Western Kentucky University / C / Richard Creasy

Richard Creasy

Richard Creasy


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Tag Summary:

True/False: 3

Multiple Choice: 3

Matching: 1

Fill in the Blank: 3

Essays: 1

Problem Solving: 2

Mandatory Final: 2

Textbook Required: 1

Extra Credit: 3

3 Total Evaluations

MGT-210 : Organization And Management - Posted 5/22/2010

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




This was one of my favorite classes this semester. He provides all the notes on power point for you to print off, some slides have blanks in them you have to fill out during class. He also gives you a study guide 2-3 days before the exam in the class.
There are 4 exams which make up your total grade in the class. There are also 2 papers (1/2 page) summaries you can write over an article and a 4 page book report over a book you can do for extra credit. Just be warned thou that you have to buy the book to do it, he'll tell you its $5-$6 max but it'll end up costing you $25 at least.
The only complaint I have about his class is he WILL NOT help you out if you don't do the extra credit. I ended up with a D and 3 B's on the exams and got a final average of 79.4, I thought he would at least round THAT up to a B, but nope he still gave me a C in the class, which I didn't think was right, but at least it was still passing. So my advice is DO THE EXTRA CREDIT WHETHER YOU THINK YOU NEED IT OR NOT!!!
Besides that Prof. Creasy is an awesome prof.
Take him, he's the best management teacher there is.
Oh and if you know someone in the class that will give the filled out notes, you never have to go!!!

MGT-210 : - Posted 12/20/2009

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




DO NOT TAKE THIS MAN!!!! He is VERY cocky, the only thing I remember is the guy lived in Brentwood, we heard this daily. He cancelled class all the time but still held you responsible for the fill in the blank notes. He shows no mercy on you what so ever, my grade is was a 69.4. His study guides had a little bit of what was on the test but not everything. His fill in the blank were extremly hard, and with only 4 test you had no room to mess up. I could not stand this guy, on the final there were two questions worth 10 points a piece, if you had not had accounting you weren't going to get them right. I repeat DO NOT TAKE THIS MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MGT-210 : Organizational Management - Posted 5/19/2009

Overall Rating:




Quantity of Notes:




I absolutely loved this course. Dr. Creasy is a great professor who knows what he is talking about and knows how to teach it. I learned so much from him. He puts all of his notes on a powerpoint on blackboard and then goes over them in class. For the exams, he gives a study guide with the exact information that is on the exam. The only problem was he had a section in each exam that was fill in the blank with no word bank. He finally added a word bank for the final exam. He gives three extra credit assignments. Two articles that can be summarized into two paragraphs each will bump your overall grade up to the next level if it's within two points. The other one is to take a quiz over a few chapters in a book that you have to buy and then write a 4 page paper about what you learned and this adds 25 points onto your lowest grade. There are 3 exams in the course including the final which isn't cumulative. I made a 76, 66, and 70 and got a B in the class.....AMAZING!