Western Kentucky University / B / Tilak Bhattacharya

Tilak Bhattacharya

Tilak Bhattacharya


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Tag Summary:

Multiple Choice: 2

Problem Solving: 4

Mandatory Final: 4

Cumulative Final: 4

Textbook Required: 2

Attendance Required: 1

4 Total Evaluations

MATH-237 : Multivariable Calculus - Posted 5/12/2015

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




Hardest math professor I have ever had. This class gave me PTSD. There are only 2 tests which each cover half the class material. They are very hard and they are online. Answers have to be exact and correct format, and there is very little partial credit given. Test reviews are almost entirely irrelevant information, and are worth a grade. Homework and quizzes are due almost every day of the week, including weekends. If you have a job you are guaranteed to make zeros on some of these assignments. If you try to talk to him about extending assignments he will treat you like garbage and tell you that you had enough time, no matter what your circumstances are. Please do not take this professor unless you are a masochist. I pretty much killed myself getting a B in this class and am about to take the final exam, which I am not even remotely comfortable with passing.

MATH-116 : College Algebra - Posted 12/17/2010

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




Dr Tilak was ok just like all math teachers they are trying to fit in too much in 15 weeks.The textbook is not required because everything is on a program called course compass it cost 70 dollars add a used calculator and it was around 100 dollars total. His attendance policy is not hard you just have to make sure you do the work.I missed a total of 3 weeks and got a c.Each exam is done online at the testing center you can retake each exam all the way up to the week of the next one. The catch is if you fail to get a 70 on the exam before the next one you recieve a f for the course.Look take him i hate math and found it easy.

MATH-109 : General Mathematics - Posted 2/1/2007

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




Dr. Bhattacharya is one of the least effective professors I have had at WKU. His teaching methods are non-exsistent. Each class consisted of taking pages upon pages of examples that were usually not explained. If he happened to explain one of the examples, it was so confusing that you just wanted to give up. Out of my six classes last semester, I made five As and one C...in this class. I do not suggest Bhattacharya for any type of math class!

MATH-109 : - Posted 12/22/2006

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




In high school, I always hated math and never did very well in it, but in Dr. T's class, I had no trouble whatsoever. He has a great technique for explaining things that makes it all seem very easy and clear. He assigns homework every night for practice, and if you stay on top of that (which is never very much) you'll have no trouble. He gives a few take home tests that you get a week to work on and give you some very easy points. His tests are easier than the questions in the book, and he gives points for showing your work, even if you get the answer wrong. Attendance is mandatory, although he will let you miss up to 3 classes. Any more than 3 and you just need to bring in an excuse note (from a doctor, parent, blood donation center, whatever). However, I wouldn't miss too many, because it is easy to get behind when you don't get the notes or the practice problems. His final is pretty easy, but long. Like I said, I hate math, but if I had to take a class, I would request Dr. T again.