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General Information
Professor: Scott Dobler
Course: GEOG 110
Course Title: World Regional
Student Grade: Not Specified
Post Date: 11:03:58 PM 1/12/2003
Overall Rating: Poor Poor
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[ New Search ] Professor: Dobler
[ New Search ] Course: GEOG 110


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Exam Information
Exam Content: Yes Multiple Choice
Yes Matching
Yes True/False
Yes Fill in the Blank
Yes Essay
No Problem Solving
Mandatory Final: Yes
Cumulative Final: Yes
Other Information
Textbook Required: Yes
Extra Credit Available: Yes
Attendance Required: Yes
Quantity of Notes: Few/None
Difficulty: Difficult
Additional Comments
I liked Mr. Dobler as a person; however, as an instructor, well......... I have taken him before and aside from his horrible sense of humor he was a good teacher. I first had Dobler right after he came to WKU. Over the course of a few semesters he has become a lot harder. I recommended him to a few friends after taking a previous class with him. Problem with Dobler is he takes a very simple subject and turns into something much more complicated. HELLO - these are 100 level courses! I felt like he is trying to merge college geography class with a high school ethics class. Dobler was fun when he first started teaching here and taught his classes as if he enjoyed teaching them - not anymore. Notice his evaluations start out great back in 2000 and go down hill from then to the present. I have a 3.9 GPA and I am the type of person that can skip classes and do just as well studying on my own outside of class - by the way, someone who can do this drives him insane. You can tell Dobler is a bi-product of the military. Sometimes quite dry and rigid, he tells horrible jokes all the time and is very anal about his attendance policy - "by the book". If you a huge fan of communist dictators you will love this guy. He is the classic brain washed model of military influence. I would not recommend taking his classes – you must have a very compatible personality with him or he will drive you crazy.  

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