Western Kentucky University / B / Wes Berry

Wes Berry

Wes Berry


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Grade Received


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Tag Summary:

True/False: 1

Multiple Choice: 1

Fill in the Blank: 2

Essays: 10

Mandatory Final: 8

Cumulative Final: 6

Textbook Required: 15

Extra Credit: 6

Attendance Required: 12

16 Total Evaluations

ENG-200 : Hon: Intro To Lit - Posted 1/15/2013

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:

Not Specified


Not Specified

This is a discussion class based on several novels you read throughout the semester. While I did not enjoy many of the novels he assigned, Professor Berry made our discussion fun and engaging and was eager to help us understand literature, as well as writing techniques. The only grades are two papers, several reading quizzes, and a participation grade. If you read the books and legitimately attempt to express your opinions, insights, and questions about them - in class and in your essays - it is a fairly easy and very enjoyable course.

ENGL- : Survey - Posted 7/16/2009

Overall Rating:




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I did like his class, and i know why some students don't like him. he does let some students talk longer than they should, but i think it's because he really hopes they'll eventually make a point that is significant--he wants people to use their brain and think about the literature. discussions in his class can be a little free-wheeling, but when everyone has done the reading and they have an opinion--it's great! Not sure why anyone would think he has a problem with women, esp. feminists, when he assigns plenty of books with a feminist viewpoint (Ruth Ozeki springs to mind). The "flirting" claim is a little out in left field too. He is charming, and he gives personal attention to people--he really listens when you talk. That's not flirting. And yeah, he send an e-mail when you miss class. How many other teachers care whether or not you disappear off the face of the earth? He's a good guy like that.

ENG-392 : Survey Of American Lit. - Posted 6/6/2008

Overall Rating:




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Wes Berry hassome major issues with women. In all class discussions, he would cut off all the women in the class and allow all the men to dominate the discussion. He would also flirt with all of the female students, and then act offended if you brushed off his offensive advances. He gave most of the female students in this class a lower grade than the male students. He seems to have particular trouble with women who identify with feminists. I would not recommend this professor

ENG- : Southern - Posted 3/24/2008

Overall Rating:




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Dr.Berry expects A LOT from his students.
That being said, I loved this class.
We covered about 10 books, all well chosen, and then discussed them in class. One student leads the class discussion each day; you have to lead class two times over the course of the semester.
Also, there are two critical essays, one as a mid-term and one as a final, that you'll have to write, usually around 6-10 pages.
(You WILL be having to deal with Dr. Berry's social/political views. If you're close minded, then yeah, this is going to bother you. I didn't have an issue with anything, but I agreed with him most of the time.)
Bottom line, this class requires you to use your brain. Take it.

ENG-299 : - Posted 12/18/2007

Overall Rating:




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I think Dr. Berry is great, but I bet a lot of people hate him. He doesn't put up with bull, which is something English majors learn to spout very quickly. He makes you realize to only say/write what means something, not just dumb filler. He will point out if you say something that's not valid or doesn't make sense, which was refreshing to me after sitting through years of students who don't know what they're talking about. He's a great teacher for students who are sick of dumb kids being pampered.

ENG-498 : Robert Penn Warren Seminar - Posted 7/17/2007

Overall Rating:




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Until I took this class, Robert Penn Warren was just another dead white guy to me. I barely knew the name. Now, he is one of my favorite writers. A seminar on one person has the potential to get boring, but varying between Warren's essays, poetry, and fiction sustained my interest. (To say the least!) Also, Dr. Berry offered the class options to choose from in reading selections. When we needed a break from dense poetry, all we had to do was ask!
The reading load was heavy, but that's expected at this level. There are never quizzes, only short written responses. The responses rely on critical essays from journals, so a little research is necessary. However, my critical analyses improved greatly! There was one long paper for the final. Your grade also involves discussion leading and participation. In fact, Dr. Berry might single you out for an opinion, but don't be offended. Dr. Berry just wants to make sure you effectively articulate your arguments. His enthusiasm is contagious, and his reccomendations for outside reading are helpful, too. He is an insightful teacher, and I learned a lot from him.
There was an optional field trip to Warren's birthplace and to Sand Cave, and it was the highlight of the course. It was nice to be able to see places that Warren depicts in his literature. Also, we enjoyed good home made food while talking to famous Warren critics. What a great way to pull our noses out of the books!

ENG-100 : - Posted 4/25/2007

Overall Rating:




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I enjoyed Dr.Berry's class. He likes to ramble and it's easy to convince him to be as easy of a teacher as possible. He expects organization and that the student pays close attention to their syllabus. He expects a lot of organization and grammar in papers you turn in. He's fun and easy, even at 8:00am.

ENG-100 : Eng 100 - Posted 4/23/2007

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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This class was pretty easy. We wrote like 1-2 essays and a forum with a group. most the time ya just get in a circle and have group discussions about world issues. Easy and hes a cool dude

ENG- : Intro To College Writing - Posted 3/29/2007

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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Dr. Berry is a great teacher. He knows his stuff. He doesnt give tests at all. We had to write 2 or 3 papers and a few small critical responses over forums. Class overall is easy. Most of the time we got in a circle to read and discuss topics in the book. Takes attendence so be there. I think I took 2 whole pages of notes all semester.

ENG-100 : - Posted 3/13/2007

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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Wes Berry is an amazing professor. He makes class fun and interesting. We read articles out of the text and discuss them in class. They usually lead to a really good class discussion which makes the class very interesting. There is no final exam just a forum project which you work with a group of about 5 classmates. The forum topic is about a current issue such as gay marriage, diversity, gender roles, etc. It isn't too tough of a project at all. This class is great and I would recommend taking Berry for sure!

ENG-200 : English 200 - Posted 11/27/2006

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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Not Specified

Wes Berry is a great guy-but the reason my grade says not specified is because I have no idea what it is!! He never tells you where you're at as far as your grade. All you do is read, answer questions in class, watch some movies, and write 2 essays. There is a final but I don't even know what's on it. I would take him, but make sure you know what's going on.

ENG-392 : American Lit - Posted 11/22/2006

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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bad, bad, bad. That's all I can say is bad. I hear he's revamped his course grading system, but he needs to revamp a lot. How about him getting a new attitude and actually wanting to teach rather than talk to the same three people in class who always want to put in their two cents. Don't ever take any of his classes. It's a total waste of time and we pay good money for our courses. I hate to think that I ever paid to take such a lame course with him. The readings aren't' lame, but he makes them seem that way. Trust me. Don't do that to yourself. Don't take Dr. Berry.

ENG- : - Posted 6/27/2006

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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I was not pleased with Dr. Berry as a teacher. He tells a student one thing and the turns around and does another. He chooses favorites out of the class. Favorites he likes and favorites he likes to pick on. The class itself was wonderful, the reading was very interesting, but the teacher was bad. The amount of work also wasn't a lot but the grading was confusing. He does try to make a classroom like a reading group, and I made numerous acquaintances this way, but he needs to understand the difference in education levels between graduate students and undergraduates and doctorates. There were numerous students in his classes that felt lost but also felt that they were looked upon as stupid if they asked certain questions. I had him for one class and a friend had him for a different one and we both came out feeling this way.He is one teacher I will NEVER take again.

ENG-391 : American Lit I - Posted 5/7/2006

Overall Rating:



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Dr. Berry is the WORST professor I have ever had!!! DO NOT TAKE HIM! I am NOT the only student who feels this way. We had a class discussion one day when he was out of the room and 95% of the class felt this way. He doesn't answer the questions you ask him. Instead, he turns around and asks you. Classes are discussion and everything I learned in there, I taught myself. He taught me NOTHING. Having him as a professor was the biggest waste of money. DO NOT TAKE HIM! He runs his classroom as if it were a high school class. If you don't attend class one day, he will email you to find out where you were. CRAZY. He did this to everyone in the class who ever missed for any reason. He is intimidating when asking questions and keeps a stack of index cards with students names on them to randomly ask them questions. One class period, we wasted 45 minutes on debating whether or not he wanted to give us extra credit. Do you want to pay hundreds of dollars for that? NO! He never cuts students off who are having meaningless debates over topics unrelated to the literature. His discussions are boring, he wastes time, and the readings are horrible! DO NOT TAKE HIM UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!

ENG-392 : Survey American Lit. Ii - Posted 12/17/2005

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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Dr. Berry is a good teacher. I've gone to him numerous times after class to talk about random stuff; career options, vacations, just anything. He's willing to help you if you need it. The class is mainly discussion, and the quizzes are mostly everyday...to make sure everyone reads the material. Overall, he's a good teacher, but class is a bit demanding. Read the material and take a few notes and you'll be fine.

ENG-392 : American Literature 2 - Posted 12/4/2005

Overall Rating:




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An EXCELLENT CLASS!!!! Dr. Berry Rocks! Very well planned course, with a great (but not heavy) reading load. Very broad and in depth analysis of the literature/poetry. Class discussion was absolutely engrossing. Everybody seemed interested and participated in the discussion. Dr. Berry is very knowledgable in this field, and does a great job of listening to students' comments. Papers were purposeful and valuable. Quizes were numerious, but helped with everyone getting the reading done and then participating. I learned a lot from this class and it ranks up as one of my all time favorites - Highly recommended!!!!!!