Required: Yes
Extra Credit Available: Yes
Attendance Required: Yes
Quantity of Notes: Few/None
Difficulty: Easy
Additional Comments
This course is required for all business majors I believe. I'm a econ major in my final semester and have my job waiting for me 2 days after graduation. My overall GPA is above a 3.0 so I basically didn't give a shit what I got as long as I passed...and boy did I barely pass. I ended up with about a 63% which was fine with me. The only reason I did so bad in this very simple class was because of all the days I skipped class. You are allowed 2 absenses without a penalty....after 2 your grade will suffer severely. I believe I would have easily gotten a B had I attended every day. He had a talk with me asking why I was doing so bad in the class and I told him I just want to pass and don't care much about making a B or A or even a C as long as I dont have to set foot in that room again. He's not a bad teacher at all, he's probably the easiest one there is for this class but if you value your grade (unlike me) then attend regularly!!!!  

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