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General Information
Professor: Lesa Dill
Course: ENG 304
Course Title: English Language
Student Grade: Not Specified
Post Date: 3:10:49 PM 8/3/2005
Overall Rating: Poor Poor
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Exam Information
Exam Content: No Multiple Choice
No Matching
No True/False
No Fill in the Blank
No Essay
Yes Problem Solving
Mandatory Final: Not Specified
Cumulative Final: Not Specified
Other Information
Textbook Required: No
Extra Credit Available: Yes
Attendance Required: No
Quantity of Notes: Moderate
Difficulty: Easy
Additional Comments
This class is pretty much a joke. It's all grammar, which is why the only pre-requisite is ENG 100. The main difficulty with the course comes from the instructor. Her lectures are extremely disjointed and ramble about endlessly, which really grates on your nerves when you're stuck in the class for 3-4 hours at a time. Since she goes back and forth so much, you never really know when she's moving on or when she's just rehashing the same stuff over and over, and it's a battle to stay awake and sane through the whole process. Also, there's no required text for the summer class, but if you've never had grammar before she advises you to go to the copy store and get some stupid packet they have from her that is NOT worth the $10 they charge for it.

Then there's the tests. You get extra credit for finding errors, but if you make a mistake, SHE TAKES POINTS AWAY! Either way, this doesn't need to be a 300 level course. When you make a B on a test without EVER looking at the material it covers, then there's something wrong. And remember how I said there's no text required? Pick up the latest copy of the MLA handbook anyways. You will need it.

Unless you happen to be an English major (in which case, I feel for you), avoid this class at all costs!  

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