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General Information
Professor: Melissa Cary
Course: GEOG 110
Course Title: World Regional Geography
Student Grade: A
Post Date: 3:59:54 PM 5/9/2011
Overall Rating: Good Good
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[ New Search ] Professor: Cary
[ New Search ] Course: GEOG 110


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Exam Information
Exam Content: Yes Multiple Choice
No Matching
No True/False
No Fill in the Blank
No Essay
No Problem Solving
Mandatory Final: Yes
Cumulative Final: No
Other Information
Textbook Required: Yes
Extra Credit Available: Not Specified
Attendance Required: No
Quantity of Notes: Moderate
Difficulty: Moderate
Additional Comments
Geography 110 with Ms. Cary was both informative and interesting. Geo 110 covers the aspects of regional and cultural geography, and in my opinion, is much more exciting then studying landforms in a physical geography course. Ms. Cary is unlike any teacher I have ever had. She is somewhat loud, sarcastic, and quite blunt. She WILL call you out in class if you are talking, texting, or causing a distraction. The course is not easy, and does require some work, but nothing overwhelming. The class I was in didn't seem to do so well on her tests, which can be quite thorough. Her attendence is not manditory and she will not take off points, but I strongly advise going to class everyday, because she discusses things that are not in your book. If you attend class every day and study a day or two before the test, you will do fine. She is pretty funny and inserts trivial information into her lectures which keeps things interesting. She offers very little extra credit, if any, so doing well on tests and map quizzes is crucial. I learned a lot from this course and would recommend taking Ms. Cary.  

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