Western Kentucky University / M / Susan Marklin

Susan Marklin

Susan Marklin


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Multiple Choice: 1

Fill in the Blank: 1

Essays: 1

Mandatory Final: 1

Textbook Required: 1

Extra Credit: 1

1 Total Evaluations

GEOG-110 : Intro To Geography - Posted 12/7/2009

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This is the easiest class you will ever take! Ms. Martin is cake!! This class gets a gen ed credit, so take it!! You will need to buy the book, but it is well worth it because you can get an A super easily in her class, especially if you just go. It is a night class, and we never stay longer than 45 minutes! IN class she goes through the book and tells you what you need to know. There is really no point in taking notes, if you have a book, just highlight what she reads. Or use the class to catch up on other stuff. She has a "test review" for ever test, which consists of her writing the exact test questions on the board for you to copy down, this includes ALL multiple choice, definitions, and the essay question for the test. To do poorly in this class would be very hard. You have a map quiz every week, and they are super easy as well, many times she lets you do them open book. But if you fill out the practice map, they're cake. There is a research paper, but it's pretty simple too. She gives tons of extra credit, esp. for attendance. Any nights when there are several people missing from class, she passes around sign up sheets for bonus points! At the end of the semester, if you have an A she doesn't make you take the final!! SHE ROCKS!!!