Western Kentucky University / F / Douglas L. Fugate

Douglas L. Fugate

Douglas L. Fugate


Add your Evaluation

Overall Rating


Grade Received


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Quantity of Notes


Tag Summary:

True/False: 9

Multiple Choice: 25

Matching: 4

Fill in the Blank: 2

Essays: 21

Problem Solving: 1

Mandatory Final: 15

Cumulative Final: 2

Textbook Required: 26

Extra Credit: 3

Attendance Required: 17

28 Total Evaluations

MKT-220 : Mkt - Posted 9/22/2010

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Fugate is a HORRIBLE teacher. We had class on Mondays (lecture day), then had to write 5 q's on a note card for attendance. Then on Wednesdays we had quizes that had NOTHING to do with anything we read in the chapter or went over on monday and went over the 5 q's on the notes cards. The tests were unbelievably hard and didn't even cover anything that we went over. During class he put notes up on ppt that didn't even help us study for the tests/quizes and 95% of us failed. If you decdide to take him i suggest u read the entirety of the marketing book before attending, and maybe drink some monsters before hand too. His lectures are dry and could throw anyone into a deep sleep.

MKT-324 : International Marketing - Posted 5/15/2010

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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The material covered in this class was interesting, but overall Fugate was not an effective teacher. Instead of a normal class where material is absorbed, Fugate had us read and take a quiz over a chapter per week..so basically memorizing each chapter and moving onto the next one right away before absorbing much. His notes are fine, but cover more/different things than what the book may cover, and of course we were tested over both. I just felt like everything in this class was really rushed and it didn't help that Fugate is a self-absorbed guy who loves to hear himself talk and thinks that he has experienced everything in the world..

MKT-323 : Service Marketing - Posted 1/1/2010

Overall Rating:




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I would advise anyone taking this professor to consider shooting themselves first than to take this man and waste your precious time sitting through his class and wasting away! Mr. Fugates talks incessantly about things that have nothing and I repeat nothing to do with test nor quiz nor assignment material. Mr. Fugate means well, but is terrible at preparing students for his assignments and is a very poor manager of anything and will tell you he is. He doesn't prepare nor grades in a timely manner and overall, I have no idea why he is still a teacher of marketing. Beware that if you take his class, do not go, but simply read chapters thoroughly and show up on fridays to turn papers in and take quiz which is at the very end of class, so show up with 15 mins to go on friday and you should be good and also show up for test day, other than that...stay the he-ll away from his tirades as they are useless knowledge and irrelevant!

MKT-323 : Service Marketing - Posted 12/29/2009

Overall Rating:




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This is by far the worse class I've had at WKU. I truley believe it could have been a great class with a different professor. Fugate is horrible and I intend to never take him again. He did not have a syllabus until about a month into the course. Even then, it was only a page long. He did not stick to it at all. It said there would be no major examinations; we had three. He makes each test have a class average of 75%, even if he has to curve down to get it. I had an A on the first test, which was a take-home, but he curved down and gave me a B. If there is more than one section of the class, he puts the two classes together when doing this. He assigns a chapter each week, and there will be a weekly paper and quiz over the chapter. He does only count the top 10 papers and quizzes though. However, he is not consistent in grading the papers. Beyond all of this, he is very rude and very full of himself. He talks to hear himself. I honestly got nothing from going to class. He also thinks we are just stupid college students so our opinions are automatically wrong unless they are the same as his. It may sound like I am a bitter student, but I got an A in the class, so I am not just trying to seek revenge for a bad grade. He truly is the worst professor; my entire class will agree. Don't take him!!

MKT-321 : Consumer Bevhavior - Posted 12/22/2009

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Fugate is a terrible professor, and what seems to be an uncaring and callous man. There are no tests, but weekly multiple choice quizzes over the book chapters, not the lecture notes. Although, attendance is graded. His quizzes are 10 questions, and the questions are often ambiguous with more than one correct answer, don't fight it. Fugate is always right, just ask him.

MKT-323 : Services Marketing - Posted 12/22/2009

Overall Rating:




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At first look, this class seems fairly straight forward and easy. If not easy, at least perhaps beneficial. While somewhere nestled inside Fugate's rantings about modern life there may have been a kernel of a lecture on Services Marketing, looking back through a semester of notes I can't find it. He does put his notes on blackboard, however, the tests are off of the book rather than lecture notes, and attendance does count. If at all avoidable, I would refrain fro mtaking Fugate for anything.

MKT-323 : Service Marketing - Posted 12/17/2009

Overall Rating:




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This course is for serious marketing students only. If you read the book extensively you will do fine, disregard anything the professor says as it does not apply to the quizzes or the tests which are straight out of the book. He words stuff very tricky and tries to make the class a lot harder than it should be in my opinion. He gives a ten point quiz every Friday and you must do a twenty point paper every Friday over each chapter which in my opinion is overkill. The tests are straight out of the book so dont bother listening to him. He makes you come to class every day by making points for basically copying the notes he puts up on the overhead and it teaches you nothing. I say if you can take this class over the net do so!!! Read the book, skip the lectures!

MKT-323 : Services Marketing - Posted 10/13/2009

Overall Rating:




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Not Specified



Dr. Fugate seems nice and does know his stuff, but what he fails to tell you is his quizzes have nothing to do with what he rambles on about during class. The tests are straight out of the book and are hard as hell even if you read the chapters three times. The writing assignments due every Friday are overkill and worth double the quizzes that you also must complete every Friday. Nice guy, but can't teach students in a way to convey so that they will retain the information. Only serious marketing students need to take him that will study on their own time.

MKT-323 : Services Marketing - Posted 9/22/2009

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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This course is actually not difficult at all. The concepts are easy, but he makes them difficult. He has no organization, and you never know what you are going to do from one week to the next. This is by far the worst business class I have had at WKU. You can write a really good paper and get a C or write a decent one and get an A. What he does just absolutely makes no sense. Plan on reading the book about 5 times and learning the material yourself. His notes are useless and come straight out of the book, which you have to read any ways. The lectures are horrible and extremely boring and useless. Good luck

MKT-220 : - Posted 5/25/2009

Overall Rating:




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This professor is HORRIBLE... the class was on mondays and wednesdays and evrey monday he would ramble and at the end of class you wrote down 5 questions from the chapter which you got points for. on wednesdy at the end of class there was a quiz. normally when there is a bad professor i just don't go to class very much but as you can see skipping class is NOT an option because of how the class is run. The class averaged a D on every single test. I think i got one of the highest grades and I only had a C.. If you absolutely have to take this guy i would recommend coming in as late as you can on wednesdays to miss most of his rambling and still take the quiz and give your 5 questions to a friend on mondays. wow this guy sux..

MKT-220 : - Posted 5/21/2009

Overall Rating:




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Douglas Fugate might be the biggest mistake of Western Kentucky University. He taught me nothing, and I mean NOTHING. He stands up in front of the class...doesn't move from one spot unless it's to change the sheet on the over head projector (yes he STILL uses one). He never gives students an opportunity to talk in class or could care less if you fail his class/tests. I know someone who approached him about their test, because they had failed it (every test score average in the class was a D) and he did not care. He blamed it on the students. I got C's on my tests and I had a marketing major tutor me (and they graduate with honors). His job as a teacher is to help student succeed and he could careless if students succeed. He would do everyone good if he went a head and retired. It took him a week or more to most any grade; and he said he was busy with other things and didn't have time to get around to it. I found marketing to be very confusing and he doesn't explain a lick of it very well AT ALL. This is a professor you SHOULD NOT and SHOULD NEVER take. It will be a huge mistake if you do. I recommend taking Hall, everyone says he's a great man, unlike Douglas Fugate who should never be teacher because he doesn't teach anything, he rambles about NOTHING and laughs at his own jokes.

MKT-321 : Consumer Behavior - Posted 7/8/2008

Overall Rating:




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Here is a guy who thinks it is still the 1940's. Fugate needs to make the transition into the new millenium. He rambles on and on and on and on about absolutly nothing. If you have to take him, just nod your head yes yes and you will be ok, whatever you do just don't disagree with him. AVOID HIM IF POSSIBLE. His teaching style sucks.

MKT-324 : International Marketing - Posted 5/13/2008

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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The man only talks to hear his head rattle. No information covered in class is on the test. It is a waste of time and you learn nothing from the class.

MKT-321 : Consumer Behavor - Posted 5/13/2008

Overall Rating:



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This guy is a joke. He just likes to hear himself talk. If your not in the boys club, you don't get a good grade. Don't take him if you can avoid it. It will save yourself some grief.

MKT-321 : Consumer Behavior - Posted 5/8/2008

Overall Rating:




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This class was structured very differently than any other class I have ever taken at WKU. At first I did not think that I was going to like it but I ended up LOVING this class and the professor.
The class is set up on a point system where you compete with the other students for your grade which means there will be a curve at the end of the semester. Every Monday is lecture and you receive 5 points by taking some notes on an index card (you need 50 total), every Wednesday 2-3 different students do presentations over that weeks chapter and you get 5 points for evaluating the presenters that day (you need 50 total) -- your personal presentation is worth 50 points as well --, every Friday you have a 10 point quiz over the chapter of the week (he counts the top 10 quizzes) and you have a 20 point writing assignment due that day (he counts the top 10 papers as well.) The quizes are very simply if you browse through the chapter. The first few papers might seem difficult at first (esp. when you get the grades) but it gets better. Just be sure to closely follow the directions and provide some insight. I recommend talking and participating during class too. There are no exams in the class!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Overall, I learned more in this class than I have in any other marketing course and I appreciated the change in structure!!!

MKT- : Consumer Behavior - Posted 5/8/2007

Overall Rating:




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This class is very easy but Fugate grades it too hard. He doesn't make you takes tests in there anymore just weekly papers and quizes. The quizes aren't bad at all but the papers suck. I gave a good effort on everyone of them and never got above a 16 out of 20. Everyone in there complained about this. He grades these stupid little papers like he's a Nobel Prize winning Doctor of the English language, like his sheer enjoyment in life is to give you a low grade on these papers. Also, and he told us this in class, It's impossible to achieve a perfect score in his class. He says he gives the best students low A's. He's not a bad teacher but really needs to rethink his grading strategies.

MKT-324 : International Marketing - Posted 11/20/2006

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Fugate is a good teacher...pretty boring at times, but good. The other evaluation on here is somewhat true, although he doesn't care at all about attendance. I brought him a doctor's note once and he just crumpled it up, he told me plain and clear he doesn't care. However, there are several extra credit opportunities throughout the semester. Sometimes he'll tell you about them, other times he just randomly gives credit for being in class. He has you do 3 things besides the test: 2 out of class international activities and he keeps you posted on what's available(30pts), 2 current events that he reminds you about(20pts), and a project on merging into an up and coming foreign country(110pts) There's three tests - 100pts each. And the notes are on blackboard so you never have to take any unless you just want to make a note to yourself about his lecture. ....the class is pretty much fed to you. I never studied and still got a C. Just go occassionally so you can keep up.

MKT-321 : Consumer Behavior - Posted 5/12/2006

Overall Rating:




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This class wasn't a cakewalk by any means, but it was a good class overall. He gives a 5 point quiz and a 10 point writing assignment over the assigned chapter every week. The quizes aren't hard (as long as you skim through the chapter and hit the key points) and neither are the writing assignments, but Fugate grades pretty tough on the writing assignments so don't except to be getting many, if any, 10s or even 9s for that matter.
The tests are also pretty straight forward as long as you actually read through the chapters. He gives 4 or 5 short essays on the test which you pick 2 from and the grading can be somewhat difficult on the essays, but there is hope towards the end of the class. I ended up getting a pretty solid B at the end of the class, but he curved all the grades based the highest grade in the class, and I ended up getting an A.
Overall, this isn't an easy class, but it's not insanely hard as some of the other comments have made it out to be. Not to mention the curve he does towards the end helps immensley.

MKT-321 : Consumer Behavior - Posted 12/19/2005

Overall Rating:




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his grading system is really odd. You can only possibly make a 95, and you competing against everyone in his classes for a good grade.

MKT-422 : Marketing Management - Posted 5/16/2005

Overall Rating:




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This class was difficult in that it is hard to know what Dr. Fugate really wanted. He is also critical of people in class and many people think he is rather arrogant and rude. I don't think his comments are meant to be rude but they certainly come off that way. He is no longer teaching this course as of Fall 2005 so hopefully the new teacher will be better. His intentions were good, but I don't think a lot of people walked away from this class with much knowledge about marketing management.

MKT-324 : International Marketing - Posted 12/21/2004

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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This course is one of the most interesting classes but Dr. Fugate makes it a lot harder than what it is. His tests are very very tough. Its no use if you even buy the book, most of his questions come from nowhere!! His project at the end of class is just too tough and requires a lot of time. You might want to get some good members on your group if you want to do well. I would not recommend this guy at all but unfortunately, he's the only person who teaches this course.

MKT- : Marketing Management - Posted 11/8/2004

Overall Rating:



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Fugate is boring and very difficult. If there is someone else teaching a course I would recommend to take the other person. He talks a lot but most of the information comes from the book not his lectures. HIs project is killer.

MKT- : Consumer Behavior - Posted 4/2/2003

Overall Rating:



Not Specified

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This is the worst teacher in the marketing department. I have no idea how this guy ever got a job teaching. He gives Grise Hall a horrible business reputation and he needs to cut his hair.

MKT-422 : Marketing Management - Posted 5/31/2002

Overall Rating:




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This class was pointless. You had to come to class everyday so you can take his quizzes which are 5 questions and you MUST read the chapter or you won't do good. So yes, you have a quiz everyday. There are not tests, but instead he gives case studies and they are 10-15 pages for each group (group of 3). They're harder than hell.

MKT-321 : Consumer Behavior - Posted 3/17/2002

Overall Rating:



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This class was horrible. Dr. Fugate stands in front of the class and rambles about nothing and then if someone disagrees with him he gets mad. He tries to make you feel dumb, but each time in my class when someone would look up the issue the student was right. He is still living in the 60s. He doesn't have any real life experience in marketing but he tries to act like he knows everything. We are all dumber after sitting through his class.

MKT-321 : Consumer Behavior - Posted 3/15/2002

Overall Rating:



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Quantity of Notes:

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Not Specified

Dr. Fugate should not have the title Dr. He has no real experience and has just been a teacher his whole life and still can't teach to save his life. He loves to listen to himself talk. If you ask him a question he just makes up a bunch of stuff to act like he is smart and knows what he is talking even though he does not. Several things that he has been very confident on I have looked up and guess what, he was wrong. Also if a student makes a comment or disagrees with him he insist that he his right even though he really has no idea if he is right and cannot prove his belief. Oh ya, did I mention BORING. He also acts like we are kids and have no idea what is going on in the real world. School is bad enough without teachers like him, he only makes it worse. Save yourself some torture and just take another teacher.

MKT-321 : Consumer Behavior - Posted 3/14/2002

Overall Rating:




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Dr. Fugate talks about how, as marketers, we should provide a product that benifits consumers the most. However, his class does not support this theory. He rambles for days on a topic, and then doesn't even ask one question about it on the test. He stands in the front of class and talks just to hear himself speak. His homework is helpful, but he criticizes people heavily when they don't agree with him. Fugate has been a professor for over 20 years, but he is still teaching in the past. He never uses any type of visual aids. He doesn't even write on the board. If he does, you can't read it. Overall, I will never take another one of his classes again.

MKT-321 : Consumer Behavior - Posted 4/25/2001

Overall Rating:




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The subject is boring. He does give out group projects which break up the monotony of the class. If you study well, then the exams are easy.